Scientists prove there is indeed Life after Death....... | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Friday 12 September 2014

Scientists prove there is indeed Life after Death.......

A team of psychologists and medical doctors at the Technische Universität of Berlin, have announced that they had proven by clinical experimentation, the existence of some form of life after death. 

According to ,they used a new type of medically supervised near-death experiences, that allow patients to be clinically dead for almost 20 minutes before being brought back to life.This controversial process that was repeated on 944 volunteers over the last four years.
The volunteers were made up of members of variety of Christian churches, Muslims, Jews, Hindus and atheists.

Although there are some slight variations from one individual to another, all of the subjects have some memories of their period of clinical death. 
Most common memories include a feeling of detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, warmth, the experience of absolute dissolution, and the presence of an overwhelming light.
“I know our results could disturb the beliefs of many people” says Mr Ackermann. “But in a way, we have just answered one of the greatest questions in the history of mankind, so I hope these people will be able to forgive us. Yes, there is life after death and it looks like this applies to everyone.”


  1. I love scientists, always discovering new things. Without being told, there is life after death.

  2. I agree ... I have my experience too

  3. Huh?emeh ghost alert ghost alert

  4. Well, dunno wassup but dem oyinbos can do the impossible sometimes. It's very possible tho

  5. Those volunteers get mind sha.

  6. Yes there is life after death. The soul transits to be either
    hell or heaven.

    #God answers all prayers#
    Happy moments - Praise God, Difficult moments-Seek God,
    Quiet moments -Worship God, Painful moments-Trust God,
    Every moment - Thank God.

  7. Dumb scientist. Were they doubting it before?

  8. I see datz the reason dad refused to cum bak

  9. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Hell fire go gather plenty customers i swear......

  10. Emeh the site quoted in this report is satirical and publish faux news. Do a lil research before posting stories.

  11. Vizzy ur dad refuse 2 com bck bcos he had alot of bills 2 pay*oke*

  12. BLOG ANALYSER: Heaven exists. They should have known that since. God is faithful

  13. Ok o, whn dem die (scientists) mak dem come back come tel us hw far. No b dis 20minutes waka.

    1. hahahahahah 20 minutes death! They should go to the mortuaries with their tests.


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