(Shocking Photo) ISIS crucifies 17-yr old boy for 3 days after allegedly taking photos of military bases | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Sunday 19 October 2014

(Shocking Photo) ISIS crucifies 17-yr old boy for 3 days after allegedly taking photos of military bases

Isis fighters have executed a 17-year-old boy and left his body on display on a cross in Syria.
Pictures being shared online show a banner attached to the teenager’s chest saying the boy has been crucified for taking photos of Isis military bases, as well as receiving “500 Turkish lira” for any footage taken. 

 The message describes the ruling for the alleged crime as “apostasy” and states the teenager has been “killed and crucified for a period of three days” as the punishment.

According to the Independent,the alleged execution comes after it emerged Isis militants had beheaded their own fighters for spying and espionage.
The image of the murdered teenager appeared on a social media account of an activist group known as Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently. 

The group is made up of a handful of incredibly brave individuals who oppose ISIS and - despite the city being the group's de facto, the centre of its leadership and full of bloodthirsty religious police - attempt to document the violence the terrorists group has brought to their hometown.


  1. Oh no! Eveil ISIS! What have you not done to Christians

    1. Am sorry 2say but islam is a religion of war,there's no islamic country/state dat knows and enjoys peace,pls,islamic pple shld embrace christianity.If a christian converts to muslim(lyk d case of dat redeemed pastor's daughter),there'll b no cause for alarm bt if its d oda way round,na gobe! I tire for muslims joor!

    2. @ Olu. The problem is not Islam, Muslim or all other religion. It's is problem created by a group of Human being who play and use religion as weapon or tools to express their anger over the others Human Being then put all blames to religion. For me they are rather call Devil than human..

  2. Omg, God pls save ur children n protect us in this wicked world

  3. This is disheartening!all I know is the God I serve isn't snoring,very soon all these boko haram and iSIS garbage will stop,its just a matter of time

  4. Thıs guys are mean and heartless! They operate as nomadic warriors. They move in smaller groups. Bomb one and it makes no difference to them. Bomb what they currently use for an HQ, and they simply set another one up elsewhere. A bombing campaign is the most pointless way to conduct a war on IS. If they were actually serious about destroying the IS, they would be working with Syria and using Syrian troops as their boots on the ground. Rıp to the poor böy! IT İŞ WELL

    1. Go look up the real video of 9/11 proofs and evidences, this will prove that religion is just a tool and the drivers of the misconceptions are 'select few' politicians. the major role of WTC was not played by Osama at all.... Americans (or they claim to be) killed americans, so happened in WW2, nazis were funded by american bankers & politicians... so much compelling evidences. sad that people at each others throat, a way for the 'real beast' to hide itself. who would fight it, when we are so busy fighting each other.

  5. If you kill a man today...its as if u 4got that someday u too will die. Why fight over earth we all will depart someday? I pray God to give men d wisdom that begeth peace. RIP boy.

  6. God plz show this people a sign that you still on your throne bikonu chai

  7. What's up with thes people killing for no just cause.

  8. Wat kind of evil is dis.God pls we need ur mercy

  9. Like I always say. Remove Islam and the puzzle is solved. They are the problem of the world !!

    1. Half a million woman burnt as witches by Christians. worldwide wars for thousands of years, division amongst humanity, an acceptance of capitalisms exploits. Every religion has 20% humanity part in common and if we consider global community believing in all religion the average of humanity part go beyond 60% but unfortunately this part of humanity ignored by a segment called "Politicians" and they miss guide and play with innocent and gentle human beings for their own interests...Humanity is the best religion for a peaceful global society.

  10. Islam is our problem. .
    Dat religion needs to be wiped out from d surface of d earth...gosh
    So inhumane!

    1. Problem is not Islam, Muslim or all other religion. The cause is human itself.. Power & greed. hide behind religion for personal gain. So all religion need to be wiped out from the surface of the earth.

  11. Indeed d heart of men are wicked

  12. islam islam islam...how meny times i call ona? Ona they find waiting no lost abi?*oke*

  13. after reading numerous muslim classmate talk of how they are in support of IsIs,as long as they are spreading islam...I have determined to be wary of muslims henceforth......a good number of them are silent christian haters and terorist apologist......beware of any muslim you call your friend in your Neighbourhood

    1. @Desmond. I'm not a Muslim and I don't believe my Muslim friends are my enemies just bcos their religion is Islam. Islam, like all mainstream faiths, is fundamentally a religion of peace. The tragedy is that it has become hijacked by a minority of evil fanatics who have a far louder voice than the vast majority of peace loving muslims. We simply don't hear the moderate voice and their condemnation loudly enough. And this is where the problem, in my humble opinion, lies.

