Bloggers Diary-How I Was Rewarded For Giving 'HIM" All I Had | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Sunday 18 October 2015

Bloggers Diary-How I Was Rewarded For Giving 'HIM" All I Had

It was October 2013.It had been close to 2 years since I attended a church.It wasn't entirely my fault.The last time,I was disappointed when a pastor at my former church tried to make out me (I wrote my experience (Blogger's diary- The man who made me fallout of love with "The Church" ) .I just couldn't bring myself to look at men of God the same.
As usual, on Sundays, I would go to the mall to shop for groceries ,Ice Cream and all the things I needed to make my single self happy.
I had no car at that moment after wrecking the last .So many family commitments,being the bread winner since losing my dad in 2011,I had virtually exhausted my savings.

I boarded a cab, knowing I had just N11,000 naira left on me in totality.I planned to use N5,000 and as usual, the next week would take care of itself..

We hadn't gotten too far from my house,when the cabman had to slow down because of the traffic .
What's happening here? I asked
Na Church..The old man replied .This place dey always block on Sunday .
At that moment, as we were at a standstill.The church goers struggling to park didn't make it easy.
Let me alight here.I said with desperation
The surprised cab man reluctantly pulled over,I paid him and alighted from the cab.My spirit was drawn to this church.I just felt like I had to go inside .
What are you doing ? I thought to myself .. You are not appropriately dressed(I was rocking a jeans and T shirt).. I stood for a few minutes ,confused .
A male usher spotted me and walked up to me .He guessed I was contemplating about entering the church .I told him I was passing but decided to attend church ,however, I
wouldn't be able to because I was not appropriately dressed
He assured me God welcomes sinners (Hello, we all all sinners and wearing Jeans doesn't make me one )

I braced myself and walked into the church. I could feel all eyes on me .Taking a seat, I got down on my knees,enveloped by a certain warmth .I felt at home and I spoke to GOD.I told him my problems and asked him why I work so hard and have little to show for it.I asked him why he had to take my father away .I asked him why every time I save up money ,something strange occurs, and makes me spend the money ..

After praying for 10minutes .I sat down when I heard the pastor say
Today is the last Sunday of the month  .What do you want God to do for you ? Name one thing.Now, the church needs to buy a bus ,we have contributed for a year ,but if 50 people can give 20,000naira each, we would be able to complete the money .
I call on 50 people to come out now and give,make a pledge ,write a cheque 
"Oh pleaseeeee...Money money money..It always boils down to giving .Well I don't even have N20k to give "I thought to myself 
As the pastor kept appealing for donations,I resolved not to give.. First of all,I did not believe in giving money to churches or pastors .I believed in helping people in real need.I had done that alot .

As I kept convincing myself not to give, the pastor said .
Someone here ,a lady has been asking God to give her a car.She has been wondering why she works so hard but can't save up.This message is for you .God is calling you today .
Na today ?" Psychologist pastor",I thought to myself.Ofcourse there would be several ladies who have that same problem .
Your problem is, you don't believe a miracle can happen .Give to God and you will receive a miracle.By next week ,first Sunday of the month, you will be here with a testimony.
I had had enough.I stood up to walk out but my legs took me in the direction of an usher and collected an envelope ..I removed the N10,000 naira I had .That was all I had in the world .I put it all in the envelope and I told God
"I am giving this ,not because I expect anything .I am giving this for all the sundays I missed church and didn't give offerings,for all the times you blessed me...But Lord,show me a sign this time next week .Let me know you got my gift of all I have ..
I went to the pulpit,dropped the money and left the church .I decided to walk home this time.Forgoing my weekly weekend dose of icecream and pizza ..

On getting home,I got back to blogging as usual.Then,I decided to clear out my email box..I usually would click delete on my spambox.But something told me to just browse through the over 1000 spam emails.

I had just read the first 200 and was already bored of seeing scam mails when I saw it .An email from a renowned South African company .I opened it, thinking it was a scam email...And there it was,sent three weeks ago...

Hello Miss Emeh, we have sent several mails to you and no response .Let us know if $$$$$ offer is accepted .
I was in shock .All this while I had been broke,unknown to me,money was lying in my spambox.Let's just say this three month deal was enough to buy me a car ,pay my rent and still make my family smile..

On Monday, it was set,money wired into my account .On Tuesday, I received more offers and business proposals than I had in the whole year.

Fastfoward to Sunday ,I drove my new car to that same church  and did my Thanksgiving .This time, I was in tears,thanking God ...He sure heard my prayers and of-course he acknowledged my miserly N10,000 gift.

Most importantly, it wasn't just about giving in church,it was about the act of giving and my genuine communication with God .
That Sunday ,when I donated more for the bus project and I was once more reminded,there is power in GIVING .Once your heart tells you to,listen to that voice..Sometimes, you have to let go of that little  you're clutching in your hands,to receive greater gifts..

Happy Sunday Xoxo
Emeh Achanga

.(NB..Sadly ,Thanks to fraudsters ,a lot of people have abused the opportunity given out by those who genuinely have the desire to help..Give wisely and for genuine causes.Most importantly,follow your heart and trust God)


  1. Wow! I'm inspired...givers never lack especially when u give to God... So happy for u Emeh, more blessings in Jesus Name, Amen!

