Air crashes: Rumours of Sacrifice, Agagu and Stella Oduah, by Fani-Kayode (Must Read) | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Sunday 6 October 2013

Air crashes: Rumours of Sacrifice, Agagu and Stella Oduah, by Fani-Kayode (Must Read)

Last year on June 3rd 2012, there was a plane crash in Nigeria in which over 163 people were killed. The plane was owned by Dana Air. The day before that on June 2nd 2012 a Nigerian cargo plane owned by Kabo Air left our shores and flew to Accra, Ghana where it overshot the runway, crashed into the main road behind the airport and killed many Ghanaian motorists. What made this all the more tragic was the fact that Ghana had never experienced a plane crash at Kotoka International Airport before this incident. It is a pity that it had to be a Nigerian plane, with a Nigerian crew and cargo that had to break that enviable record.

Over one year later on 3rd October 2013, which was last Thursday, there was yet another plane crash in Nigeria in which 13 people died. The plane was owned by Associated Airlines. Worse still the following day, which was 4th October 2013, a Saudi Arabian-bound Nigerian plane which was owned by Kabo Airline and which was carrying 400 passengers on board from Sokoto, almost crashed when both it’s tyres exploded mid-air and it had to crash land.
Had that plane actually crashed we would have lost another 400 precious souls on that day. Before the first crash took place last year and between the two major crashes there were numerous other smaller ones involving light aircraft, private jets, military planes and helicopters that were not publicised. All these unfortunate events occurred under the tenure of Princess Stella Oduah, who is the current Minister of Aviation. Under her watch close to 200 souls have been killed in air crashes in the last two years alone.
This does not surprise me given the nature of the individual that is involved. What does surprise me however is the fact that just one day after those that perished in the latest crash were killed, before the victims were buried, before the site of the crash was cleared, whilst the charred bodies and burnt parts of the victims still lay at the crash site and before any formal investigation into the causes of the crash have commenced, the ruling PDP, through their spokesman Chief Olisa Metuh, has told the world that they have ”full confidence” in Stella Oduah and that ”she should be allowed to continue her good work”.

Is there any greater evidence of the fact that the PDP is a sick party that is led by sick people than this? Such insensitivity is rarely seen anywhere in the world. Only in Nigeria can this happen. Not only am I surprised but I am also utterly disgusted. How many more people have to be killed in air crashes before our President realises that he needs a new Minister of Aviation?

The truth is that there is far more to aviation than beautifying airports. The first and most important consideration has to be the safety of the passengers and the airworthiness of the planes followed by a solemn and avowed commitment to ensure the discipline, professionalism and efficiency of the aviation parastatals. Most important of all when a plane crashes, whatever the reasons or causes, the Minister ought to assume full responsibility and even offer his or her resignation. Failing that he or she ought to be redeployed to another ministry or completely removed from the cabinet. This is because it is his or her primary responsibility to keep air travellers safe and alive.

Sadly it does not appear that this is likely to happen anytime soon. As a matter of fact I am convinced that even if 1,000 people were killed in air crashes in the space of just 6 months under President Goodluck Jonathan he would still not redeploy or sack Stella Oduah because our President just ”doesn’t give a damn”.
Each time a plane crashes it saddens me deeply because to anyone that has ever worked there before aviation is like a family. Worse still those people that lost their lives were our people – they were our fellow Nigerians. 

It really does hurt. Suffice it to say that there were no air crashes under my watch and not one drop of blood was split from the air whilst I was Minister of Aviation, whether it be passenger plane, private jet, helicopter or light aircraft. I thank God for that because if it had happened I would not have been able to sleep at night. I am the only Minister of Aviation in Nigeria between 2002 to date that can lay claim to that. I put it down to hard work, prayer and the grace of God and nothing else. Unlike some others, I was literally paranoid when it came to air safety and security because it was obvious to me that there was more to the whole thing than meets the eye.
Permit me to go into a little detail. The year before I became Minister of Aviation there were 5 plane crashes and 453 people perished from our skies. The airlines that crashed were Bellview (2005), Sosolisso (2006), a Nigerian military plane carrying a large number of senior army officers (2006), ADC (2006) and a private light aircraft in Kano which had on board the adopted son of the PDP National Chairman Ahmadu Ali and a pilot (2006). At the time that all these crashes took place Professor Babalola Borisade was the Minister of Aviation. In November 2006 Borisade was redeployed to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism where I was Minister and I was sent to Aviation and by the grace of God from that point on my team and I, with the full backing and support of President Olusegun Obasanjo, put a stop to the crashes and we broke the cycle.

