Vanity, who nearly died after contracting an infection from a shot, became an internet sensation when she posted pics of her developing booty and all the hardships she faced. She revealed,
‘When I heard about butt injections I thought it sounded stupid but after a year in that environment as a dancer, everyone was doing it, it wasn’t such a foreign concept. I thought I might as well try it. ’Then it became a competition – not for men but against other women.
Continue below
So many of us were doing it because we wanted to better than the other person.’ ‘It did become addictive but it got infected so I was left with lumps. So I had a choice, I could have a medium-sized lumpy butt or keep padding it with silicone to make it better. So it wasn’t my goal to get this big but padding it with silicone is how this happened.’‘Truthfully I would like smaller butt but I’m happy I didn’t die and still here for my children. I did so much dumb stuff with my body I’m lucky that I’m still living. When I look in the mirror, I think I would like a smaller butt, it’s hard to go shopping, but I’m just happy I’m still here.’
ReplyDeleteGirl ur behind is a killer I can see u sensual.. See Gobe, Omo see gobe
ReplyDeleteThe way u wiggle and shake it, it must be intentional, see Gobe, Omo see gobe
Gobe, she wan take me gbege,omoge kilode ohh
See Gobe, Omo See gobe
Devil is dancing Gobe on your head and with your future
DeleteIm singing along. Omo see gobe, see gobe.
DeleteA butt like that wil do the job wole day no stopping in bed
DeleteA butt like that wil do the job no stopping nice. Butt lady
DeleteA butt like that wil do the job wole day no stopping
DeleteThis is what they call public hoiliday because you will need the wholeday to enjoy urself. If only it was a natural idi.
ReplyDeleteR u serious,annon 15.30. Dis is sexy? I won't b surprise if u are sleeping wit mad women on d street. LOL. Miss 4 real
ReplyDeleteAnd u wonder why Nigerian men are the most stupid unproductive set of men in the world.. How can reasonable men find this Sexy and even saying see gobe? Mtcheww off to my white dude
ReplyDeleteShut up there with ur flat yansh. How person wan enjoy love making with girl wey no get yansh. Why e dey pain u say we like yansh. For ur information ass pad no pass 3k. So enter market and get urself one and stop hating on well endowed babes.
DeleteU are a born insect. I have a butt to die for and trust me, it's not for cheap scaly wags like you. It's what you can only imagine and wank to. For u to admire this inflated below shows how sex starved you are. Go toast a mad woman rubbish
DeleteSo ur butt goes to the highest bidder. Thats ok sounds like u are a street prostitute to me. Have the cash and pwetty's butt is all yours. Pweety how much for short tme?
DeleteDid you say Short time? Ofcourse you did. One minute man. Try drinking viagra then ask me that question again. Till then, take your epileptic penis and shove it up your butt. That's if it's up to 4 inches
DeleteThe only place i like to put my penis is in ur mouth. Would have loved to put my dick in ur ass but ure flat assed i like it curvy so i will settle for ur mouth. Pweety do u spit or swallow?
DeleteAnonymous is a deranged perverted sick Bastard
DeleteThis ass is a pleasure ride. Doggy style all the way. No other style would do justice to this ass. Bend over sweetheart it will hurt just a little.It will pain u only small.
ReplyDeleteThis kind of ass is pleasurable in many forms. If its your eyes that come in contact with the ass its pleasure. If its your hand that gets to feel the ass its pleasure. Your dick inside this butty you just dont want ur dick to come out. You just want to keep thrusting n thrusting. Like thats where ur dick was made to be in. Like thats its case. JOY JOY JOY. PLENTY JOY.
ReplyDeleteSick fool
DeleteI am sick cause i like a good sweet fuck. U must be daft and frigid
DeleteWow, extra large
ReplyDeleteLearn how to do your winged eyes here
Annon 15.53, both of u and d silicone fake ass will doggy style straight to ur grave enter hell. I don't no wat is pleasurable in a woman dat is sick and so full of infection and dieing slowly cos of so much chemicals. For a normal man,holding natural ass is beta ,even if it is flat. Y wnt u love doggy style wit her when u r not normal but a dog. Yank!!
ReplyDeleteWho is talking about silicone ass. Dont u know men are moved by what they see. You want to lie that u dont have friends with big ass. Those are the ones we want to sleep with.And yes its because of the size of their ass. Im not bothered about the post but by the beauty of that ass. There are a lot of babes with asses like the one in the post or similar to it. Those kinds of asses will forever have men drooling thats nature thats life.
DeleteChai!See wahala this is not the place fur u b standing
ReplyDelete2 much of everything is bad. She has destroyed herself.
Doggy style all the way. But i would rather doggy joycelin dumas and damilola adegbite.Now that is a real fleshy well rounded ass. My my what a pleasure that will be.