    1. You can't receive with a closed fist. You have to let go to welcome new. The power of GENUINE giving is is really deep and most importantly, your communication and connection with God matters a whole lot.

      Emeh, have you had your Sunday dose of pizza and ice-cream today?

    2. Awwwwww ... It pays to give!
      May God continue to bless you Emeh.
      Love you much.

    3. Oh myyyyyy, it sure pays to give to the Lord. Give and it shall be given bck 2 u .....nice one Emeh

  2. Emeh,it was the Holyspirit that directed ur footsteps,otherwise in d first place,you wldnt av gotten sown from that cab. May blessings never depart from you,my dear Emeh. Holyspirit,minister to me too so I can know when to give my all genuinely

  3. Wooooow... God is truly good.. I have been a beneficiary of God's abundant blessings and favour

    1. You're an awesome writer.
      You held me spellbound till the last word.
      More of this, dear.

  4. Ok, lemme go and check my spam cos am in that situation right now

  5. I've come to realise that whn u give open heartedly, God rewards u 100%. Emeh thanks for the reminder n I totally believe that nothn on earth is mere coincidence, it's bn destined n miracle happens, believe it.

  6. God works in mysterious ways dear.. I bless God for you!

  7. Nice write up, when God want to bless u he doesn't look back. God is truly merciful.

  8. Dats God working Emeh his ways are not d ways of men, I tank God for ur life

  9. Nice piece Emeh, I also believe in giving to pple around me who are in need instead of giving to d church (Most times). Giving with ur whole heart is wat God wants from us not just for show offs like most pple do. This diary came at d right time and day. Happy sunday my luvly MPN fam

  10. As much as we continue to give for a good cause, giving our widows' mites in the church for propagation of gospel and meeting all other financial needs of the church are so imperative.

    Oh yes many have abused the willingness for giving. Some feign to be sick while other claim ridiculous financial needs. But in all, follow your heart and watch carefully before giving.

    Givers never lack so they say but giving has to be done with cautions as Yoruba adage will put it: "Ore ni won"

  11. I love this, God never sleeps nor forget his children..this is just the beginning of a new\great things in ur life watch out for more testimonies,Emeh my darling u got a kind heart,u are so humble,ur sense of humor is one in a million God is taking u places keep doing good,ur services\dedication will speak for u,Keep having faith d lord is ur strength

  12. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    God on ur side babe no doubt....

  13. Wow!our God is ever faithful...wen God say's yes,who can say no,am using dis to also pray dt God shld suprise me in a way I did nt expect dis yr,emeh tank God fr ur life,bigger u I pray...d sky is ur limit.

    1. Amen God will surly surprise u,just have faith(hebrew 11 vs 1) keep believing always remember u can do all things through christ Jesus that strengthens u, stay bless deariee

    2. Amen my sister,God will grant all our request in dis year.

  14. God is Good all d time.God grant in me the spirit of giving whole heartedly!.

  15. Who has done all this wonderful things? Jehovah overdo! Emeh, there is no fruits without a seed.. Stay blessed! IT IS WELL

  16. Emeh u are truly a helper and God has blessed u and will continue to bless in many ways. Amen

  17. MR EDDY said this heat wan kill person o

    Emeh has always been a darling and will always be a darling. Remain blessed my dear..

  18. Dieu est grand ! Nice one Emeh ....#Cool.

  19. This is so lovely, God sure answers prayers. #FAITH

  20. Emeh thanks for this piece. Its amazing and inspiring! And from this hour I vow to check my spam every second lol

  21. @ Kayla Chanai, your comment got me laughing,. The heart with which we give matters when giving.. Nice piece Achanga.!!

  22. thank you very much emeh as there's power in giving esp to the work of God

  23. I've not been in church since this year except for cross over night for reasons best known to me. But I've contributed to my church without having to worship with them, I just stay home and Transfer my quota.

    Giving I've come to realise is just the only way to receive and I've been trying my possible best to give without expecting but it can be so difficult at times to give most especially when you're in Need.

    The aspect of saving for a cause and something comes up and the money is gone has been what I'm dealing with since this year, kinda crazy though but hey what can I do.. Na Ahead Ahead We Keep Moving Regardless Of The Challenges.. (Like a flood His mercy rains)..

    Thanks Emeh for this diary though, keep up da good work.. ♥♥♥♥
    .NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

  24. I love you so much Emeh(no homo oo). Your story inspired me very much. Thanks. Remain richly blessed.

  25. Very lovely&inspiring.
    Our God is so good&faithful.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Beautiful. Happy Sunday Emeh!

  28. The story from this Dairy didn't come as a surprise to me..coz the Emeh I know is a giver by nature...And I pray God's Blessings rain on you nonstop.God's Got You

  29. wow! what a great testimony,i also dont believ in givingchurch money e.g tithes pledges etc i believe there are people outside there who needs it more.
    maybe i should try giving in church and see how God will turn things around.
    great post

  30. Beautiful! You are such a wonderful writer. You write straight from the heart and in so doing, reveal a part of your personality.
    You come across as gullible, easily manipulated, trusting and easily disappointed.
    Withdrawn and weird.
    Generous and completely loyal to the few friends you have and loved ones.


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