We left office in May 2007 and almost immediately after that the standard dropped again and the cycle of terrible air crashes returned to our shores. They have not stopped since. As I pointed out in another essay which I wrote last year after the Dana crash, 90 per cent of the crashes that have taken place in Nigeria in the last 11 years have taken place at weekends.

That in itself is strange but what is even stranger is the fact that there are two ten year cycles of major crashes that have been in operation in our country since 1992. I call them ”sacrificial cycles”. The details are as follows.
There was a major crash in 1992 (C-130 military airplane in which 160 army officers were killed). Ten years later there was a second major crash in 2002 (EAS Airline in which 105 people were killed). Ten years later there was a third major crash in 2012 (Dana Airline in which 163 were killed). This represents the first ”ten year cycle” of crashes and if it is not broken there will be another major crash in 2022 which will result in a large loss of life.
The second ”ten year cycle” began in 1996 when ADC crashed with the loss of over 160 lives. This was followed by another crash ten years later in 2006 which involved another plane from ADC and which again resulted in the loss of over 160 lives. If the cycle is not broken I have little doubt that there will be another major crash in Nigeria in 2016. These observations have nothing to do with superstition but they are based on painstaking research, facts and logic. There have many other big and small crashes within and between the dates of the two major ”ten year cycles” but what seems amazing and strange to me is the recurrent and definative pattern of the ten year cycles themselves.
It is almost as if it is some kind of pagan or religious obligation or debt that is being paid to some hidden and dark forces. Some may dismiss all this as mere coincidence but the actual day and month that all those crashes took place on tells another story which I will not go into here. Whatever anyone else may believe or think I have no doubt whatsoever in my mind that there is a spiritual dimension to these matters and I have been saying so publicly since I was at the aviation ministry. Other than sheer hard work, an insistence on full compliance with safety standards and the display of the most rigorous form of discipline from the top to the bottom, in order to break these patterns and cycles of crashes and protect our skies, much prayer and intercession is required. There are a number of other rather startling and strange patterns, as well, but I am not prepared to share those with the public in order not to create any panic.
One thing that I know, though, is that God is in control and that, as the bible says, ”He reveals to redeem”. There is absolutely no cause for any fear or alarm. I have written and spoken many times on this. I have pointed out the problems over and over again and suggested how it can be stopped. It may not stop though because there are some depraved people in our country that do not want it to stop, that benefit from it, that delight in it and that believe in it. This is the bitter truth. That, together with the fact that in Nigeria not enough people care for or truly value human life. We only pretend to care.
For more on this, I urge those that are interested to read my essay titled ”Air Crashes In Nigeria, Sacrificial Cycles and the Weekend Phenomenon” which was published in a number of newspapers after the Dana crash last year. They can also read the first segment of my submissions at a public hearing of the Senate Aviation Committee in 2008 which was titled ”My Mandate At The Ministry of Aviation”. They are both on my website… or they can just be googled.

My views about the crashes and their causes are well enunciated in both. Other than that I will not say anything about air crashes in Nigeria because what I have said and exposed has already caused me more than enough trouble from those that believe such matters ought to be kept secret and away from the public for reasons best known to themselves. Suffice it to say that my conscience is clear and that I did my very best to save and protect Nigerian lives whilst I was Minister of Aviation. That is all that matters to me and because of that I sleep very well at night. To God alone be the glory.
One last point. I find it nauseating and distasteful that some people would relish the fact that the corpse of Governor Agagu went through all that it did when he was being flown to Akure for his final burial rites and that they seemed almost joyful at the fact that the plane crashed resulting in the loss of all those innocent souls. This is a disgrace and I feel utterly outraged by it. The shameful refrain, which is all over the social media, is that Agagu somehow deserved to die a ”second death” from the skies because so many people had supposedly been killed in plane crashes under his watch as Minister of Aviation. This is false. It is also sheer wickedness. As a matter of fact it is evil

Only God knows how each of us will come to our end and it is not true to say that the harvest of deaths that took place in the aviation industry whilst President Obasanjo was in power took place under Agagu’s watch. He was appointed Minister of Aviation in 1999 and remained there until 2001 when he was redeployed to the Ministry of Power by the President. I am not aware of ANY plane crashes that took place during Agagu’s tenure as Minister of Aviation. The string of consistent major crashes in Nigeria really began in 2002 when EAS Airline crashed in Kano killing over 105 people including the then Minister of Sports, Mr. Mark Aku. At the time of that crash Mrs. Kema Chikwe was Minister of Aviation and not Agagu. The last major crash that took place before the 2002 EAS crash in Nigeria was the aforementioned ADC crash of 1996 where 160 were killed.

