"I'm a married Christian Man"-Kanye & Kim Slam the Media over WheelChair Story | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Tuesday 16 September 2014

"I'm a married Christian Man"-Kanye & Kim Slam the Media over WheelChair Story

Kanye West has come under fire for asking two fans in a wheel chair to stand up and dance at his Australian Concert.
However,Kanye  insists he is not apologising for the incident.
They want the masses, the people who have never even heard one of my albums to somehow read a headline… and think I’m a bad person.” “Look at me for a second. Take a step back and look at this. I’m a married, Christian man with a family. At my concerts I make sure everybody has as good of a time as possible.”Pick a new target.”
 Kim also defended her man,saying

What an amazing Australian tour! Its frustrating that something so awesome could be clouded by lies in the media. Kanye never asked anyone in a wheel chair to stand up & the audience videos show that. He asked for everyone to stand up & dance UNLESS they were in a wheel chair. #JustWantedEveryoneToHaveAFunNight #TheMediaTwistsThings”


  1. Av seem the video, they are just blowing the whole thing out of proportion... In as much as Kanye could be heady sometimes, but I see nothing he has done here. Let them be..!!!

  2. White people want to being every successful black man down. They have tried it with Jay Z and Beyonce, will Smith and Jada,now Kanye. He did nothing wrong. He didn't even know they were disabled. Justin beiber,Miley Cyprus do worse things. I think it's time I call Obama personally

    1. I tink Truth acct ve been hacked

    2. Truth! Are you OK? I think you should please get back to your senses because you are getting most ppl here really worried. Please drink take your tablets quickly.

  3. For the first time u said the truth.hope u did not smoke cos ur always busy typing rubbish.@ TRUTH

  4. i love Kim and kanye. fuck ur selves haters.

  5. Haters gonna hate..
    Love my Kimye 4eva!!

  6. Why is north dressed like a small midget gangsta

  7. Truth is SICK people..


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