Bill Cosby is a pig,a monster,he raped me-Janice Dickinson burst into tears over his silence | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Bill Cosby is a pig,a monster,he raped me-Janice Dickinson burst into tears over his silence

As Bill Cosby's lawyer rubbished rape claims by alleged victims including supermodel Janice Dickinson,the model broke down on CNN calling Cosby a pig and monster......When confronted with Cosby's refusal, and lawyer allegations that her claims are made up, Dickinson angrily said:
'I am Janice Dickinson and I am the world's first supermodel and this happened in 1982.'Screw you, Bill. You know damn well he's not going to take any responsibility. I say you raped me Bill Cosby, you raped me in 1982 in Lake Tahoe.''I would like Cosby to come out and at least acknowledge he is a pig, that he is a monster, and he raped me”.
She narrated her ordeal in more detail this time
I do remember I was young i was innocent and I was very excited to get a call that I was going to be offered this job on the Cosby show and I trusted him. He was a married man.'
'[I trusted him] because of his demeanor and the promise of a career. I had a successful career and wanted to take it to the next level.'
'I was alone with him', she said. 'I had menstrual cramp - he said "I have something for that" and he gave me a pill.''When I started to black out I had a Polaroid camera on me - I took several photographs. I just remember having him on me in my room the next morning.'I remember waking up and that he - there was a lot of pain downstairs. There was semen all over me and my pajama bottoms were off. I just packed up and I got the hell out of there.I remember being extremely angry that I had been violated - I remember feeling disgusted at him, but I was disgusted at myself.I should have reported it to the Nevada police. I had crystal clear memory of this entire incident, of this rape.'He was wearing a bathrobe and a gold watch... and I remember the feeling in my vagina and my anus... I've not been the same since.'


  1. BLOG ANALYSER: I believe her just that I wonder why they didn't come out then when it happened considering that their culture is relatively free unlike ours. Very innocent looking man, this goes to show that there is no art to reading ones mind.

    1. i dont bliv n never will, they just wanna send cosby to a much early grave.. dey should just quit with this bs already. rip cosby lol

    2. I swear ma sister d whole matter tire me, I keep asking y wait for 30yrs? I mean it doesn't make much sense to me.

    3. Girl next door, you are a big idiot... do you know why? - Ignorance
      for over 15years, some women have been coming out, crying. no one ever believed them... some reported cases were settled out of court...
      if you had brain, you'd appreciate the fact that about 30 women cannot be accusing you of one singular thing without it being true of at least having an element of truth in it.... why wont you be ignorant, when the only program you watch on tv is telemundo and african magic programs... nonsense

    4. You need to live in America to know how things are here. I call that the Michael Jackson syndrome.

      You are invited to a hotel room and you showed up, what do you think it was for? House fellowship?

      Cosby may have slept with them, but to rape them?!

      It's a big set up, Cosby may have stepped on some powerful toes. And in Yankee, forgiveness does not exist

    5. this story is so deep. O God ,i just don't know what to say,but all this celebrities i dont trust them a bit,they all have skeletons in their cupboards.

      The Lumdy Blog Review|Anna Kendrick

      feels positive after nude photo leak

    6. Mr zee, may Amadioha fire that finger u used to type that rubbish, you inconsequential idiot,compound fool.. you re basically a disgrace to the men up here. Mistake of a man.

    7. Some stories can be so touching and pathetic but without evidence, it doesnt hold any water.In as much as i feel for this women, i find it difficult to believe most of this stories.

  2. U were reped since 1982 and u r letting the world know it now in 2014 over 30yrs later? Somebody put this woman up to this, just to ruin cossby. Cossy has paid his debt in the entertainment world and he should be remember for the good not for this. If am cossby I won't comment on this till the end of time. She will have to wait for eternity for a reply....

    1. People like you are the reason people die in silent when things like this happen. Nigeria or America some things stay the same. No one wants the public eye to be all over them, their privacy invaded and people like you calling them names and that is exactly what happens when a small person gets hurt by a big person. It took her 30 years to get the courage to talk about this, does not make it true. It's taken Lady gaga over 10 years to talk about hers, does that mean she's living?

