Ladies Only! Must Read Advice by La La Anthony | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Thursday 23 October 2014

Ladies Only! Must Read Advice by La La Anthony

(Shuts door at guys) Ladies, this is a must read ...La La Anthony is an actress, writer, host ,, a mother and wife of a basketball star and one of Kim Kardashian's best friends.To mark the 10th Anniversary of the Circle of Sisters Expo in New York City, she gave some powerful advice to the ladies and stressed the importance of having your matter how small....
I’m not being negative but it’s something to be said that, your man knows that if something goes down, you would be okay if you had to walk away. And that’s powerful. That is powerful. So it’s just something to think about. I say, come into a relationship with your own. Everyone is not meant to run a Fortune 500 company, but just have something that you own. A clothing line, a hobby, something that you’re passionate about so that your whole world doesn’t revolve around a man. That’s not a good thing.
For me the whole ‘Basketball Wife’ thing, it’s tricky.
I battle with that title because sometimes I go, you know, ‘I’m not a basketball wife, I’m not a typical basketball wife,’ but in essence, I am a basketball wife. It took for Gayle King to sit me down and go, ‘You know, you shouldn’t look at it as such a negative title. It is what you are,’ and I respect my husband and I want to be a great wife and be there for him, but I also want to have my own career and do my own thing. Which I think is really cool. I think when you bring something to the table, and I say this to all the ladies out here, it just makes you that much more attractive to that man that you’re with. It just makes you that much more valuable.
I was the girl who said I would never date a basketball player. I’m like, ‘I don’t want to do that.’ Someone that is traveling all the time and gone, but it just happened. And it’s just funny like, when you don’t go after certain things, how they happen. And in ‘The Love Playbook,’ I talk about working on yourself.  Why are we chasing these guys and giving them so much power? When you’re great within yourself, you’re going to attract so much amazing energy and I don’t need a man to make me feel like I’m worthy or I’m worth it. I don’t need that.
My husband, I love him and he complements me, but I don’t need that to make me feel like ‘I’ve made it,’ or ‘Now my life is where it needs to be.’ I don’t need a man to validate me in that way

For the women out there, especially the young women, it’s so passionate for me to say, ‘Find your own way.’ I’m just finding that so many women feel they have to be validated by a man or a guy and they go through so much destruction because of that. Let’s focus on being happy with ourselves and knowing that we are enough and we don’t need a man to validate us. That’s my message for today and that’s what speaking on my heart right now!


  1. Ladies over to you..we men are watching....

    1. All I keep seeing was validate validate validate she myt actually be saying Valid date...

  2. This is for poor ugly ladies. I don't need to work when I can snap my finger and have all the magas running to kneel at my feet and for the stubborn ones, I just consult my abracadabra, rub the potion on my right boob, not the left, that's where the heart is .

    1. isnt it just the other day you were borrowing money and you were broke,this advice is actually for ladies like you

  3. Ok we just shut up now and read

  4. She nailed it! Ladies,who don't have nothing doing but rely solely on their man's income should pick a struggle

    1. Yep, nothing sexier than an independent lady, that a man wants. No1 wants liability, and men who see u as liability will soon start treating u as one.
      When you can take care of yourself, and can do without him, he respects n loves u more 4 it

  5. so true ladies!i work 4 my money&buy my 24milion naria suv talkn in linda ikeji's voice.dnt wait 4 men 4 money!

  6. Yes oh. Spot on


    Ladies, shine ur eyes and be wise.


    Ladies, shine ur eyes and be wise.

  9. Normal stuff we read almost everyday.

    Omo Oba

  10. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. IT İŞ WELL

  11. Oh My! Its better to be appreciated and commended for your efforts than to be flattered as a beautiful queen. Beauty is everywhere, even in the market but there is nothing like being beautiful both inside and outside. Its better to be called an ASSET than to be a CELEBRATED LIABILITY.


    1. Its better to be called an ASSET than to be a CELEBRATED LIABILITY. Love that.


  12. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Ladies una don hear bah....??...

  13. Word,La La.Gone are the days when we needed men to validate our importance.

  14. Word,La La.Gone are the days when we needed men to validate our importance.

  15. Spot on! this piece is beautiful piece. Nothing like having your own, being your own person, your career, your passion....your essence. Like seriously, no need being validated by a man or having our world being determine by a man. Be great, be beautiful and be independent then you'll attract the kind of man who would respect your person, vision and passion.

  16. *this piece is beautiful*


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