Kim & Kanye go on dinner date as it's revealed he supervised her raunchy magazine shoots | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Friday, 14 November 2014

Kim & Kanye go on dinner date as it's revealed he supervised her raunchy magazine shoots

Kim and a glum looking Kanye stepped out for a dinner date as it was revealed he was actually present during her nude paper magazine shoot .The shoot took place in September during Paris Fashion Week .According to Radaronline
Of course Kanye was there for the shoot,“He would never let Kim be naked in a room if he was not present.Everyone thought that they were going to see Kendall, which is funny because Kim had this planned all along,“Kris was in on it too..She really wanted to use this photographer because she has always been a fan of his work"
This comes as a clip of Kim crying in 2011 on Keeping up with the Kardashians surfaced.She was angry for going nude for W Magazine saying 
“I feel so taken advantage of… I’ve definitely learned my lesson,I’m never taking my clothes off again, even if it’s for Vogue."
Image-Pacific coast


  1. The people of the moment.! They keep getting the critics and yet they are smiling to te bank ans above all understand each other very well.. That video of where she was crying is so stale, and ofcourse Kanye was going to be there when she goes nude, whoever thought he wasn't there would need to have a re-think. They are power couple and will remain ontop of their game. If you don't like them, don't read their story. Emeh I guess u strong now. Morning 2 u all.. Great weekend ahead.!!!

  2. Cutest couple eva!!
    Of course Kanye was going to be there for the photoshoot, she's his wife after
    Love my Kimye!

  3. Obviously she has learnt nothing. One gets the impression this Kanye guy is simply using Kim to service some esoteric and selfish ends.
    Slavery is manifest in several forms. This is one of it.

  4. Not surprised that he was there.

  5. @Steveosky, Kim going naked is non of our biz, I mean its her life. Her fucking biz how she wanna live it, I mean b4 you know it ppl will stop talking this. Am not righteous either. But can u stop all these things u are acting up, pretending and be realistic for once. YOU Steve would not even allow ur wife dress inappropriate let alone go completely nude. We know u love Kim, I do too, in fact I copy her fashion style a lot(only when she's all covered up). I love seeing Kim decent cos that's when I get to appreciate her figure. So bcos she had a sex tape therefore she shld always do a repetition of it. She's a grown woman now and shld be able to correct her mistakes. YOU Steve, if to say u hear say ur wife na Ashawo b4 u married her, you for leave am go look for decent girl. The truth is, deep down in ur heart you are saying "awww Kim, these pics are so wrong, you didn't get it this time" but how u will say it is the prb cos u are her big fan, am also her fan. But Steveosky, kpo ihe ojoo, ihe ojoo and move on.

    1. Ok Sandra, I don't know y u taking this personal, I can't remember countering any of your post or comment. But all d same if you had read my coment on d nude display u won't have need to rant this way, On that post I said and I quote, "Kim this is obnoxious". Then I said well, since Kanye is aware then who am I, but from d way u sound as if we have issues, u can as well write your own comment and ignore mine. I don't respond to comments but I just had to clear the air. Jisike Nne ooo.!!

    2. exactly my point sandra,plz b real,u only tryin 2 kip holdin d flag of oh i love kim nd kayne cos mpn readers knw u like dem ,deep dwn uv criticiszd her acts alredy,btw hop ur wife doesnt read dis blog?cos i find it disrespectful hw u shower so much praises on kim except u do same on her daily too,bt even if she is a human she wil def b jealous! and assumin d reverse is d case i bet u u wont find it funny,imagine ur wife alwayz admirin a man like u,hmmm,plz try nd curtail,tnx

    3. @ Nkemdilim,And what is ur biz if d wife reads d blog, Amebo. people wont just mind their biz.

    4. jenny its cos of girls like u dat has made men/women,everybody concludes dat women ar d enemies of ourselves,ar u nt a woman?if ur bof/hubby alwayz worship a particular lady u feel okay ryt?so nw dat u replied my coment hav u in anyway minded ur biz?talkin rubbish,

    5. Ur obviously a little girl, when u get married u will reckon with the word UNDERSTANDING in marriage, do u leave with them? Silly brat spewing rubbish. We aint levels pls. Wheu u get married then maybe we can talk.. Okbye.

    6. shutup ur mouth,d issue of jealousy is normal in any marriage or relatnship weda understndin or no understndin except u dont love d person,

    7. Thank God reasonable people still visit this place .Thanks Nkem and Sandra . I guess BOYS will always be boys because No real MAN will showcase this extreme shameless stupidity like fake Steve who of course is jenny bcos he uses various id to fight people & those names disappear when is over . just watch .
      A 20 year old boy can be a MAN mentally while a 45 year old man parade himself with 10 year old mentality .
      Steve , from a woman,wife,mother and sister , you're you insulting your wife publicly ,you've no respect for her or your child if you are really married .
      It seems you kept her bcos you can't get Kim .Who knows if you have Kim at the back of your mind while fucking her or you are just plain stupid and a little boy .
      Grow the fuck up little boy and respect your grey hair !

