Naked women protest outside govt building to promote acceptance of nudity | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Naked women protest outside govt building to promote acceptance of nudity

 Four women stripped off and wandered around naked in a bid to promote acceptance of women's bodies.The women were spotted hanging around outside government buildings in the Congressional Plaza in the Argentinian capital.

One of the nude women, Paula Brindisi who organised the demonstration for Urbanudismo , told local media:

"This is a campaign of acceptance, accepting oneself and the other."It is frowned upon to see a woman's breasts, but if a man does nobody is surprised.We have initiated a series of public and private activities to externalise our right to own our bodies and our thoughts, claim to be accepted, or solidarity with those who are curtails this possibility."
She added: "We want to promote acceptance and nudity as something natural and not as something perverse or sexual purposes."'
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  1. Which other madness is greater than this?

  2. Many are mad and roaming too!

  3. Were officials for dem yabaleft , 4 pple don escape, fashola kan see ur children here

  4. This one na madness raise to power 10

  5. .. cos men wears bra 2..? Wondering weather d ones dat r religious, go to church naked 2..? Oyibos n dia madnesses..
    Tomorrow they will tell Africa t start d shit, if not sanction..
    Thank God, this is where Africa don't give a fuck with dia sanction traits!


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