How Iraq Slave Markets Sell Women for $10 to Attract Isis Recruits(Photo) | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Sunday 5 October 2014

How Iraq Slave Markets Sell Women for $10 to Attract Isis Recruits(Photo)

This secret photo from one of the slave markets made it's way online
Islamic militants in Iraq have created slave markets, trading and selling women and children of Christian and Yazidi groups, according to UN investigators.
At least 2,500 women and children have been imprisoned, sexually abused and sold for around $10 each by Isis slavers.

According to the International Business Times,The slave markets in the al-Quds area of Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria have been used as a way of attracting new recruits to Islamic State, the UN said according to a Times report.

Women who were captured at the end of August managed to contact the UN, having kept hold of their mobile phones. They reported being subject to sexual assaults
One 13-year-old Yazidi girl gave a harrowing account of what happened to her after she was abducted by Isis from her village on 3 August.

"She stated that ISIL [Islamic State] took hundreds of women who had not been able to flee to Jabal Sinjar,""The girl stated that she was raped several times by several ISIL fighters, before she was sold to a market."
One Yazidi woman was given to 10 Islamic State men. 
"We were sold for $10 or $12. Who could accept that behaviour? Can God accept that?" the woman told Euronews. "It's a shame to rape a woman, but when she is raped by 10 men... what is this? They are animals, they are not humans. Because of them I am afraid all the time."
She managed to flee her captors with the help of sympathetic local residents and sought safety in Mosul.

A 17-year-old woman said she was being held captive with 40 other Yazidi women by Islamic State fighters.The newspaper was able to interview her by calling her on her mobile phone, after being given the number by her parents, who are in a refugee camp in Iraqi Kurdistan.
"I beg you not to publish my name because I'm so ashamed of what they are doing to me. There's a part of me that just wants to die. But there is another part of me that still hopes that I will be saved and that I will be able to embrace my parents once again,"
We've asked our jailers to shoot us dead, to kill us, but we are too valuable for them. They keep telling us that we are unbelievers because we are non-Muslims and that we are their property, like war booty. They say we are like goats bought at a market."


  1. They say Boko is not Islam? Yet they n IS r doing the exact same thing to non muslims in the name of Islam.

  2. This guyz are cruel and wıcked! I know the western countrıes are in war footıng but they should act fast and Save this Innocent Women.. IT İŞ WELL

  3. wicked generation. this world would have been a better place if there is nothing like religion and tribe.

  4. Na wah oh.This world is so unfair to some. That's why it's good to say thanks for the freedom we have

  5. Happy Sallah my ass!

  6. These people murder people simply because they don't believe the exact things they believe. Do we expect less from a demonic sect that beheads people with joy? They think their actions are justified by 'God'. They see rape as their godly reward for defeating the heathen enemies. I am tempted to believe we are living in the worst times; I don't think things could get worse than this. The alarming thing is the rate at which their ranks swell daily with willing recruits from the western world.

    May God help us.

    Omo Oba

  7. BLOG ANALYSER: Jesus! This can't be happening!

  8. muslims are the scums of the earth demoic, evil mined people that roam the earth destroying humanity and forcing their dumb religion on other people evil people sent from the pit of hell

  9. God pass dem ..... **Rhymetime**

  10. I thought they said islam is a religion of piss?

  11. this is evil,wickedness nd brutally at it's peak. May GOD help them.


  12. All these evil are going on and the civilized world is watching. About time all these animals
    are brought together in a certain fenced country and Gassed for the sake of civilization.

  13. People 's wives, daughters, grand daughters. ISIS. I curse you henceforth. You shall know pain for the rest of your lives. Horrible pain even death would sound like a luxury. Watch and see bastards


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