Tchidi Chikere,TALK NOT-Charles Novia writes....... | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Thursday 3 April 2014

Tchidi Chikere,TALK NOT-Charles Novia writes.......

After Tchidi Chikere decided to put his ex-wife on blast(Here).....there have been reactions in various quarters with some saying he was wrong, and others happy to hear his own side of the story.Here is Charles Novia's take on the issue as published on his blog,..Read below
One of the best brains we have in Nollywood would be Tchidi Chikere, a celebrated scriptwriter and movie director. With an impressive body of work in the past decade and a capacity to discover new stars or to enhance sagging careers of others, Tchidi is not a personality one can ignore in Nollywood.
I have known him in a professional capacity for close to fourteen years and I relate well with him in the few instances we have met and had discussions. Tchidi has a burning desire to make a change in Nollywood, to shoot movies which somehow should re-calibrate society’s moral journey. I particularly love some of his movies for the uncanny way he brings out everyday characters in simple lifestyles and turn them to complex evolutionary beings in complex situations. As a movie director and a scriptwriter, Tchidi is gifted. Very gifted. Take it from me.

In my usual no-holds-barred critique of his acting, I would be less charitable in my accolades. But I am not writing this to detract from his credentials as a celebrated auteur. I am writing this out of concern, perhaps more professional but with a huge personal slant to it as well.
It is a well-known fact by now that Tchidi got married to an actress, Nuella, a few days ago. First of all, Tchidi, I must congratulate you on that. Whatever the opinions people have, we must all respect the wishes of consenting adults when it comes to tying the knot. He made a choice and we should respect that, no matter how much the slanderous anonymous commentators on social media think they know.

That Tchidi got seperated from his former wife, Sophia who bore him three children is perhaps unfortunate but like I said, consenting adults take decisions which they believe is best for them at certain stages in life. Such decisions might come much anger and recriminations and would always leave scars in the hearts of both parties. Divorce or seperation are never pleasant.

My concern in this case has to do with the open fights between Tchidi and Sophia on social media AFTER Tchidi’s new marriage. On face value, it would seem to have started with Tchidi’s rant on twitter a couple of days back against his ex-wife.

The tweets were quite shocking and less than charitable, to say the least. Though from the tweets, one could psycho-analyse that Tchidi was really angry, hurt and perhaps deliberately hitting below the belt at his former wife. My first reaction when I read those tweets on a blog was one of shock. Those tweets were totally uncalled for. Totally. Granted, they might have been written in a miasma of negative volcanic emotions but total restrainst is required from a man in those kind of circumstances. And such restrainst is justified when the mother of your blood children is involved!
Sophia had a riposte which I read as well and she had a moral right to respond too. But something tells me that Tchidi would wish to fire another salvo at that response and thus start a social media bric-a-brac which would inflict more wounds on all parties. That is why I had to write this open opinion.

In Nollywood, and perhaps to a small extent the entertainment industry in general, most of the creatives tend to look away when acrimonious matters befall one of their own. First reactions would be one of aloofness, followed by private gossip in meeting places. Sometimes, colleagues and friends of such personalities would whisper malicious things about the subject in private while pretending to be all coy and concerned when they meet the suffering subjects in public. Oh Yes! My sector have some psychophants and pretenders as with politics but isn’t that how life goes?

Perhaps Tchidi and Sophia are being wrongly advised by masquerading friends? Or maybe they are not even being advised at all by anyone but are just ventilating on social media, giving bloggers more hits and the country one more piece of idle gossip?

Whatever the case, I will openly advise Tchidi to stop further tweets or replies on this matter. For the record, I don’t know Sophia or Nuella and haven’t met with any ever and don’t wish to. My concern, as a father, is for the kids from Tchidi’s first marriage and perhaps future kids from this new marriage. Do not celebrate your misgivings on social media. Sheath the swords. Think of the children. The children. The children.
Those poor kids are going through indescribable torture and pain already. You don’t need to add fuel to their discomfort. Angry words once written and published are hard to take back, even with the passing of time.

Celebrities are human too. That you see us on the screens or read about us does not make us less human than the other fellow. Fame and fortune only hide our foibles and finnicks. But we are human. However, whilst we are human, there are expectations of decorum we all must adhere to. And if it is just for the kids, Tchidi and Sophia (and perhaps Nuella) must adhere to the dictates of decorum.

I am not writing this to take sides or blame any of the parties involved. I am writing this openly because whatever linens being displayed by all parties in the open should be brought down immediately.

May God help all parties pass through this period and bless them all as they move on to the next phase of their lives.



  1. I knw this man is definately going to say something, i always love his write-up, always making sense...... Like i said earlier on, this family are confused like hell...

    1. bia dis boy, shouldn't u be preparing for Jamb or Waec? instead of commenting pointless comments on blogs!!!!!!!!!!1

    2. Loool make una leave my Ed

    3. Tchidi is handsome.

  2. Tchidi Chikere should really stop joining issues with his Ex wife and move on!

  3. Well said. Enough already!

  4. I agree, Tchidi should not say a thing. I don't care what Sophia says, she is not an angel

    1. Gloria nobody is an angel, not me, not you and not even them. We all have our flaws and weakness. But in whatever we do or say its good we listen to our conscience.


  5. All dis long talk.For wht naaa

  6. well said we should just commit all into God's hand

  7. Gbam! Nice write up, well written and on point. Let he who have ears hear.


  8. Well said. Silence is the best answer


  10. BBM Channel : C004C98B3F3 April 2014 at 12:30

    True talk

  11. Long epistle for what he would have said in one word mtcheew

  12. Honestly i am touched, i can imagine what this two ppl are passing through, it really hurts...but would advise they stop posting on social media for the sake of their kids like Charles novia said''the children''. i also see it like a very childish attitude,because i love and respect tchidiri chikere alot.

  13. Sophia is a Lair that's why Tchidi was pushed to say what he said

  14. Pointless talk Mr. Novia. We don't need the lecture on how good he is or the entertainment industry. Stop looking for cheap publicity. Who ask you? And dont you think you're doing exactly what you are advicing your divorcing friend's against - using the social media to propagate your private lives? In the first place, it shows how immature you guys in the industry are...and your women may just be right. Why come to the social network if he really wanted a quiet escape from his old life? And why are you, Mr. "Smart" Novia coming online to do the same? Una no dey shame? Big men with bie bie fooling themselves on Twitter and blogs! Sophia was right about Tchidi I believe...and birds of the same feather...I rest my case. MUMU Men!

  15. A nice write up but it seems u are a very proud fellow wen u said " For the record, I don't know Sophia or Nuella & haven't met with any ever & wish to."(Emphasis mine). DAT doesn't sound well considering the fact DAT u all are in d same industry. U never can tell u guys may meet some day. Wrong choice of words man! .

  16. " For the record, I don’t know Sophia or Nuella and haven’t met with any ever and don’t wish to." I thought u do movies and they r both actresses yet u don't want to met them "for d record" this means u saw a cheap publicity oppurtunity and took it for selfish reasons to blow grammer and show urself, mr u r a proud fool, abeg park well mtcheewww!!!


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