(Must Read)-30 Things Every Woman Should Have By 30(by Myne Whitman) | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Wednesday 22 May 2013

(Must Read)-30 Things Every Woman Should Have By 30(by Myne Whitman)

Every lady has a set of goals she wants to achieve by the time she is 30. It doesn't all involve marriage(Yep). I found this list compiled by MyneWhitman. on www.romancemeetslife.com  very educative and really spot on.Its a list.so ladies read and decide ......and re evaluate too

Below is her list....
If you are a woman close to your thirties, this is my list of 30 things you should have:

1. An education – This is the best investment you could ever make in your life. Continue learning because as long as you keep learning, you keep growing.

2. A vocation: In addition to your education, become a professional in your career or area of specialisation. Get trained and get the necessary qualifications.

3. A savings account in your own name (and enough money in it) – One of the wisest investments you can make is starting a savings account early. Apportion at least 10% of your earnings to this account and watch it grow.

4. A sense of humor, style and purpose – Humor is very attractive and will get you through some tough patches. A sense of style lets you stand out from your peers and having purpose ensures you pursue your goals with focus.

5. The wisdom to fall in love with your eyes open – Know what you want out of your love relationships and avoid being carried away with the ‘feeling’ of love.

6. The perfect suit to wear for a job interview – As you move higher in life, there’s sure to be numerous job interviews. You never get a second chance to make a first impression, so make sure your suit gives the very best first impression.
7. A set of matching luggage – You may need to go on vacation sometime.  Do it in style with your set of matching luggage.

8. A matching set of lacy bikini – Who knows? You may need to relax at the beach when you go off on that vacation or go for a swim anytime soon. Make sure your bikini is just perfect for the occasion.

9. A recipe for a meal you are almost perfect at – Even if it’s something basic, make sure you are almost perfect at preparing one complete meal.

10. A first love (and several other loves) – The magic of first love is as painful when it’s over, but the best part of it is that after you cry your eyes out, you let go and become wiser. And when you love again, you will know how to keep it. This time, longer.

11. A broken heart (and the knowledge that you can survive it) – A broken heart means that you tried…at least. Only time (and girlfriends) can heal your broken heart. You can survive it….and love again.

12. One friend that makes you laugh….and one you can always run to – What can we do without close friends? Make friends for life and be a friend yourself.

13. A childhood you are grateful for (though not perfect) – None of us chose our childhood, but we can be grateful for all it taught us (perfect or not).

14. A plan for the future you are looking forward to – Without a plan for your future, how do you know when you get there? Sit down with yourself and write where you see yourself in 3, 5, 10 years and make a plan to get there.

15. A good skin care routine – Glowing skin is the dream of every woman. But it does not just happen. Get a good skin care regimen that is best for your skin type and watch your skin glow.

16. A good hairdresser – A woman’s hair is her crowning glory. Get a hairdresser who understands your hair and can help you maintain it in the best possible way.

17. A tailor who can make drop dead outfits – The way you dress is the way you will be addressed. Get a tailor who knows what style really is.

18. A spiritual foundation and faith in God – Maintaining a relationship with God is the best foundation for life. He is your creator and redeemer, so get closer to Him each passing day.

19. A drop dead gorgeous photo of yourself - to remind you that you are beautiful.

20. A best friend – If you fall down, your best friend will pick you up. If you need a hand or a shoulder to cry on, your best friend will be there.

21. A dream - it all starts with a dream. Dream! Let your imagination run wild while you fill up a blank sheet of paper with everything you want to be, do or have. This will keep you going even in the tough times.

22. The phone number of someone who will drop everything and come when you call.

23. A perfectly fitted bra - Wearing the right sized bra is comfortable, helps your posture and aids the lymph flow inside your breasts.  Also, since your breasts will spend most of their time in a bra, should they not be comfortable?

24. A pair of jeans that fit just right - Most ladies will wear a pair of jeans at least once a week. Jeans can also be worn for informal and semi-formal events. Having one that fits just right would make you stand out from the crowd.
25. A handbag you can never get tired of - Handbags are one of those accessories a lady can’t do without. A nice, reasonably sized leather handbag will always do the trick.

26. An average proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel – No matter who you are or what you do, you need to be computer savvy. Start with basic Microsoft Word and Excel, but don’t stop there.

27. Confidence – You are a woman. You are important. Carry yourself as one.

28. Humility – Modesty and an unassuming nature are not signs of weakness. Only a very strong and confident person can be humble. Refuse to get puffed up but remain humble.

29. The guts to say No without feeling guilty – People will always need you to do things for them. Do as much as you can but never choke yourself just to please people. Sometimes you just need to say No.

30. A competitive streak: A desire to be the best and to stand out from the crowd. Make yourself more productive so that you remain relevant.

Wow  NO 1,2,4 5,8,22, 27,28(CHECK) I guess i'm not doing too badly..lol


  1. Perfect,but can must of our 9nja LaDies av all dis b4 rechn 30?

  2. Nice list but she forgot a breast cancer/pap smear check

  3. true

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  5. Lol even at 40 naija women can't do half of these things

  6. You don't have to be 30 to have all of the abov


    1. She said "By 30" meaning on or before

  7. I've done all remain husband ooooooooo crying

  8. Check!!!

  9. l gat all,and am 26
    dnt wait till ur 30 ladies.

  10. Lovely list.Hope Nigerian ladies learn

  11. No 5 very important because I see ladies close to 3o or 30 and above loving like teenagers

  12. Every woman should be in her husband's house by 30

  13. Check!!!...still on it.."Hapi much"

  14. keep up the good work eme; and all women will get there one day. see my blog www.knightslaurel.blogspot.com

  15. Check check check, no check at matching luggage lol

  16. I love this list

  17. That's very true. Every lady gad wah it takes.... U just nid to have a will to do it. Ur man will respect u for that. 4EVA!

  18. So Emeh u no get number 18 abi? eyaaaa.Well, I like this list but the author understand just how difficult getting married is these days especially before 30, so ei no just hurt our feelings by putting that up.As for me na 31 things including getting married.

  19. Nice I'm def proud of myself

  20. Every woman should be married @ 30? This is one of the coments. Bad reasoning what if u are not married @ 30 will u kill ursef or force ursef on a man? Lovely list and I pray those still sEeking there life partners will get there own soon and a good one @ that

  21. The 31st thing is a dentist.h
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