    2. @Omaa just shut urmouth!u are still a kid and moreover u don't know how the American majic conspiracy system works!we are here and we know,everybody here is just laughing at the women and not paying attention to all paid prostitutes that is why the organizers are pained and keep on bringing out more useless women!
      (9ijaborn yankeebased)

    3. This anonymous buffoon must be the dumbest entity on this forum.... American Magic(not majic) Conspiracy system... really?
      your ignorance stinks.... you are a disgrace to Nigerians in diaspora

    4. I know conspiracy and this is one.... period

  3. Replies
    1. Her entire performance looks plastic and rehearsed. Personally I'm not buying it. I don't doubt she slept with him but the rest sounds real fishy.. IT Ä°Åž WELL

  4. Truth flogs rapists3 December 2014 at 08:35

    1982 madam. I believe you were raped but since then Bill Cosby probably doesn't even have semen again. So how do they prove this.

  5. Her Intro got me laughing, "I am Janice Dickinson, I am the world finest supermodel.. U actually admitted you should have reported to the police then. How many women will still come out tomorrow on this rape saga? Bill I hope whatever is keeping you silent over this accusations is worth it.. Until then ..!!!!

  6. Now I know all this is a set up, God will bring you out of this mess Cosby

    1. My dear. This is really incredible! Since 1982, I wasn't even born then!

  7. People are really coming out to allegedly accuse Bill. But why did it take her so long?

  8. 33yrs ago??????? Jaunice park well abeg. I thinl I like the silent of Bill at least for now till everything calm down before utering a word. Meanwhile where are the 'several pictures' she took?

  9. How come all of a sudden bill Cosby raped everybody 20 to 30yrs ago? And in a free land like America, not Nigeria, they couldn't come up when the evidence was "still der"? Now that he's an old man who should be seen as a great legend, they all remember theyv been raped? Someone is up to this obviously, paying all these bitches to cook up lies against bill... I also believe he knows who's behind it, hence his silence... He's probably strategising... The stories are just funny

    1. GBAM!!! God bless and keep you dear,like you saw what's in my head,you said it all.

    2. What does she have to gain? She already has fame and money... Rape is a delicate subject and when it happens, you can't even open your mouth..shame,guilt, anger fills you up... I believe he did it! She dint report it because she would still have been labelled a name, she was ashamed..besides she was young in the industry and dint want to be known with that... There r people who are married and were raped and still haven't gotten over it.. 30 yrs aint too much... Rape tears your soul,mind,body....She really has nothing to gain

    3. U sounded lyk 1 who hs bn raped severally

    4. Severally? lol! not once... but during my NYSC i was privileged to speak to some of my students who found peace and came forth..Its never easy...

    5. My dear, u can never have enough money.... Tell bill Gates to stop earning money na, hrs got more Dan enough doesn't he? U can't guess how much she's been offered.. Uer speaking from a Nigerian point of view, the stigma, the trauma, the scorn etc coupled with the fact that Nigerian police might not even do much.... I get u.. But it's America! With fresh evidence she could have nailed him, nothing to it.. They are free thinkers and not judgmental and overly religious ppl like Nigerians, the stigma couldn't have been as intense, and she could have definitely spoken up... She could have nailed him makes absolutely no sense that all of a sudden, Bill Cosby has raped everybody, and none of Dem could speak up den yet ALL OF DEM are speaking up AT THE SAME TIME.... my dear, this is just fishy

    6. lol! Religion or being Nigerian has nothing to do with the effect rape has on you!! it has to do with the woman...If you have ever read any rape story they are always in denial, the shame is always much! A student who was raped in Columbia after she reported her case and carried mattress thru out campus to buttress her point was still labelled a liar..and this happened in 2014.. let alone 1982.. Meanwhile it just dint start now, Google it.. in 2004 13 women accused him of sexual molestation..which they later settled outside court at an undisclosed amount in 2006. oh! this morning another lady also came forth saying he molested her when she was 15 back in the days too... Back then Bill was likened to a President (meaning he was powerful) dare you accuse such a person? Can they all be lying?

