(Blogger's Diary)The Concept of Heaven & Hell ! My Beliefs | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Sunday 15 June 2014

(Blogger's Diary)The Concept of Heaven & Hell ! My Beliefs

In recent times, I've been forced to question the essence of humanity after seeing the acts  meted out on fellow humans by others with such wanton disregard for feelings and human compassion .In Nigeria today, we are so accustomed to religious killings,Boko Haram massacres, ritual murders, family and spouse murders that we have adjusted our lives to accept it as a way of life ..

 What went wrong? When did it our world become hell? Is hell really worse than this? Is there really hell somewhere?Are some living in hell and others in heaven? SO, being inquisitive I decided to do some fact findings about the concept of heaven and hell which I must say is exhaustive ....(Please,this is not an attempt to discredit any religion and we should not attack any religion but state our own beliefs..Religion is a very sensitive issue)

I've always been intrigued by Buddhism and their concept of after-life... 
The Buddhist concept of heaven and hell is entirely different from that in other religions. Buddhists do not believe in physical heaven or hell..They say it is unreasonable for a man to be condemned eternally for his human weakness. Their belief is those who go to hell can work their way towards heaven making use of the good they did at a point in time ..To them, hell is a temporary place..

The most interesting part of their religion is that heaven and hell are all here on earth.They feel the fire of hell in this world is hotter than that of the hell in the world-beyond. ........

According to buddist Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda Maha Thera,
"There is no fire equal to anger, lust or greed and ignorance. According to the Buddha, we are burning from eleven kinds of physical pain and mental agony: lust, hatred, illusion sickness, decay, death, worry, lamentation, pain(physical and mental), melancholy and grief. People can burn the entire world with some of these fires of mental discord. Hell and heaven is that where ever there is more suffering, either in this world or any other plane, that place is a hell to those who suffer. And where there is more pleasure or happiness, either in this world or any other worldly existence...Buddhists believe that after death rebirth can take place in any one of a number of possible existences. This future existence is conditioned by the last thought-moment a person experiences at the point of death. This last thought which determines the next existence results from the past actions of a man either in this life or before that. Hence, if the predominant thought reflects meritorious action, then he will find his future existence in a happy state. But that state is temporary and when it is exhausted a new life must begin all over again, determined by another dominating 'kammic' energy"
I recall watching CNN some years back and when movie superstar Richard Gere,a practising Buddist was asked about the concept of hell and heaven on earth, he said ...
    There are some people living in hell here on earth and yes there are some living in heaven here on earth..
As a Christian, I must confess I had to give this a second thought..Some places on earth are prone to such disaster, wickedness and incomprehensible suffering which is unfathomable.I find myself asking "Why is there so much evil in this place?What did those little babies do to be slaughtered or killed in genocide? What did the poor students in places like Borno state do? Or why did this very truthful and just person die in the most horrible way ever?..Why are some other places filled with peace or calm?Why am I still here despite all my sinful ways?Why do some girls commit 30 abortions and live while others die at their first attempt?
  • Christians believe all sinners are going to hell irrespective of how small or big your sin was,there is just one destination for all.Heaven or Hell..Now does this mean a man who has been brutally murdering little kids for ritual purposes and a little girl who told a little lie about stealing candy are headed for the same hell?
  • Catholics believe in purgatory, a place to pay off debts for sins that were forgiven but for which sufficient penance had not been done on earth.They believe this is a place souls who died stay until their sins are washed off..This is why Catholics believe in praying for the dead who may be in purgatory ..
  • Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people will go to heaven to rule with God and Jesus. The remainder of the righteous will enjoy paradise on earth .The Garden will be restored and there will be no sickness, death,old age,or unhappiness...They don't believe in the concept of hellfire as they believe the wicked will be cut off totally and won't exist..
  • The Muslims also believe in heaven where those who make it lie upon couches in a climate-controlled environment surrounded by “bashful, dark-eyed virgins, chaste as the sheltered eggs of ostriches.” ..They also believe in resurrection where all will stand before God and give account..But before that day,those bound for hell will suffer in their graves, while those bound for heaven will be in peace until that time.Some Muslim commentators believe God can rescue people from hell as he chooses because he is merciful and compassionate
  • The Hindus believe in reincarnation and rebirth of souls..To them, death is not the end of all but is temporary and an opportunity for the dead to evaluate their choices, their previous life and the next step they want to take ..They believe when a man dies,the soul leaves the body with some level of consciousness .If a person committed many bad deeds in life, the soul goes to a lower worlds and suffer and if the good outweighs the bad, he goes to a higher plane and enjoys there..The last thoughts of a person at the point to death determines where they go to..If he was thinking of family, he will go to the world of ancestors and be reborn into that family(some Africans believe this)..If you were thinking of money, you will be reborn as a merchant or trader.If thinking of evil, you will go to the world of evil to suffer and will have the chance to think of the evil you had others pass through and feel it..If you were thinking about God, you go to the highest realm ..They believe in bad ghosts and spirits as unfortunate beings trapped between the higher worlds and earth.These are those who committed so much evil or suicide and hang around desolate places and trouble people of unpure minds..However, Good spirits also exist to help the needy and always hang around family,to help and protect them.In essence, the concept of hell and heaven is not eternal but a place where the dead go to learn and get to a higher level as they prepare to be reborn.They also say once reborn you have no memory of past life but if reborn into your past family,those around may see the same attitudes with the person who died.
  • Atheist don't believe in the existence of any deity..They believe in God,heaven or hell ...........
Personally, there are times I'm confused..I must confess..There are times I believe hell exists here on earth but my upbringing as a Christian truly believes in judgement in the afterlife...I strongly believe in praying for the dead.I believe the the dead know of our activities here on earth..This is based on my personal experiences.....