  14. These guys are so mean. Damn! Come to our aid oh Lord!

    I wonder if there is something else behind the brainwashing they use on their recruits for all this.They stand there & watch as one of them was slaughtered and still sleep with their eyes closed,pick up same weapon to cut innocent people down.

    1. Anon 08:37 good question for what they use for their recruits. Everything starts from birth.The prime infection strategy of the Allah virus, i.e. Islamization of the Muslim mind, starts from the birth and continues throughout his/her life. It is the most extensive brainwashing process a human can ever be subjected to. After birth, an adult holds the newborn and recites the azan (the call for prayers) directly into ears of the baby. This way, the newborn hears the blessed names of Allah and Muhammad before he hears anything else. As the child grows up, he reads and hears more about the Koran. He sees people performing prayers and walls are decorated with posters of Arabic calligraphy of some Koranic verses. He also hears the azan repeated five times a day in every mosque in the area. The call for prayers soon becomes the most frequently heard sound by him. His ears soon get used to hearing the endless recitations of the Koran that go on almost continuously.

      If the child goes to Madrassah (Islamic school), further indoctrination continues. The fear of Allah, the hatred of Allah toward infidels, Muslims are best of people (Q: 3.110) and unbelievers are vilest of created beings (Q: 98.6), Paradise and Hell-fire etc. are systematically programmed into him. This is coupled with illogical thoughts and twisted logic to make the child to believe that Muhammad is the best man Allah ever created, or will ever create to the end of time and Allah (like the Big Brother) is watching every Muslim and he should behave strictly according to Allah’s will. The fear factor starts working and soon the innocent mind of the child gets the message that there is something very special about the Koran, which he is destined to read hundreds of times without ever understanding it and, except Allah no other God to be worshipped.

      Once fully indoctrinated, the child fails in his ‘reality test’ – the ability to distinguish the actual from the imagined. Neither he can confront the truth nor can he admit it even to himself. His sick mind fervently believes in Allah’s mercy, power, hell, paradise etc. Slowly, Islam becomes his drug and Allah becomes his addiction. Without Islam, it is a world of black and white. With Islam it is a colorful show complete with drama, thrills, fun and excitement. Now he is in the mental prison of Allah. He simply cannot dare to cross the narrow limits specified by Allah. Now he can see things only through the lenses of Islam. This continues throughout his life.

      I do not want to join issues with those that claims this is not about religion etc. I have read over
      100 books about the politics of Islam and can take on anyone who is ready for my lecture on the
      real dangers of this blood sucking religion but for now I will wait till I get such a challenge.

    2. Hahahahaha.. You such a dumb ass.

    3. Look at this fool, pot calling kettle black. Don't forget you can’t be a Muslim without loving mad men like prophets Abraham, David, Salomon, Moses and must believe on their great miracles (killings) and love them as much as you love this other mad man called prophet Mohamed. You also can’t be a Muslim without loving Jesus Christ and his mother Mary and must believe on all his great miracles and on Holy Spirit. There is no need to look into Google to find out that about islam. Islam..Christian...Judaism all founded plageurized editions by the Zionist slave masters..Tora..Bible and Quran divided and CONQUERED.

    4. Get off of my comment and get thee behind me Satan/lucifer! LoL!

  16. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    And they are happy nw, i want to knw...

  17. I thought muslims say their religion dont kill?

  18. Keep thoughting

  19. Christianity was once as dangerous as islam but am glad for some modifications that was done on old christian practice. Dont act like Christianity was all Saint. To me, all religion should be wiped out! They are nothing but source of pain, misery and avenue for hate.

    1. @ Honesty you are on point. Everyday we see people of other religions kill, some kill in the name of religion. School shootings, killing baby girls, killing for looking different, those are all acts of terror but christians don't think that oh it is because our religion says so. They rather think oh this person is sick. Think about Brejvik, who murdered over 70 people in Norway, he was a christian and believed this being some kind of mission to safe Europe from islam and whatnot. So do we blame christianity for that? What about soldiers in Afganistan or Iraq, they had their priests there to bless them before going of to patrol(who then driving their army vehicles can't slow down even if there are people on the way but have to just drive through), some wrote biblical lines in bombs before shifting them to airplanes then drop them on people..what is that then? Do we believe that this is the message of Christianity? Christianity doesnt' tell to kill people for no reason neither does islam. It is people with weak characters, passion for revenge, believing all kinds of propaganda that the war mongers tell them. One of the biggest threat to mankind is free capitalism, where a person's life doesn't mean thing if it can be profited..