ReplyDeleteThe thing about a well shaped ass is that it dont matta whether the female carrying the ass is 15ysold, 18yrs, or in their 20's 30's 40's it all ways a pleasure to behold physically or visually. For me it awakes my senses. I love female ass. It doesnt matta if the person carrying the ass is short, medium height or tall. It's the same feeling of intense pleasure.Its my favorite. I prefer ass to boobs. It makes the whole groin area come alive with feeling. I love pumping that ass. I love it. It doesnt matta if the babe is slim or fat. Just as long as the ass stands out. It is joy to see, hold, feel. I ove the look of it in a towel, jeans bubu, skirt anything mehn. I REALLY REALLY LOVE FEMALE ASS AND IM UNAPOLOGETIC. THATS ME FOR YOU. say what u wanna.
ReplyDeleteIf only you could put all this energy u wasted in explaining ASS into your life, you won't still be where you are. Which is frustrated and dejected. You sound like a rapists and need help
DeleteM You see im not a hypocrite likea lot of people. Im neither a rapist or intend to force sex outta any babe. Call me crazy call me a sinner. I love ass. I love seeing them, i love toching them and i love doggy styling them. Yes say what u please. A woman's backside is a beauty. Its double pleasure when that ass comes with a beautiful face. Its pleasure when a fleshy ass rubs on u when u are in it. Thats what i like and i aint ashamed. Ass drives me wild. When ever i see a damilola adegbite or joceln dumas. The blood rushes immediately.
ReplyDeleteNigeria Men with low self esteem.. They think sex sex sex every second. What a waste of earth's space. Diseased, pot belle, ugly creatures.
ReplyDeleteYou are silly for that statement. Better go and deal with ur frigidity and dry pussy. Low libido can be treated u know. Thats why ur boyfriends end up being snatched cause that babe knows what men want. Men love sex period. Whats wrong in wanting to have sex all the time. As long as u do it responsibly.
DeleteAnonymous 18:26. Nigerian men like your dad right, smh. Stupid girl like you.
DeleteI just dont undastand why women dont know dat men are moved by what they see. When a man sees an ass he immediately thinks sex. It dont matta who owns the ass. Its a different thing if he now goes to pursue that ass. That will depend on his character. But trust me once he sights an ass he wants sex. You women can take our money. We dont care but we want ur ass and pussy and lots of it too. Thats a fair trade i give u my money and i take ur ass.
ReplyDeleteNigerian men are bastards gosh. Small ass making you guys quiver like tolotolos,fools disgrace, disgusting. I can never date a Nigerian man. Monkeys
DeleteAnother ignorant female. All men love sex so run run but u cant hide. Dont date naija men it dont mata. The guy ure running to will still want to sex ur ass so why run.
DeleteU can also doggy style ur mothers fat ass. Move on to ur sis or grandmother fat ass. I can c u see anytin wit fat ass as ur sex toys. I guess all ur entire females relation will do u well and satisfy ur toothpick penis. Toyboy
ReplyDeleteSee this harlot that enjoys anal sex all year round. When u do ur anals with all those men who complains so leave me and my curvy asses. I bet u have an anal appointment at that hotel u normal use this nite.
DeleteU can also doggy style ur mothers fat ass. Move on to ur sis or grandmother fat ass. I can c u see anytin wit fat ass as ur sex toys. I guess all ur entire females relation will do u well and satisfy ur toothpick penis. Toyboy
ReplyDeleteYou take it up ur backdoor hole i like if doggy style. There is a big difference u know. U are the one who will have to start using diapers soon. I wonder why u do it. Some say for the money but im like why stoop so low
DeleteDidirin, won ti sepe fun e
ReplyDeleteDidirin, won ti sepe fun e
ReplyDeleteDidirin, won ti sepe fun e
ReplyDeleteWho be dis didirin?must u show ur stupidity 3 times?
ReplyDeleteWhen you lot are done drooling over a fat ass, read this ---> Jesus is coming soon! So give your life to christ so you won't go to hell.
ReplyDeleteYou can go back to staring and drooling now
Why cant we talk sex and not be so penalised by you.
DeleteRotfl best comment by anon 21:35 I guess that settles it
DeleteI really do love the female african ass. I love its shape.Love the rhythm of the female african ass when u guys are walking or when u guys dance. Its great to look at, looks great in cloths whether they be traditional atires, office gear or casuals has a nice feel and it makes sex so explosive. If i offended other females with my comments its just good nature teasing and i meant no harm talking bout pweety especially. I have a lot of respect for females and a lot of love for their ass. I think the female african ass is a work of art. I could go on and on bout my love for african booty most especially the nigerian brand. Emeh thanks for the post on booty cause it gave me an avenue to air my love for the african female ass.I really really love female booty.
DeleteI dont know what u guys see in this woman's ass.... She dosn't even look sexy again and her ass is fake. Dats what most of u dont know
DeleteSee butty go fear booty post na.
ReplyDeleteThat fella whoz dropped close to 10 comments on d african ass,I suggest U write a book on it.Who knows,it might be a bestseller and you would become the next Sidney Sheldon or should I say literary Hugh Hefner?..Cos its obvious its a passion for U.
booty call
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Although buttock implants are one of the more painful operations in the field of plastic surgery, much of the pain subsides after 4-5 days and the rest resolves over the ensuing 2-3 weeks. Pain is very a subjective thing
ReplyDeleteFucking disgusting!!!!