The parable of Lazarus and the rich man proves this..The Rich man begged Abraham to tell Lazarus to tell his family to stop their sinful ways , to avoid joining him in hell.....This means if Lazarus had a family, for the fact that he was in a good place, he could pass messages, help or save them..But the rich man didn't have that privilege ..

I also believe no human is perfect and without blemish....but most importantly, I believe in a supreme being called GOD.
What's your belief.....

 Emeh Achanga...


  1. Africans were peaceful whilst we were worshipping ogun,stone and crocodile.it was after christain and muslim were introduced to africans that we started experiencing religious supremacy and killings.

    1. Africans were never peaceful people. We have always been killing and selling innocent people. The Yoruba and Edo kidnapped and sacrifice innocent souls to their gods in the millions.

    2. Nice one Emeh

    3. I believe in judgment and in God. The rest is left for God

  2. Emeh you really have me thinking deep. The fact is most religions all agree in heaven and hell.Thats what I believe too.I don't know where how but I know the wicked won't go unpunished. I don't have an explanation as to why some suffer and some don't. I believe in God and that's enough for me. That said, keep it up

  3. Very smart woman. These days I don't know what to believe.

  4. Thought-provoking..I am Christian but the Hindus and buddist make a lot of sense. Some people are really living in he'll on this earth. I swear

  5. In the same Christian bible god ordered Moses and the Israelite to massacre the Canaanites both young and old. The virgins should be speared and kept as wives. Why would god order such a thing? yes the Canaanites were doing bad things, but to kill babies? Israelite sound just like present day Boko Haram. God killed every first born in Egypt, Innocent children that did nothing wrong. Couldn't god have found other ways in dealing with things instead of killing. Can't he just change the minds of the wicked?

    1. Yes some places inthe bible got me confused. God ordered killings. David killed a lot but was the man after God's own heart. The truth is, God is the Ist wonder of this world and his ways are not the ways if man and will never be understood