    7. Lol.. Ders a difference between trauma and stigma.. The trauma remains the same.. Painful and Unbearable... But the stigma given to rape victims over der can't be compared to dat of Nigerian victims. Dats what I'm saying... They are given fair hearing and are seen as strong if they speak out. . So she could have just spoken out then.. She would have been given a listening ear and with all the so called evidence being fresh back den, there would have been no escaping for him... So now is when it became terribly Unbearable for her that she could finally speak out? OK, what evidence does she hope to nail him with now? 1+1 is 2 dear... Dis is too fishy.. Lol.... And btw by everybody and at the same time, I don't mean literally... It's not possible dat he actually raped everybody in d world nd I'm in touch too hunnie, I know they all didn't come out exactly the same time

  10. Hmm just like I always say, am not defending Bill neither am I saying he's innocent ...just that we need hard evidence that's all, cos we can't judge a man by stories that happened decades ago...nah
    A man isn't guilty until proven otherwise...!

  11. The number of the women accusing him are already 18 in number. Are they all lying. I think Bill was a very naughty naughty man and his past is catching up with him. I don't believe he is innocent anymore.

  12. Is this one of those times people say SILENCE GOLDEN? Well i think there are other times, when silence is not "golden"..............Mr. Cosby talk ooooooo, or u want Emeh to publish my story as well, u think i forgot what happened in 1972?

    1. My point exactly...Whether it happened in the past or not, Cosby should speak up and defend himself if he didn't do it. In the court of law, silence is taken for consent.

  13. Mtchewwwwwww. Story for the gods.

  14. Bygon is bygone

  15. Its a pity most people here focus more on the year the suppose rape happened than the actual rape!even if she came out in 1982,people would have accused her of setting up the serial rapist(cosby)!for instance,how can a teenager and a nobody accuse late Mandela of rape???who will take her seriously??I think that's why these women kept quite and choose to speak up now that the law protects them more.people who castigate her for coming out 30years later should be ashamed of even took emeh years to admit her ordeal with a man.its difficult.if u think its easy as a woman,u should get raped sometime,let's see how easy it will be for u.u as a guy,why don't u get butt raped by another guy and come tell the world!!!!mtchew

  16. Bill is almost a Fossil and approaching death and u feel this is the best time to speak up.Smh

    No shaking

  17. @ HONESTY abeg liv Madiba out of this, weitin bring those ones naa, why cant u make an example with President Jonathan? Please i no fit shouttttttttttttt! NXIIIIIIIIII!

  18. Yesterday, Lady Gaga revealed she was raped 8 years ago. Imagine after 8 years before she summoned the courage to talk. Last week Emeh posted something about an actress who was raped in 1972 talking about it for the first time in 2015. Time is not a factor. Most women speak out when they are in a position of power and when people will likely believe them . That's why many rape claims come when the women are much older and independent.

  19. Hmmmm.This is really serious o.

  20. This is all BS, so are you telling me that out of 18 people that has accused bill of rape non of them reported him to the police?? Lol wht a coincidence. Abeg me sef I was raped in 1692 but I just didn't want to report him. Since then my anus has not been thesame it still hurt MF. Shhhhhh.

  21. I brought up a man that is well loved globally,that's why I used mandela.u need to stop bn silly.

  22. Na wa o, Bill Cosby over to you...

  23. I don hear papa, in other words Jojo aka your president is not well loved globally?

  24. Belinda hw far??they shld leave oga bill alone 4 us

  25. haba!,,,,But Cosby should atleast say something na.....nawa o

  26. that man should say something...


  27. 18 of them, no even one reported to d Police all dis while?

  28. I am ashamed of all the girls in here that calls this a set up.... over 20 women have been crying about this for the past 15years... does it even matter the years?
    how can 20 women be wrong about one singular thing?
    so because Cosby portrayed a highly lovable character in a make-believe world, now means he is like that in real life?
    I'm not even bothered at what he has to say because, at this point, what is there to say? what can he say?
    His only saving grace will be that, there might not be concrete evidence to throw his old ass to jail

    1. Sorry Mr Zee, i am a woman and i stand against rape but all these stories leave a little to be desired. First of all define rape and use that definition in this context. Read between the lines and thoroughly examine the allegations. After 32 years you dig up a rape story and say he is a pig and a monster because he refuses to respond, how convenient. What does she want exactly, To tarnish his image, to get him arrested and charged to court? To make headline or just for popularity? oh please! FYI you aren't the finest super model in the world with your plastic surgery face.

  29. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    'I am Janice Dickinson and I am the world's first supermodel. lmaoo.. she is trying to use this opportunity to gain attention...

  30. No more crying...
    Alse shared here

  31. Different news kept coming out*1982* that was so long

  32. I know conspiracy and this is one.... period @Mr Zee plz be careful with ur words


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