The most pronounced years of tragedy and carnage in aviation, which involved 6 major crashes and numerous smaller ones, were really between 2002 and November 2006 when the carnage was finally brought to a halt. Sadly it began again almost immediately after we left office in May 2007 when small planes, light aircraft and helicopters started dropping from the sky. Then came the mysterious disappearance of Ibori’s ”Wings Aviation” plane with a number of fatal casualties from our skies in 2008 and things really went downhill from there.

In the last 11 years, between 2002 and 2013 over 850 people have been killed in air crashes in Nigeria- 453 under Borisade and just under 200 of them under Stella Oduah. This is an atrocious record of air safety and I believe that I am right in saying that it is a peace-time world record. Whatever the case it is nothing to be proud of and it reflects badly on all of us, particularly those of us that were once Ministers of Aviation.
I have done my research and I have the details of every single crash that has taken place in this country over the last eleven years whether it be a private plane, light aircraft, military aircraft, passenger plane or helicopter. As long as such a crash resulted in the loss of life I have the record of it and all the details. None of those crashes took place under the watch of Dr. Segun Agagu and I implore those that are doing so to stop attributing the sad events that preceeded his burial to some kind of divine retribution for what purportedly occured when he was Minister of Aviation. Nothing can be more cruel than this and nothing could be further from the truth.

Permit me to end this contribution with a few words to the families of those that were lost in the crash. It is always a painful thing when we lose someone dear and this is especially so when it happens in such a painful and violent manner. My heart goes out to each and every family that lost their loved ones in this latest crash. May the Lord comfort each and every one of them and may He heal their wounds with the balm of Gilead. My commiserations also goes to the people of Ondo State and particularly to my dear friend and brother Governor Olusegun Mimiko who is a man that I have tremendous respect for, a practising and committed christian and a man of immense integrity and spiritual fortitude.

To my dear brothers that were lost in that terrible crash themselves, including Mr. Tunji Okunsanya and his son Tunji jnr. (whose MIC company buried both of my parents in 1995 and 2001 respectively), Mr. Deji Falae who was the Commissioner of Culture and Tourism for Ondo state and so many others, I say the following- may God have mercy upon you. May He forgive you of all your sins. May He cause His face to shine upon you. May He grant you peace eternal. May you abide with Him in eternity. May your souls be blessed forever. May the watchman and the boatman grant you safe passage into the higher realms. May the halls of Valhalla, where the brave shall live forever, be open unto to you.

May you never be forgotten and may your names wax strong in our hearts and minds from generation to generation. May the memory of your beautiful smiles continue to give us strength and bring us hope. You were a real blessing to so many. Rest in peace. Until we meet again.


  1. Omg does this FFK want to kill people? What sort of epistle is this? All what he has written could have been said in one paragraph

    1. You had all the time to read through... Pls summarise if possible in pigeon English.

  2. Replies
    1. How won't it be too long. When those 2 local white girls have shortened your brain
      Someone tell me where to hire a private jet from Lagos island to Lagos mainland

    2. heheheheheh......pwetty if peple see u, demgo beat d hell out of u ooo...which kind comment be dis? LOL....

  3. too long for me to read...

    Can someone summerise???

  4. he would have just sent his complaint in video format.that way we would understand what he is trying to say.

  5. Miss Petite Readers are all dullard and dumb goats

    1. Best comment so far, let her keep posting stupid comments from pwetty and co. U go through the comments and wonder these pple r from. Pls blog owner, a word of advise, go th other blogs see the comments on the same stories u posted.

    2. @ joan and anon 12.04, both of u need help. Stupid idiots. I believe you both are dumber than the sheep. Sick bitches. Get away from this blog. Do something more productive with ur boring blank lives. Crazy ass bitches

  6. If he has something against PDP he shouldn't hide under the guise of air crashes 2 say it. And since he's saying sacrifices are involved i wonder why his small brain didn't remind him of the fact that the Agagu's family may have just needed the heads of those that lost their lives 2 escort the dead man 2 his grave as obvious as it is that his casket was burned nor opened and neother did any of his relative die. Well, only God knows the truth FFK should go and hide his biased long letter.

