Heartbreaking email sent by ISIS to parents of murdered US photographer,James Foley | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Friday 22 August 2014

Heartbreaking email sent by ISIS to parents of murdered US photographer,James Foley

 After two years of trying to see their son who was kidnapped in Syria in 2012,the parents of murdered US photographer, James Foley,received 12 emails from ISIS and they threatened to kill him.
They say their only contact with him was when they were asked to send three questions to him which he replied to assure them he was alive .The Islamists  then asked for $135million or the release of Islamic prisoners in the USA.
The US didn't respond. The US also tried to secretly free him but he had been moved.
On August 12,they sent their final email..

Below is their last email to his heartbroken parents as published by Global post, the organisation he was working for before his kidnap


A message to the American government and their sheep like citizens:

We have left you alone since your disgraceful defeat in Iraq. We did not interfere in your country or attack your citizens while they were safe in their homes despite our capability to do soAs for the scum of your society who are held prisoner by us, THEY DARED TO ENTER THE LION’S DEN AND WHERE EATEN!

You were given many chances to negotiate the release of your people via cash transactions as other governments have accepted,We have also offered prisoner exchanges to free the Muslims currently in your detention like our sister Dr Afia Sidiqqi, however you proved very quickly to us that this is NOT what you are interested in.

You have no motivation to deal with the Muslims except with the language of force, a language you were given in “Arabic translation” when you attempted to occupy the land of Iraq!Now you return to bomb the Muslims of Iraq once again, this time resorting to Arial attacks and “proxy armies”, all the while cowardly shying away from a face-to-face confrontation!


You do not spare our weak, elderly, women or children so we will NOT spare yours!

You and your citizens will pay the price of your bombings!

The first of which being the blood of the American citizen, James Foley!

He will be executed as a DIRECT result of your transgressions towards us!


  1. **Teary eyes** Jehova, v ur way!!!

  2. I have no words. I just hope the parents pull through this

  3. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    This people are so dead bcos the US might use the ebola virus to wipe away the whole citizen.....

    1. Oh no why diz guy so senseless!!! Smh

  4. Where you see Islam on the map of the earth you
    see war and death. They even kill their own people
    for not being the right flavor of Islam. Muslims
    in general live in a world of contradiction. They
    want to be free to do their Islamic things but no
    one is allowed to practice their religion in
    Islamic countries. they want to cover their
    women's head to toes but no woman is allowed to be
    uncovered in the Islamic countries. Hypocrites!

    #God answers all prayers#
    Happy moments - Praise God, Difficult moments-Seek God,
    Quiet moments -Worship God, Painful moments-Trust God,
    Every moment - Thank God.

  5. They call Islam a religion of peace, but I am more confused . Things like this happen in Nigeria everyday without the press even talking about it. What kind of religious ideology would make someone slit the throat of another and be happy doing it? If the followers of Islam say the religion is against violence, why then do we have Al-qaida, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Al shabab in Kenya/Somalia, ISIS in Syria/Iraq? These groups carryout killings in the most horrific manner ever known to man. They kill infants, women, children as long as such a person is an 'infidel'. This is not an isolated case, killing of people of non-muslims happens in places around the world where Islam has a stronghold. I witnessed killings of innocent Christians in Kaduna in year 2000, I was only spared by the mercies of God. That experience made me have a 2nd thought on that religion.


    1. Ur criticism is constructive. I like. I just felt orientation is different. My father is a preacher back in the 90s now he's a medical practitioner. Tell me because he's a Muslim or a preacher means he should go against western education? No. I'm a Muslim it's a religion of peace and I'm not a terrorist, just a total submission to the will of Almighty Allah. Let God be the Judge.

    2. @Maryam Olaide shut up I Can Bet people like you donot even read the quran The Quran clearly states that there is an higher reward for those who kill and die for allah so shut your smwlling trap up!

    3. I read Quran faceless Anonymous. Can you kill? Thanks for using your mind.

  6. And I m sure U haven't heard of the killings of innocent Muslims?
    Let God be the judge,just keep your mouth shut cos U know next to nothing about the atrocities committed against Muslims.
    Just pray for your soul in case U dont have better words.

    1. You Stupid fool Kindly State me the Name of One country where Massive Number of muslims have been killed in the last 100years Apart from Palestine/Gaza/Hamas Lol Fo those of you who aerent aware Gaza is A Part Of Palestine The People they have accepted a terrorist group called hamas as their government the top generals are located inside tunnels while at the surface they Use Their Infant kids and Women As Human shields To Fire Thousands of Rockets into Israel.... Imaging Nigeria Accepting Boko Haram as government

  7. islam was created by the devil and his angels in 1842.do ur research*oke*

  8. This is so sick and that fool with the mask is a coward. A fool. Why hide your face maggot if you are not a senseless robot. Your end is near

  9. @Anon 13:09, you don't have to insult Maryam Olaide. We are here to dialogue and discuss like mature people. You are to present your points politely without being this insulting. The future of our nation lies in a generation that is ready to openly discuss sensitive issues like religion without being too aggressive.


  10. Blog analyser: very heart breaking! I wept

  11. James foley was an adventurer. He loved the middle east its politics and he died unjustly. Islam is a peaceful religion these ISIS are political thugs. Rip to a fallen journalist

  12. James foley was an adventurer. He loved the middle east its politics and he died unjustly. Islam is a peaceful religion these ISIS are political thugs. Rip to a fallen journalist

  13. Anyone saying Islam is a religion of peace is only lying to himself. What makes it peaceful in killling a fellow man simply because he's not of your religion? How peaceful is killing fellow muslims because they are considered inferior to your faith?


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