Even Al-Qaeda,Extremist Muslim Clerics condemn gruesome murder of Jordanian Pilot | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Even Al-Qaeda,Extremist Muslim Clerics condemn gruesome murder of Jordanian Pilot

The head of Sunni Islam's top university has called for the crucifixion of Islamic State militants over the burning of a Jordanian fighter pilot - an act even Al-Qaeda condemned as 'deviant'.
Twitter account linked to Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the Yemeni branch of the terror group, denounced the killing as 'conclusive proof of Isis' deviance'

Muslim clerics widely condemned Kasasbeh's burning, saying such a form of killing was considered despicable by Islam, no matter the context.

Dailymail reports that, the 1,000-year-old Al-Azhar university, which is revered by Sunni Muslims around the world, issued a statement expressing
 'deep anger over the lowly terrorist act' by what it called a 'Satanic' group.
Grand Sheikh Tayib said the act 'requires the punishment mentioned in the Koran for these corrupt oppressors who fight against God and his prophet: killing, crucifixion or chopping of the limbs.'
In Qatar, the International Association of Muslim Scholars, headed by prominent cleric Youssef al-Qaradawi and linked to the Muslim Brotherhood that has influence across the region, called the burning of Kasasbeh a criminal act.
'The Association asserts that this extremist organisation does not represent Islam in any way and its actions always harm Islam,' it said.
Saudi cleric Salman al-Odah wrote on his Twitter account:
'Burning is an abominable crime rejected by Islamic law regardless of its causes.'It is rejected whether it falls on an individual or a group or a people. Only God tortures by fire,' he added.
In reply, Islamic State posted its own religious edict on Twitter, which ruled that it is permissible in Islam to burn an infidel to death.
However, senior clerics across the Islamic world argued that inflicting death by fire was always banned under Islam.
'The Prophet, peace be upon him, advised against burning people with fire,' Sheikh Hussein bin Shu'ayb, head of the religious affairs department in southern Yemen, told Reuters in Aden. 
And even Muslim leaders sympathetic to the jihadist cause said the act of burning a man alive and filming the killing would damage Islamic State, which controls swathes of Syria and Iraq.
Abu Sayaf, a Jordanian Salafist cleric who spent almost ten years in Jordanian prisons for militant activity, including a plot to attack U.S. troops, said:
 'This weakens the popularity of Islamic State because we look at Islam as a religion of mercy and tolerance. Even in the heat of battle, a prisoner of war is given good treatment.'
'Even if the Islamic State says Moaz had bombed and burned and killed us, and we punished him in the way he did to us, we say, OK but why film the video in this shocking way?' Sayaf told Reuters.This method has turned society against them.'
SITE, a U.S.-based monitoring service, quoted Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Muhaysini, whom it described as a Saudi jihadi, as saying on Twitter it would have been better if Kasasbeh's captors had swapped him for 'Muslim captives'. The killing would make ordinary people sympathetic to Kasasbeh, he said.


  1. awon were leleyi o,

    so if I am getting you right. its okay to behead but its not okay to burn, don't both act lead to death which is the real reason why its wrong. but no you guys don't have a problem with the killing you have a problem with how he was killed. all of you will burn in hell with your 7 virgins.

    to all Muslims out there. I don't know what is in your Quran o but if it allows you to kill people and you claim to have common sense shouldn't that be enough reason to walk away from this blood sucking religion .

    1. If u don't KNW about islam keep ur sh*t shot

    2. I totally agree wt u anon n quick correction its 77 virgins not 7.

  2. Replies
    1. It not okay to burn, but it okay to Bomb...watin dey follow bomb...

  3. Even prophet mohammed will not be happy when he see this dastardly act.

  4. Replies
    1. RPT: I saw the video. The pilot knew he was going to die. Even if he didn't, he must have
      known from the smell when the flammable liquid doused him. The entire time he was
      calm and walked up like a man. I consider myself a pretty tough guy mentally. I don't
      know if I could have walked to my own execution like that. He obviously must have
      been a smart and talented individual as well, being able to fly a jet. You contrast
      that bravery with the depraved way he was killed...no wonder even Muslims are up in
      arms about it. And even our own Maryam Olaide have no comment today! ..

  5. All this killings!!!! Hum!!!!!.Oti po ju ooo!!!!

  6. Islam is a peaceful religion

  7. All I know is that my Dieus est grAnd #religion

  8. MR EDDY said this heat wan kill person o.

    There's something diabolical about Islam.

  9. Seriously, thats the problem I have with Islam...most of the writings in the Qu'ran contradict the other....one time it is talking about not sparing Jews and infidels...the next it is talking about not sparing the unbelievers...SMH

  10. Really appreciate their effort coming out to condemn Isis evil

  11. Total madness... What's the different between bombing and burning? Instead of them to stop killing, they are saying what killing method is right or wrong. SMH


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