The Fear of Unfaithful Men - Blog Reader's Memo to Ladies Scared of Marriage | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Monday 10 August 2015

The Fear of Unfaithful Men - Blog Reader's Memo to Ladies Scared of Marriage

This is a response to my latest Blogger's Diary,(My Shocking Encounter with the Unfaithful Husband).It was sent in by blog reader ,Amy George ..Enjoy and share your thoughts..

I really do read and enjoy your bloggers diaries until yesterday when I  saw some " UNFAITHFUL HUSBAND ISSH"
I'd let it pass by but some   comments like; "Marriage sef dey fear me.God have mercy" "im scared of getting married"... left my mouth open like some hungry glutton lol.

 Maybe I'm not alone in this journey.  Most marriages fail because of infidelity, most people cheat on their spouses, and I hear it's extremely difficult to find someone who will always be faithful and trust-worthy.
     Some years back, I pictured  myself 50 years of my age,  Living old and alone with many adopted children,  because of my fear of being cheated on and being hurt by the man I love, and it freaks me out! It sucks because I want to be loved and I have so much love to give, but I really don't wanna fall in love with someone who would lie to me, betray me and make me feel like fool.

Really! Amy you do not want to be lonely and do not want to be betrayed or hurt either? Unfortunately, there is no solution that guarantees happiness except you.   If you have a desire for a relationship, you have to risk it. Cheating is not as inevitable as you make it out to be.  "I thought by myself".

" hummmm like i forgot infidelity ain't just on the men's side alone neither does it happen only in marriages.   Okay!!! If everybody should blame the opposite sex, maybe we should turn gays and start up a gay marriage!  But chill; is there any guarantee that gays don't cheat too?  We only trying to create "Gamophobia" (fear of marriage) within us.
It’s easy to conceive why a cheating spouse can spell out the bitter end of what might otherwise have been a forever thing. It’s not just the physical betrayal, but also the loss of trust and the emotional infidelity, particularly for women. A partner being unfaithful can also trigger intense levels of depression, low self esteem, low self worth and feelings of abandonment for the person who was cheated on. No one wants to feel as though their partner simply found someone better than they are, that they weren’t good enough to love forever.
 All of this adds up to make complete sense of the fear that many people feel towards the possibility of infidelity in their relationship.
But when it comes down to it, the fear of being cheated on is a personal insecurity that only you can change.
Don’t get me wrong. If you’ve been cheated on before, I know it’s hard to trust again. Believe me, I’ve been there. But there comes a point when you have to stop punishing yourself and say ‘What they did was about them, not about me’.
They chose to cheat because of the kind of person they are, because of the circumstances they allowed themselves to become involved in, not because you weren’t good enough. Like I commented on yesterday's post  " Men don’t just cheat because their partner isn’t giving them enough. Sometimes, their partners can be giving them everything in the world, thinking nothing is wrong and have all of that come crashing down on you, men just do this because they CAN…Because they WANT to, because they have boundaries they are unable to maintain…And because they lack the respect for themselves to maintain these boundaries and the commitments they made" (Not just men. "WE").

Yet, it’s hard to believe that when you’ve been betrayed and your relationship has been fractured, and you express the fear that remains with the following kinds of actions or behaviour:
Insecurity about personal looks and attributes, Checking in on where the other person is going, or has been, Snooping on phones, A general lack of trust about the things the other person says or does  E.T.C...  All of these responses are understandable, but they are also complete energy and time wasters. "Obsessing about your partner cheating won’t stop it from happening".
 No matter how much time you spend controlling and trying to prevent your partner straying, if the person you are in love with, is the kind of person to be disloyal, then all of the energy you put into worrying about whether they will cheat won’t stop it from happening. You can’t control what another person does. You can only control how you think, feel and behave.

 One thing to always remember is that you can't control everything. You can't control ANYONE. That saying "it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" is so true.
     Look reality in the face,  accept it, and watch it become less scary.


  1. Amy nice sermon... But marriage isn't for everyone...

    1. Brown suga, your Ikebe na foreign!. Chai!!!

    2. Very very true my dear.

    3. @Obinna fly away before I catch you @ Nadine I see your ID now let's talk abt showing us your beautiful face!

    4. God will direct the right people to us

    5. Love laugh live...marriage is beautiful

    6. Ok BS. But I have to Photoshop and filter as much as possible. And that will take time u know...

  2. The last three paragraphs were interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  3. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said..
    Noboby wants to end up alone when they are old i swear... God just dash me MY own wife and soulmate nothing else... As far as God is involve no problem....

  4. Thoughtful Piece.. Nice One Dear!!
    .NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

  5. i'm so scared of being alone

  6. I don't fear anytin about marriage bcos I have faith and believe in my God. God instituted marriage and am gonna enjoy it. I pray and fast for a good husband and I see God working it out for me. Am gonna get married b4 dis year runs out by God's grace. God reveals tins to me so I've got no worries! In all,b prayerful and b d kind of woman dat attracts God fearing men with ur life style

  7. Infidelity and Unfaithfulness, have been an inevitable menace that have bewitched our everyday marriage stories, I fell in love with the outright write-up, but I refuse to trade in same faith. 70% of Life defaults and/or failures are based on FEAR. Where as to cut to the chase I strongly believe in JEREMIAH 32:27. Our doings may not be enough to prove our sanity towards an healthy and faithful role in marriage, only the grace of the almighty can save and keep us strong each day.

  8. MR EDDY said this heat wan kill person

    It is really well.

  9. Emeh snap out of it please, marriage is an institution blessed by God. just pray that Jesus take the lead in ur life,

  10. I read all the comments on the bloggers diary but couldn't comment coz of where I was at that time and network was a bit shaky. Now here is what I think judging from what Emeh wrote... "If you are caught cheating then you are a cheat", if you are not caught cheating then you are a saint".. Bottom line is, we all are humans and can err at any given time or place,, but we should always pray for that grace of God to keep us steadfast... But the notion that all men cheat is pure fallacy.. I can only speak for myself but then again there are still a few good men.. Blessed week everyone.. Amy George nice write up...!!!

  11. Motivated. My marriage is going to be the best and will definitely stand the test of time.Thanks Amy.

  12. Gamophobia....hmmm, I didn't know that one...
    All I know is this, there are some things that are out of my control and I can't tell the future....But I would marry someone who takes responsibility for her actions cos Marriage is a long ride anything can happen..
    Before I say I do, I would make sure am willing to accept, forgive and mend if needs be...
    Cheating occurs cos we intend to have what's lost in a relationship somewhere else....I would bring what's admired outside home....Re invent ourselves if needs be as long We both happy....

    1. Ezzy Belinda will be so proud of you for this comment.

  13. God has bless us with alot of faithful men who will never cheat on their wives till death do them part.....Let call a spade a spade we got alot of faithful men in town -Pst.Chekeleke

  14. I just love this,Amy lovely one from u....

  15. It is possible to be happy, so much love in marriage

  16. your spouse wont cheat only if they fear GOD not if they respect and love you. If they respect you they can still cheat on you. The fear of God constrains our actions. Remove fear and just remember they were men like Joseph, Job, Daniel........ they are rare in this generation but they exist. I have seen way too descent guys but the ladies reject them because they are not their type. The urge is there but His grace available


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