Father's Love! India's Elephant man turns down offer of a new face so he can keep begging to fund daughter's wedding(Photos) | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Friday 16 May 2014

Father's Love! India's Elephant man turns down offer of a new face so he can keep begging to fund daughter's wedding(Photos)

This will bring you to tears...50 year old Mannan Mondal,known as India's 'Elephant man' has turned down the opportunity to get a new face just so he can continue begging and pay for his 20 year old daughter,Rasheeda's wedding.

He refused radical re-constructive surgery offered by surgeons,and prefers going to holy sites across India to beg where he earns about £5 a day .He then sends all the money  back to his beloved family .None of them have inherited the condition..According to Daily mail,he said:
'I will have to buy a lot of things - beds, cabinets, rings, watches and a cycle for the groom,The money I earn while begging is barely enough to feed my family. But I have no other way to help my daughter. I have to continue like this. I have to think about feeding my family first.'I have been like this since birth.'If there was an option of getting better without having to pay then I would definitely take it.But not now. I have a wedding to think about. I will have to go back home, talk to my family and then decide. But feeding my family will always come first.' I was born poor and I had limited options.
More below..

When I was younger these deformities were much smaller but they have all grown much larger with age.People around me do not treat me very well. They are disgusted by me and don't like me. This is how it has been for years.'I have learned to manage like this. For example, I don't use a toothbrush to brush my teeth. I use my fingers as I have only four teeth.I do not have a home. I live on the streets under tents pitched on the footpath and I do not have money to buy land or houses.But my wife and family have been very supportive. They have always told me that my condition is God's creation. We humans cannot do anything to avoid it.'
Dr Kashyap said:
 'Mannan's tumours are benign, they are not cancerous. They will not shorten his life expectancy.
'But the bones have not developed properly on one side of his face so he has no support and this has caused the tumour to drop down.To reconstruct his face we would have to take away as much of the tumour as possible. After that, we would reconstruct the vital parts of his face he is missing.'We could give him a new mouth, some kind of an eye socket and some skeletal support to make his appearance as normal as possible.'But even after the procedure, he would not be 100 per cent normal. My main aim would be to give him some comfort and to make him and his children feel like he is normal.'Surprisingly Mannan has turned his back on this opportunity - and vowed to continue begging.He feels this is his career and his sole option to make enough money to provide for his family."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think he should have a rethink about the offer...with a good face he can find sumtin tangible to do..to earn him some money..

    ~MR PETITE~says so...

  3. First of all, this family are so damn stupid for letting a man of such age to go and beg when they themself should be the one taking care of the responsibilities regarding his condition or is it forbidden for women to work in that country... Shameless family and especially that gal...

  4. And again.he must have made a good analyses on how much he earns while begging..and might not be able to earn such if his face is to be amended..and at his age,its going to be hard to find himself a lucrative job..

    ~MR PETITE~says so...

  5. Hmmmmn no comment

  6. All diz beggarz make money dan monthly earners. I rememba wen I gave one begga $100 at Alakuko bustop, damn he was so api and decided to beg for $300 d nxt time. I almost got broke and decided to change my direction cuz I was begining to spend more dan my daily budget.

  7. Hmmmmm...how about the surgeons or whoever fund the daughter's wedding? Its no big deal. Am sorry but the man lacks common sense,get your face recontructed and stop hidding under the shadow of this disease.In his case there are more than 2ways about it. He will regret this when that tumour becomes malignant giving metastases.

    1. Simple as ABC. Offer to fund the wedding and see if he rejects it

  8. I don't get it,he has the opportunity to live a normal life but has chosed to live off the public. That's very selfish of him. He should get himself treated, get well and work hard for every penny to foth his daughter's wedding. Its not like he's left with no choice, people have offered to help him why reject it?

  9. Biko that's plain laziness from the guy. Laziness to work hard to help other beggers that have no choice as he

  10. He is used to begging. There was a crippled woman begging in Lagos, my boyfriend took pity on her with her 3 kids ,he bought her a wheel chair and gave her 20 to buy recharge cards or confectionery and start selling. To our shock, one week later, we saw her begging and claimed the money was stolen with the wheel chair. It was obvious she was a lazy woman who enjoyed just sitting and making money

  11. When beggers get used to begging they hardly do something else that's just the ways they ar all of them


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