    2. Have you seen christain coming out from a church and start killing people or have you seen a christain who brought out a gun and started shooting while shouting the name of jesus?No.But it is common for muslims to come out from mosque after prayers and start killing infidels while shouting allah akbar.They even wrap poisoned knives and charms around their waists anytime they go to pray in mosque.Is there holy war in bible like the jihad in quoran?No.

    3. @Sunday.. There is a saying that goes, make sure ur hand is clean before you point your fingers at people. No one is perfect, and we all seek perfection, and if u choose to overlook the people who try to attain this perfection in the correct manner and the true way of islam, then by all means, it is ur choice. In essence,it proves that you have very little knowledge about islam and you and the so called ISIS have twisted a religion followed by billions to ur own advantage but you and they are a minority. The majority always know better and that is the lot we all depend on to keep this world stable.

      As for the commented on Jihad, for gudness sake we live in a society where our THOUGHTS are led by what we see on a 17-50 inch screen flat screen. Common, firstly the word is spelt JIHAD secondly , it is not a license to kill. Pls at least google the meaning and don't prejudge something you havent understood completely. and pls dont get educated by the media, it is something that society does as a whole so dont worry ur not alone. Inquisition is always the key. Jihad has many meaning and it starts with the fight within one self, the struggle within one self which unfortunately these "terrorists" you have mentioned have seem to have failed in and about holy war in the bible, Have you actually read the Old Testament? or you be one of those (My mama say we be Christian)

    4. Here is the rules of Jihad and I quote " These are the laws of Jihad put upon you, you must not harm women, you must not harm children, you must not harm old people, you must not cut down trees, you must not plunder nor loot, you must harm animals, you must not attack the one working in the fields, nor destroy the fields, all those in their homes must be protected, all those in their trade shops must be protected, all those in their holy places must be protected, all those standing by walls must be protected, all those in the house of their leaders must be protected. Attack only those who attack you (soldiers)" But no one has ever quoted this...I wonder why?

    5. LOL BRO YOU ARE JUST COMPLETELY CLUELESS!!!! WELL READ THE FULL LETTER BEFORE TALKING LIKE A FOOL.... In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. From Abu Bakr, caliph of the Apostle of God, to whomever this letter of mine may reach among the commoners and notables who has stood fast in his Islam or who has turned back from it: Peace upon those who follow the [true] guidance and who have not turned back to error and blindness after [having received] the [true] guidance. Verily I praise to you God, other than Whom there is no god. I bear witness that there is no god but God alone, Who has no associate, and that Muhammad is His Servant and His Apostle; we affirm that which he brought, and that which he denied we declare to be unbelief and strive against it. Now then: Verily God, may He be exalted, sent Muhammad with His truth to His creation as a bearer of good tidings and as a warner and as one calling [others] to God, with His permission, and as a light-bringing lamp, so that he might warn [all] who live, and so that the saying against the unbelievers might be fulfilled. So God guided with the truth whoever responded to Him, and the Apostle of God, with His permission, struck whoever turned his back to Him until he came to Islam, willingly or grudgingly. Then God took His Apostle to Him, he having carried out God's command . . .

      I have learned that some of you have turned back from your religion after you had acknowledged Islam and labored in it, out of negligence of God and ignorance of His command, and in compliance with the devil. . . . I have sent to you someone at the head of an army of the Muhajirun and the Ansar and those who follow [them] in good works. I ordered him not to fight anyone or to kill anyone until he has called him to the cause of God; so that those who respond to him and acknowledge [Him] and renounce [unbelief] and do good works, [my envoy] shall accept him and help him to [do right], but I have ordered him to fight those who deny [Him] for that reason. So he will not spare any one of them he can gain mastery over, [but may] burn them with fire, slaughter them by any means, and take women and children captive; nor shall he accept from anyone anything except Islam.

    6. Here are five takeaways from the underlined portions:

      (1) According to Abu Bakr, Muhammad "struck whoever turned his back to" Allah "until he came to Islam, willingly or grudgingly." Does Aslan agree with Abu Bakr that Muhammad compelled people to convert to Islam, whether they wanted to become Muslims or not?

      (2) Abu Bakr sends the letter with an army, and the army is instructed "not to fight anyone or to kill anyone until he has called him to the cause of God." Those who returned to Islam were to be left alone, while those who refused to return to Islam were to be fought.

      (3) Khalid bin al-Walid (the commander of the army) was ordered not to "spare any one of them he can gain mastery over."

      (4) The penalties for refusing to submit to Islam included "burning them with fire" and "slaughtering them by any means."

      (5) Women and children were to be taken captive.

      As you can see, the Islamic State is following Abu Bakr's guidelines to the letter.


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