    2. My dear, I think you should begin by addressing God as "God" and not as "god" because He is our Maker and deserves our respect. I think that if you read the Bible properly you will see that God made us in His image and He gave us something called "Free Will", which means the choice that we have to either choose Him or reject Him. If we choose Him then we are assured of his presence and protection here on earth and everylasting life in his Kingdom of Heaven after this earth. God doesn't force Himself on people but ensures that we understand that He loves us and He wants us to choose Him and enjoy everlasting life. Coming to your quote, I think you should seek to understand the difference between the Old Testament which you quoted and the New Testament under which we currently live. The Old Testament was the period of "the law" which God established after man rebelled against Him through the disobelience of Adam and Eve. He gave the "law" to the Israelites as His "chosen people" as He desired to use the Israelites as a "model people" for the rest of the disobeying humanity to follow. This is the reason that God was with the Israelites and helped them defeat their enemies etc, as long as they didn't dispobey Him. This is also the reason that He punished the Israelites when they disobeyed (including David whose son was killed by God because of His adultery). Because of man's continuous disobedience and atrocities, God decided to send His precious son Jesus Christ to come to the earth and die for our sins so that His blood will erase the law and usher us into the period of "grace" which we now have access to. Grace means God's infinite mercy even when we don't deserve it. This is why we can sin 100 times in one day and beg God 100 times and He will forgive you 100 times and forget our sins (although we shouldn't mock God or take Him for granted). There is no limit to the grace of God for man on this earth until we die. The moment we die, there is no more grace. We either go to heaven (if we have lived right) or we perish in hell (if we have lived in disobedience to God). But God loves us so much and desires that we choose Him to assure our everlasting life. He hates it when man suffers and it hurts Him deeply when there are wars, terrorism, famine etc, but He can only intervene when we "CHOOSE" Him. He will not force Himself on man as He gave us the "FREE WILL" when He made us. I am a child of God and I know that NOTHING in my life happens by accident because I have chosen Him and His grace is upon my life. Why don't you choose Him too? The Bible says "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!" - Psalm 34:8. I hope my post will help you clarify your confusion. God Bless you. PS: If you'll like to watch a sermon on this particular topic on Youtube, you can click on this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nypngKmfI8Y God bless you and keep you safe. I pray that you choose Him.

  6. I believe Jesus is the way the truth and life. That is the only way to heaven.

  7. I believe in this pepper soup I'm about to finish..And the big bottle of coke I'm drinking. Will be back to give my thoughts which I know you all are waiting for

  8. Hell is real ohhhhh hell is under ur feet(earth core) its nt a place u want to go# d main reason y ppl question d existence of hell is becus dey want to live dia life d way dey want## miss petite hell is real and d whole world is aheading to it dats y God created a way(jesus) to heaven# if u want to make heaven live right live by d standards of d bible and believe in jesus christ# eternity no be joke ohhhh dnt play wit ur spirit

    1. The main reason why people question the existence of hell is because they want to live their life the way they want...... This sis so true

  9. i do believe in heaven and hell,as a christian and 2 my own believe.i believ God is nt after weda u re rich or poor on earth bt ur soul,i remember were d lord said bfore a rich man could enter the kingdom of God,it 'll be like wen camel passed tru the hole of a needle.God does nt encourage ur success on earth,bcos i knw very well dat money is d root of all evil.it is very hard 2 live a holy life wen u hav everytin in ur possesion,i rmber a man in the bible who left is family,friends everytin he hads and wen't to d wilderness bcos he wn't 2 serve God.lets nt decieve ourselfs,we all knw dt money is good,bt dere is no way u cn serve God in truth wit everytin on ur posession.God has showed most ppl around the world heaven and hell,which they com up wit almost the same xperecne,are 'll waitin 4 the sky 2 show hell bfore 'll believe? Lets nt decieve ourselfs.*chucks*

  10. The fact that we use words like "REST in peace", and "GOODNIGHT" "glorious EXIT" "PASSES ON", "SLEEP ON" suggest that there is life after death. This is because, REST suggests for a time being bcos you tend to go back to do something after a rest. GOODNIGHT suggests that there will be morning afterwards, EXIT sugggests that there will be entry afterwards , PASSES ON suggests that there must a point of destination and SLEEP ON suggests that there must be waking up. All these words will help us to truly acknowledge that there is life after death otherwise the words used when someone dies will have suggested otherwise..... For example " THE END for so so and so person" wuld have been one of the words used. But what happens after life is determined by each persons' religion or belief. I have never seen God or JESUS but my lifesks journey in the past thrity something years of my life confirms the validity of the existence of God and more especially the death of JESUS. I really do not need to see him to believe! He is ever present. We are all born into religion! This is because we tend to follow in the path of our parents or int he path of where we are being raised. I have heard and seen people convert from religion to another but mostly because of what they will gain, either finanical, power or politics . But christianity is only one religion that I have seen pepole convert to simply because of personal conviction or experience. There is never any physical gain attached to converting to chraistanity other than the gains that are written down in the holy book. History and archelogical findings have further butressed some bibilical stories (google is your friend). There is no doubt that evil abound in the world that we live today but the truth is that these are the perlious times. There are dangers, wars and rumours of war almost in all the faces of the earth today. Evil abound everywhere! Not just in our beloved country! God have mercy on his creation.