    1. Word I thought he would say that. He misled me with the title'" sacrifice" this is just anti-pdp

    He blames stella d minister of aviation for incompetence and also not taking responsibility for d crashes dat have occurred under her Tenure. He also blames GEJ 4 not taking action on her and PDP too for supporting her. He went further 2 analyse d crashes dat have occurred over d years. There has been 2 10 yrs cycle of MAJOR crashes.d first frm 1992-2002-2012 and d second frm 1996-2006. He also boasts dat during his tenure as an aviation minister (nov 2006-may2007) , there has Neva bn a crash. Apart frm Hardwork ,we need serious prayer 2 break dat cycle. He also sent his condolences 2 d families of those dat were lost in d recent crash.

    1. Lol thanks Miss Intellect
      U get. Brain

    2. Lol thanks Miss Intellect
      U get. Brain

  8. Miss Intellect now i believe u deserve that name

  9. Anyways I think wt full compiance with safety standards and display of most rigorous form of discipline from †ђǝ top †☺ †ђǝ bottom and with prayers bc I know dt we pray a lot in ds nation there will be peace n safety in our airspace at least other Countries hardly record air crashes like we do in Nigeria not dt they pray beta dn us but even as they may pray they dnt joke wt their safety standard.Corruption hs destroyed ds country God help us YK

  10. Black people don't read lol

  11. I don't always support FFK's rants, but I think he is being true here, how come she hasn't resigned? If there is no problem, why don't they put someone more suitable for the post?

  12. I think something shuld be done,and immediately.FFK's made sense wit this write up.

  13. Be wise to listen even if a mad man speaks. FFK, you've said it all.

  14. Im rlly suprizd @ u fools!!! Hw is stella or pdp 2 b blamed 4 d crashes? It cud hapn @ any president or ministers regime u dumb felos!!! Fink u all are evn dumber dan ffk...

  15. Stella oduah? Dis is simply anoda atak of ffk on igbo women. First it was bianca, chioma, etc now its stella. I knw wat u upto stupid man! Stp uzn d plane crash as a bait...

    1. Shutup there. What has igbo woman got to do with this? In any other civilized country, the aviation minister would resign after 2 plane crashes

  16. Im rlly suprizd @ u fools!!! Hw is stella or pdp 2 b blamed 4 d crashes? It cud hapn @ any president or ministers regime u dumb felos!!! Fink u all are evn dumber dan ffk...

    1. oh SDFU
      u r d fool cause everything he said made sense, dat woman shd v resigned since friday in a sane society!

  17. Too early to tell if this was due to the incompetence of the Minister or plain bad luck !!

  18. too long to read and boring. politics is been played upon souls now. this na Accident. machines made by man can fail at all times.

  19. FFK made four observations here. 1. PDP has failed. 2. The Aviation Minister is not competent. 3. There is a repeated ten year cycle of plane crashes in Nigeria. From his findings FFK speculates that it is looks eerily like sacrifices are being made every ten years to some dark powers. 4. There were no plane crashes in Agagu's time, so people should not point fingers at him and say this happened, because he did nothing when he was aviation minister. (In summary)

  20. FFK made four observations here. 1. PDP has failed. 2. The Aviation Minister is not competent. 3. There is a repeated ten year cycle of plane crashes in Nigeria. From his findings FFK speculates that it is looks eerily like sacrifices are being made every ten years to some dark powers. 4. There were no plane crashes in Agagu's time, so people should not point fingers at him and say this happened, because he did nothing when he was aviation minister. (In summary)

  21. Personally, he has a point...

  22. how person wan take read all this tin now too long jare.metheeeeew

  23. FFK please note that the aircraft that crashed killing captain shuaibu Ali ( adopted son of ahmadu ali) and first officer Lar the copilot of the crashed plane occured in kaduna airport November 28 2005 and not Kano 2006. I thought you had all your facts right as former minister aviation !

  24. Are we suppose to be talking about Stella or PDP? We are talking about human being n our safety. The crash has nothing to do with Stella's regime and beside she;s not the pilot nor the owner of the aircraft. What happens to Senator Idris A.Umar Minister of Transport? can one tell how many auto accident that happen everyday on the road? Travel from Lagos to Anambra or Lagos to Abuja then count how many accidental cars on the road, most of the accidents are caused by bad road and yet nothing is been done about it when we have FERMA,,, Kai, when will nigeria stop pursuing shadow? FFK should go and seat down because he;s just wasting his time anyway he;s jobless because he's pursuing shadow.


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