Model slams Kendall Jenner ,Kim K in Open Letter | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Model slams Kendall Jenner ,Kim K in Open Letter

Kendall Jenner has constantly defended herself and just last month, there was a report that,other models bully her for riding on the Kardashian name..She dispelled the reports,telling Dazed it never happened and all the models love her.However, one model is not buying it and has replied her with a blunt open letter..Kendall said last week
I’m not trying to use a family name or anything. In reality I worked pretty hard for this… It wasn’t like I just got it magically and it just happened.'I would see rumours of girls bullying me backstage and putting cigarettes out in my drink, and none of that has happened. Everyone’s been really cool to me. I’ve never had one girl be mean so far.‘ 
Every show, no matter how many shows I’ve done, I get a text message from every single one of them. But I love it. I couldn’t ask for a better reaction. ‘The other day Kanye hugged me and was like,
‘Yo, I’m really proud of you.’ And I was like, ‘Really?!’ It’s so sweet to hear that.’... 
  Arisce Wanzer, who is signed to BMG agency and was hired as the face of Kenneth Cole, has hit back at Kendall's claims..She wrote on The Blot website..

Dear Kendall,
Take a moment and remove yourself from your current situation, if you can, to a life that isn’t riddled with excess and only hearing the word “yes” to your wants and requests. Now, imagine you’re from a small town and/or Third-World country where your only way to get out of your current social class, achieve your dreams, get a green card or just gain better work conditions is to become a high-fashion model. 
You have to leave for six months to a year sometimes, signing contracts you can barely understand, let alone oblige to, almost without choice. You’re away from your family, your friends and everything you know. You live in a one-bedroom apartment with six other girls in the same situation in this Big Apple, New York City. 
Did I mention you’re only 17 when all of this goes down? That means you have to go to tutoring and/or English lessons in between learning how to “walk” at the agency, attending castings every other day, going on test shoots to get you experience, trying to learn your new neighborhood, going to the gym and hoping to maybe make some money all at once. Oh, and your apartment and test shoots aren’t free, by the way. They are added to your account with the agency, as are your casting outfits and cellphone. These are going to leave you in some serious debt if nobody books you for anything; some girls owe upward of $30,000 after a year of trying to book gigs, so take that into perspective as well, Miss Jenner. 
So now let’s pretend you actually lived through all of that, and it’s finally Fashion Week. Exciting, right? This could be your big break! You could send your family in Belarus or Woodbridge, Va., the money they need for your little brothers to have new clothes and/or books for school and/or even afford a plane ticket home for the holidays! Imagine standing in line after line of girls with your exact height and body measurements all day, each one hoping for a coveted spot on the New York Fashion Week runway. 
Casting after casting, and you just can’t seem to get your place. But suddenly after a week full of the word “No,” killing yourself at the gym, exhausting yourself in classes, cutting your diet in half, not talking with your family and sleeping in a room with six equally exhausted girls, you get the call. Your agent texts you with an 8 a.m. fitting at Marc Jacobs. Oh my god, you’re going to walk for Marc Jacobs! This is a dream come true, someone finally said yes, and the prestige is beyond what you could have imagined! So you pack your model bag, a bottled water, your walking shoes and agency-approved casting outfit. This could be your big break, assuming they don’t cut your look last minute, a common practice done to no-name girls, so fingers crossed!
The fitting was perfect, your garment is amazing, and Marc was SO nice! And cute, too! One last fitting after that one, and it’s show time; you’re finally going to debut everything you’ve worked so hard for. You get to prove to your family that you left everything behind for a great cause, and you can finally pay back all of your agency debt, not to mention the money your parents lent you to make ends meet. 
It’s the morning of the show, and you’re up and ready, grab some fresh fruit to nibble on, pack your bag, and you’re out the door. The subway is packed with lots of models, agents, buyers and fashion people in general, all exhausted, but ready to work. You’ve been bumped/tripped by both a hairstylist’s travel kit and a makeup guys’ enormous Caboodles-like suitcase, all before 10 a.m. You walk into Lincoln Center, and it’s like magic … you can’t believe you’re here! You’ve finally made it!
Backstage is a commotion circus of clothes, hair, makeup, yelling, Fashion TV interviews … it’s an Instagram overload! All the big names are there, your personal heroes including Hanne Gaby Odiele, Karlie Kloss, Joan Smalls, Jamie Bochert, Anna Wintour, Marc Jacobs himself — the list goes on! You’ve really hit the big leagues!
But wait, isn’t that a reality TV star over there in hair and makeup? Yea, that’s definitely a Kardashian or something. What is she doing here? Did she take the subway? Was she at the casting? What agency is she with? I didn’t see her last season … Does she need MORE fame? MORE money? A green card perhaps? Doesn’t she get enough cash from that show that all of ignorant America glamorizes?
Didn’t her sister have sex with someone on camera and profit from the video sales to get their family its new line of limelight? 
This girl didn’t do and doesn’t owe half of what you did (remember, you’re NOT “KJ” in this scenario) to get here today, that much is certain. Her mommy surely called a top agency, got her in the door and the design houses just chose to milk her fame like the cash cow that it is. One by one like dominos from Vogue to Givenchy, fashion is selling out to the ignorant masses for money. What happened to the art, the cerebral part of fashion? Did it really all die with Alexander McQueen? 
Well, there goes the neighborhood, I guess. Gone is the prestige you once felt as a “chosen one” by Marc, Anna or Ricardo — this cheapens your entire experience. You thought you were special, that your hard work had finally paid off. You didn’t realize that these coveted spots were for sale. The cost? The soul and dignity of a fashion house. The clothes will still sell, and the players will still play, but the image will be forever tarnished by these real life Veruca Salts buying their way in with sleazy fame rights.
You’re on to walk in five, so you’re smoking to calm your nerves. You need to ash your cigarette, and there’s Kendall Jenner’s drink. You already feel a bit better.
 Until next time, Ariscestocrats!