  11. If u dnt believe in hell and heaven then u dnt believe in God dat makes u an atheistttttt

  12. Dnt be decieved my brothers and sisters hell is real. If dnt want to go there then live right

  13. Riches doesn't mean one will go to he'll. Solomon was the richest man ever liveth with wives and over 700 concubines but God loved him. God gave David riches. Yes riches makes people sinful but it doesn't mean to go to heaven you must be poor. That defeats the purpose of living then. God hates laziness. I don't know about a live fire somewhere. I know he'll and heaven exists but fire? Nope

  14. Heaven and hell is real. Hell is fire and brimstone. Heaven has angels singing. Take your pick

  15. My dear Emeh, I see that you don't read your bible often... all the truth you need is in the Bible God put it there...
    Anyone who believes in Jesus will not perish John 3:16 Nothing else is asked except that we believe in Jesus. There's no condemnation in Christ. Going to heaven won't be by the works of those who believe in Jesus because we have been saved already, Jesus makes us righteous. When we stand before God, he sees Jesus not our sins... for we are not living under the law. A Christian doesn't do good or obey the commandments of God so that he can make heaven, no. He is already righteous. He does these things because of love, for God is love.

    1. And u do read your bible often? SMH!

    2. For those who are born again, the spirit is saved, it's the word of God that will save the soul. These two things are different. The Bible says the word of God is sharper than a two edged sword and that it can separate the spirit from the soul. Please read Romans to know what we are in Christ Jesus.

    3. Don't read your bible only on Sundays when you go to church...

    4. Riches only matter in this world to those who live in the flesh. They forget that after this world will pass away, it will mean nothing all this beautiful cars and houses. We all know that no man will leave this world with his designer wears. And like a barren woman who became joyful mother of children, for those who didn't live like kings in this world, we won't remember our pains...
      What is important is to be saved.

    5. Anon 17:53 you read the bible yet condemn Emeh. How do you know she doesn't read the bible. She is real, every human thinks of the afterlife so park well with self righteousness

    6. @M: what is the meaning of "condemn"?
      I said "I see" which doesn't mean I see with my eyes...
      Literally... I mean for her conclusion it shows she doesn't read the bible often... as someone who knows that all that we need to know God put it in the Bible...
      "I see" isn't rude, or condemning or judging or criticising...
      It's like "in my opinion, in my conclusion from the above post...
      If someone does not speak Ibo correctly and I say I see that you are not Ibo because from the way you speak you do not master the language is that condemnation? No! It isn't!

    7. @M: what is the meaning of "condemn"?
      I said "I see" which doesn't mean I see with my eyes...
      Literally... I mean for her conclusion it shows she doesn't read the bible often... as someone who knows that all that we need to know God put it in the Bible...
      "I see" isn't rude, or condemning or judging or criticising...
      It's like "in my opinion, in my conclusion from the above post...
      If someone does not speak Ibo correctly and I say I see that you are not Ibo because from the way you speak you do not master the language is that condemnation? No! It isn't!

    8. We are saved by faith in Jesus Christ but faith without works is dead.

      “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

    9. We are saved by faith in Jesus Christ but faith without works is dead.

      “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

    10. We are saved by faith in Jesus Christ but faith without works is dead.

      “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

  16. The problem with Christians is they behave so self righteous. Emeh has written a wonderful and unbiased article on heaven and hell, some are talking about her not reading her bible or being religious. Nigerians the most religious yet the most wicked and sinful people inthe world.From what I read, she believes in heaven and hell and so do I. Charlie thank heavens I'm Ghanaian and left Nigeria last year.

    1. Nigerians are the most wicked and sinful people on earth? Wow I just learnt something new today. Where did you get that from ? I guess you have statistics to back that up!
      Or maybe it's you who will judge man and as you know all you know that Nigerians won't make heaven.
      My dear, are you saved ? That's what you should be worried about, and not about nigerians !

    2. Ask boko haram and all the ritualists in your country for the statistics

    3. Forget d idiot ! @Emeh thank's for well thought piece., do have this thought sometimes aswell. Sometimes 1 would be somehow
      afraid in this topic on what to say, cos of God's punishment. But mehn for me i believe in God., but i don't believe in church...