    8. @ Sandra if i was a married woman and my hubby keep admiring Kim K's nude pics i would kill him! If its a boyfriend i would dump him!

    9. For once let me say thank you to all of you that dislike stupidity from a grown ass man .
      Steve is acting very silly and obsessed like a confused idiot . No wonder they called you gay and a little boy because you behave like one .

  6. Sandra you just spoke my mind! I don't really understand and Kim's issue o, a mother goes naked and you support her, Lola, spoke her mind which made a lot of sense you made fun of her, bro what's the deal? last time I checked you are a MARRIED MAN, who God has blessed with a kid! am sure u wouldn't want your child to read these your support for something really bad, kanye is a manipulator if you do not know it, do a background check! what kind of a man would put his wife naked for the world to see, while he covers up all the time. no body hates Kim so stop sounding like she pays your bills, we just don't accept that nudity is the only way she can be on the news.

    1. Thank God you guys are telling Steve the truth for once !
      His childish pretentious ranting was become so shameful I keep praying for Emeh to forget about Kim's story because I was really really hurt for the wife and those that saw her pictures here.
      I wish her pictures were not posted for the husband to keep this disgrace alive .

      if I remember correctly , this Kim's story started the fight between the Steve & the anon then and evaporated to domestic war and black enemity among lots of people here .
      Steve , take their advice and act your age & pls respect your wife !

  7. Sandra you just spoke my mind! I don't really understand and Kim's issue o, a mother goes naked and you support her, Lola, spoke her mind which made a lot of sense you made fun of her, bro what's the deal? last time I checked you are a MARRIED MAN, who God has blessed with a kid! am sure u wouldn't want your child to read these your support for something really bad, kanye is a manipulator if you do not know it, do a background check! what kind of a man would put his wife naked for the world to see, while he covers up all the time. no body hates Kim so stop sounding like she pays your bills, we just don't accept that nudity is the only way she can be on the news.

    1. Why do you always have to make sense? Too correct! too much on POINT!

  8. @Kingsley, thank you. Pls Steve, am not taking anytin personal, Just spoke my mind biko. TRUE friends/fans of Kim will tell her "babe this ain't nice but the deed is done", and they move on and pretend like it never happend...shikina. Biko Nwannem Steve, jisie kwa ike o. UDO!

  9. The last time i checked people are free to love and admire who they want irrespective of their flaws, A whole lot of these celebs have posed nude, ranging from, Jolie, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Rihana, Mrs Smith and a whole lot,so why would Kim's own be a problem, U people should also know their way of life so diff from ours, so i see no big deal here, Sandra if you like Steve just say it and move on.

    1. Tk u gift, almost all nollywood celeb has gone naked bfr.. Google is ur friend nawa.. Ppl r here condemning asif it's everytin in nigeria's culture dat d western world likes.. Kim is also a model n de go naked in America weda u get kids or not. She's not d first

  10. Hmmm Mr Steve whether u like it or not u need a lawyer on this one and am officially ur lawyer Bt I still need your approval b4 I go ahead hihihihi

  11. Na wa oo! Kanye clearly not a happy man.

    I'm sure he's thinking, 'wetin i dey do with ashewo sef?'

  12. I just hope we don't hear stories that touch later on. But what's the deal with Kanye? Always having a forlorn look on his face.

  13. They both look confused

    No shaking

  14. Chidimma ur a fool. Ur digressing from the topic. Who are u to interfere in people"s marriage. *Joyce*.

  15. Most of you criticizing kim for going nude, but i bet you if she ever comes to Nigeria, these same people here will beg her for a selfie.. Nigerian are filled with hypocrites. Am sure this makes a lot of sense 2 ur diff brains.

  16. Let me see a NORMAL African man watching his wife, not only wife girlfriend also, posing nude! Even celebrity self, T.Bilz & Tiwa!

  17. I usually won't comment on things like this but those calling out Steve for liking Kim are just pretenders. Do you know how many married women crush on musicians and their husbands know? What of Donjazzy always crushing on Rihanna, calling her his wife, posting her pics, tweeting at her. Yet,he has a girlfriend. What of Lynxx, Always doing the same. What of pierce Morgan who says he is also obsessed with her. I could name so many married men and women who love celebrities and it doesn't mean a thing to their wives or husbands. You people need to take life less seriously. Steve likes Kim, it doesn't mean a thing. I adore Chris Brown and I'm engaged. That's what fame does. Leave Steve alone

  18. Dear Greg, I'll be the 1st person to rush and take a selfie with her and then whisper into her ear "babe, pls next time don't take a nude pix". You know why? Cos am one of her fans and like her. I just hate the nudes, NOT KIM. I hope this makes a lot of sense in your brain? UDO!

  19. Dear Emeh, don't put up the "read more" banner, when there's nothing more to read.


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