  1. OMG!!!!! im indeed speechless. stevo please the floor is all yours,im out!

    1. All fingers are not equal

    2. I actually took time to read this so called open letter and all I have to say is this kind of jealousy and envy won't take this girl anywhere.

    3. Thanks this is real jealousy

    4. Before you diss on someone. I think the 1st thing will be to take a closer look at yourself, she looks more like a zombie to me. Kendall is no match for her and hence the jealousy and hate..!!

  2. Replies
    1. see dat chewing stick wants 2 gain cheap popularity,

    2. see dat chewing stick wants 2 gain cheap popularity,

  3. See Epistle.Yankeebased where u part of this.Btwn the model looks like a kwashiorkor patient

    No shaking

    1. This transgendered model is bitter. And this is exactly the attitude that is causing so much bullying in schools and causing children to consider suicide.

  4. LoL.. Very interesting to read.

  5. BLOG ANALYSER: This lady needs to go in to writing! She is good.

  6. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Thats what they call oppportunity if yu dont knw brat.....

  7. Ugly model. And what's wrong in using your family fame to achieve your dream? Make them park well jor.

  8. She can actually make a career in writing.

  9. Okay i noe I normally just don think much abt the kardashians,they are popular nd dey make money doin well nothing but plueese whu wudnt want can pple jst leave them d Fuck alone...I mean..i dont even yh she is lucky,she was born with a silver spoon nd has had privileges but she is a hard worker..i mean all d runway shows she did and everything she wore she looked nice...I don't like some of d outfits she wears to events but I ave to admit she is a gud model so yh it sucks for Arisce and d six oder girls she live with but dere is no need to hate on anyone.. instead of her to do her own thing and jst be hardworking and pray for her break..she has time to write a long letter criticising other pple...clearly she has too much time on her hands...I realli jst hate pple whu jst hate aristocrats/ rich pple just because.. I mean wen dey do some thngs wicked to u sure..sigh..who cares if the experience is cheapened.pls don't b jealous nd shut d eff up...girls and their jealousy

  10. M sure Atinuke Bello has sumtin to say abt dis.

    1. Celebrities and their differnt way of. Life...

    2. Honestly it's not an easy road, there are girls who just get what you worked Ur ass out to get in seconds, but then this is pure jealousy, if she was in kendals shoes, who wudnt grab such opportunity.

  11. This girl sounds jealous , in ur next word come from a rich family , all dis epistle dsnt move me

  12. Can't be bothered to read a long epistle bases on sheer jealousy and inferiority complex.......
    With all this beautiful nonsense, she still remains a Kardashian/Jenner and a model... Smh

  13. Jealous much?life ain't fair(learnt that a long time ago)...accept d fact and deal wit it young lady!

  14. The girl is really stupid to call all americans who watch the show ignorant.she is stupid for bringing up kim kardashian and her sex tape!the jealous girl should know that the world consist of the poor,average and isnt kendal's fault that she was born in a wealthy famous home.some rich brats would have probably sat at home and do nothing but enjoy their family wealth,but kendal is working her ass off to make her own money.u gotta respect that.good things come easy for some people,while others have to struggle to get it. Just cos u think u suffered more than kendal for the same gig doesn't give u the right to insult her.silly white bimbo.

  15. So she shuldt seize d opportunities she has at her disposal cos u had it rough getting to wer u r now? Not her fault she's from a privileged family, I mean a lot of people wil kill to b in her shoes, u included.

  16. D gurl is too jealous nd bitter! Is not Kendalls fault.. she will get more MAD dat Karl largerfeld wan sign d lil Kndll, wen heard..

  17. Blame your sister for not fucking rjay like Kim did. Cos if she did u might be the one with the reality dhow

  18. Na wa o. Shit happens. Kendall live your live. Haters gonna talk.


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