  17. Emeh, you have just shown that you are the most transcedental of ALL bloggers in Nigeria. This is deeep. U think!! I am even more satisfied by the fact that you researched other religions. Something most of us christians see as anathema.
    As a christian, I know our scripture that preachers treat as sacrosanct is as fallible as many other religious scriptures.
    I have studied islam,hinduism, buddhism, Zoroasterism, african traditional religion,judaism and atheism. I find the qaballah of judaism most profound in the undertsanding of life on earth and beyond. I beleive that no religion is wrong. I believe that the bible is not the only sacred holy book. The koran,Veda,Zohah etc are all profound. If humans can understand the soul of their scriptures, we will all work together to make life a beautiful experience. While understanding and attempting to master the negative forces that always attempts to manifest through underdeveloped minds of ALL Religon, as well as in nature.

    1. Gbam. I have never read about other religions as I considered them a taboo but I just have to thank Emeh for making me realise there are not as bad as some people made it seem. I believe in doing good and shuning evil. God will be the judge at the end

    2. As you're tempted to study other "religions", remember that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father except thorugh Him. No one can be saved except through Jesus Christ. He not only shed His blood to save us (if we choose Him), He also gained victory over death by "ressurecting" from the dead. How many of those other gods that you're studying rose from the dead?!? How many of them are powerful enough for demons to tremble at the mention of their name? Jesus is the KING of KINGS and the LORD of LORDS. There is no other god besides Him. He is our key to everlasting life. Choose Him today and follow Him. I pray that God removes the confusion in your mind and fill you with a desire to know Him. Please watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nypngKmfI8Y

      The Bible also says that

  18. Emeh I commend you for this article. I don't usually comment but I follow your articles and blog religiously. You are just so real and fearless. This is one area most people are scared of expressing their feelings but three truth is as humans we all have doubts and question some things. I just know there is a God and heaven and hell exists. Just like we have courts here on earth, there is judgement in the afterlife.I also know though I'm christian, heaven is not for Christians alone. Some buddists,Muslims and many more will make it because it all boils down to the good deeds, not by church or reading the Bible or Koran 24 hrs a day.The heart is where the real judgment will be based on. Keep it up

  19. END TIME POST. EME REPENT NOW. THE END IS HERE. All the signs are hear today. We have people with 666 on their forehead right now. Everyone, prepare yourself. The end is here

    1. Shutup with your Endtimes. What is Endtimes about this post now .Smh

  20. GossipMillNaija15 June 2014 at 21:33


    1. Every other religion is false? You must be stupid and ignorant. Who made you judge? On judgement day most of you calling yourselves Christians won't even make it because of your judgemental attitude. You wanted her to slam other religions to show she reads the Bible? If it is so, all the Africans worshipping stones before the white man introduced region are all in hell because no one told them about God. The way of God is not the ways of man, so you have no right to judge

  21. No religion is wrong and none is perfect..If you can't embrace other religions you are just a pretender and fanatic. Even the ope embraces others I believe in one God and as long as other religions believe in God, I am fine with them.Intelligent writeup miss p

    1. rather be a fanatic than accept doctrines that are straight from the pit of hell. What you should've said is that accept other people's religion as what they believe without passing judgement which isn't out place but never embrace it.

      Would you accept Satanism?! Yes! it is a religion

  22. Jesus is Lord

  23. Emeh you can write. Agreed, most people are scared to comment or write on religion but you are real and so smart. There is nothing wrong with learning or having knowledge about other religions.

  24. Simple rules or facts abot life, live right n treat other people d way u expect to b treatd n all shall b wel.

  25. When I say dis lady knows wht she's doix people think am jst blabbing,Emeh,u've touched on an area where most people are scared to write on and dis jst goes further to proove da level of intelligence u've gat.I admire u a lot gurl#No homo#Keep it up

  26. Though we are many we are one body in The Lord. The fact that we exist gives us the opportunity to create our heaven or our hell. it's a choice. I woke up one day and I decided to cast all the burden of public opinion, fear of failure, doubt etc., from my life and started focusing on understanding who I am, loving everyone that loves me, walking towards my goals. Whatever you believe internally will manifest externally. So on this note I encourage everyone to start creating their heaven to have peace, joy and happiness. God is within us all and our thoughts create our reality.

  27. We had this debate with Muslims at work today who don't believe in Jesus as the way to heaven. I am a new born again Christian so I can not bash them with bible. All I said is I'll take my chances. I have nothing to lose. God is real and Jesus is the only way to eternal life. Trying to figure out the WHYs and HOWs is none of our business. Our only business is to worship and glorify God in all things.


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