"I wish was still married to Lamar"-Khloe Kardashian Breaks Down | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Saturday 22 November 2014

"I wish was still married to Lamar"-Khloe Kardashian Breaks Down

Khloe is still missing Lamar. She broke down .According to E

After turning 30, Khloe is faced with the fact that she isn't where she imagined she would be at this age. She had planned on being married with children by the time she turned 30, and she is really struggling with the fact that her life is in a completely different direction.

 Kris Jenner attempts to reassure Khloé that everything will work out how it's supposed to. But, when Kris slightly mentions that perhaps Khloé moved a little too quickly after separating from her ex-husband Lamar Odom, Khloé flips out. She explains that Kris should understand more than anyone how much pain and pressure she was under for years during her marriage.
Khloé exclaims that she wishes she was still married to Lamar and adds, "Like even right now, today, I wish I was still married to him."


  1. Swallow ur pride n go back to him gal before u loose him for gud.

    1. Make a. Sex tape like your sister, who knows...a dapper guy might just come 4 u!! ok bye. #the rich also cry#

    2. @ Gina: Go back to her cheating, drug addict ex-husband? You must be out of your flipping mind!

    3. @Omaa,you can make your comment without insult come on!

    4. Yes Omaa I'm out of ma flipping mind, life is all abot 2nd chances n if she still wants him n dey r both willing to work it out, y d hell not.

    5. Like seriously? She should shallow her pride and go back to him? In d 1st place she didn't leave him, he left their house and never came back and she was there waiting for him. He went about doing drugs and cheating on her big time. So before u post comments @Gina obafemi, make sure I get ur facts right and stop talking trash.

    6. @ Don: I was not insulting just merely stating the obvious and her later comment confirmed that she is either put of her flipping mind or does not know anything about the marriage even speaking from the outside like the rest of us. He had a million chances and chose not to take it!

    7. So wat if he was cheating on her anno ? N u Omaa wat obvious reason r u stating? Bn keeping up wt Khloe n Lamar frm d onset so derz nothing ur gonna tel me bot dem dat I dnt knw. Marriage in general is mor spiritual n d bound dey shared after all those years 2geda might still b der. Derz nothing wrong in wishing dem back 2geda, he wasn't n still isn't over Khloe. It was juz pressure frm his career dat lead to his depression which resulted to hm talking drugs n all. Blame me for believing in luv but dnt come under my comments n talk trash. I dnt stalk people's comments or drop rude comments n so wil politely ask both of u to carry ur I to knw to wer ever to wish to.

    8. She think say marriage na beans.

      Typical american woman, any small Kpakam dem don run comot for marriage.

      They are all acting like programmed zombies.

      Now u know why you should keep some things private- like marriage


    9. @ Gina: it is exactly people like like you that men will cheat on, give aids in fact beat join in the name of marriage! There's a thin love between love and stupidity, don't claim you believe in one when you are so clearly swimming in the other. So as the man of the house, every time you feel pressured you run to drugs and don't talk trash, the cheating starting way before his professional challenges and yes, I can comment anywhere and under whoever I want, if you don't like it, drink beans!

    10. Sorry but there's no formula in this cheating business, they will still cheat even if you went to cheating school and you have a degree in understanding cheaters!

    11. Chop kiss Belinda jare, u knw wat? Wat comes out of ur mouth is an extension of ur personality. Dnt even understand y ur so bitter abot d issue Omaa, i still stand by wat I said earlier. N yes people like wil not only forgive a cheating hubby but wil stand by him n make it work while drinking beans.

    12. All dis peepa DAT doesn't know a shit abt marriage advicing sm1, dats crious...

    13. Why are some peeps who have lost out in love and life so bitter about Gina's wholesome advice ??

    14. @gina ur a reaaal smart girl. If d world had more pple lyk u der wld b less broken homes n divorce cases out dere. Marriage is a ride or die affair, not for kids or d faint hearted. Trust me, i know. Bin married for 6 yrs n countin.. still goin strong thru d cheatin, gud tyms n bad tyms.

  2. stevo over to you *hands mic over*

  3. Awww Khloe!! She has a good heart and I really want her to be happy!!

  4. I knew she still love this dude.

  5. Keep wishing while I'm with him

  6. Omaa the bedburg...are you stil serving in niger?*oke*

  7. Hmmmm, love khloe so much...u'd be fine darling.

  8. She is still in love with the dude. Women wif BIG BOOBS are more lıkely to survıve a çar accıdent. IT İŞ WELL

  9. Old gist.she should stop selling herself short

  10. SVC this yur theory sha...My sweet Khloe hope yu find true love...maybe when yu turn 50.

  11. She was quick to go fucking around even if her husband Had gone astray.....

  12. I'm high right now, can't comment ma babe drugged me.

  13. Eeyah,I pity khloe sha,dont worry girl, all wil be well

  14. Love life sucks mine is sucking now too

  15. Awwww khloe baby I feel for you
    Don't worry God will give you a good guy

  16. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Am really feeling for her like big tym....

  17. Aww I loved them together
    I just want Khleo to be happy....nd if getting bak wit him is gonna do that, den she should do it!! #2ndchance

  18. She should 4give her hubby and start a good life again

  19. That's one thing about true love. No matter how your loved one(s) hurt you, you still find a place in your heart to forgive them. And that special spot is always reserved for the truest love.

  20. sadly, when you come from a home like that, its hard to drop your pride. be jumping around with montana

  21. Life is all about second chance Lamar is yet to get over her. I hope she dim it fit to forgive ad give him a second chance. I loved them together.

  22. Stay there and be making wishes and see if they will change anything!

  23. Abeg take your spell testimony somewhere else!

  24. Khloe wanted Kim's style, #rappers tins, didn't work out..If Lamar is fine now, he might not wanna take her back..


  25. Hi DOC OBODO ,the love spell really work perfectly just receive a call from my ex this morning pleading for my forgiveness and asking me to take he back ,every one DOC OBODO is the right person to contact for help and here his contact info: templeofanswer@hotmail.co.uk ,+2348155425481 so that you can also be testifying to his good work From Anonymous saying living in Georgia USA


  26. This is a testimony that I will tell to every one to hear. I have been married four 4years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2years until I met a post where this man DR OLOKUM have helped someone and I decided to give him a try to help me bring my lover back home and believe me I just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48hours as he have told me, I saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why I am happy to make every one of you in similar to met with this man and have your lover back to your self. His email:lavenderlovespell@yahoo.com OR CALL HIM +2347053977842


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