Woman sets fire to stranger's car after mistaking it for her ex-boyfriend's vehicle (Photos) | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Monday, 5 September 2016

Woman sets fire to stranger's car after mistaking it for her ex-boyfriend's vehicle (Photos)

A furious girlfriend got revenge on her ex boyfriend by torching his car - but she didn't realise she got the wrong vehicle.
CCTV showed 19 year old  Carmen Chamblee shoving pieces of paper into the boot of a Honda and setting it on fire . She then casually walked away.
But police believe she got the wrong car - as the owner of the Honda, Thomas Jennings, said he has no idea who the woman is.Jennings's roommate was the first to spot the vehicle on fire and alerted his pal.

 The pair then rushed out with pots of water in an attempt to put out the fire, but Jennings told ABC Action News it was "too much."

The woman was also spotted on separate CCTV footage earlier that day looking into another vehicle.
She was arrested Saturday morning near Clearwater in Florida and charged with second-degree arson.
Chamblee told police she believed the vehicle belonged to her ex boyfriend


  1. What a minute anger will cause ehen,d devil himself go shock

  2. Lolz, I like this. Ntorrrr to her

  3. Lolz, I like this. Ntorrrr to her

  4. Send the stupid girl to jail the boy say him no do again na by force i like the western world dey got rules break dem and ur ass winds up in jail na this kind girl fit murder her husband lock her up oloshi


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