Help!!!!My mean EX is now rich and wants to repay me for being nice inthe past | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Help!!!!My mean EX is now rich and wants to repay me for being nice inthe past

Hi Miss petite am a fan of your blog.i Ave smthing 2 share n would really need advice...I 1nz dated a guy whom I Neva knew he wz in cult bt he later told me wen he realized our relationship wz growin strong..i don't like guyz who smoke bt. he assured me he had stopped..i later realized he never stopped but I was advised by friends dat it was not a habit dat can be stopped Easily...our love kept growing strong or preferably I would say my luv kept growin strong 4 him...2 d point dat I startd giving him money...he Neva spent on me because den he was not dat strong.
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I was the one doin all the spending even when we hanged out wit his friends..(dey alws tot it was his money)...we where a year gone wen I changed my location and distance became d problem...he Neva trusted me again whilst I stil kept my love and trust 4 him goin...he Always came 2 ma place unannounced 2 c if I was cheatin on him..meanwhile all d while he was the one cheating..we finally tried settling everytin but his trust was stil low bcos of dis lack of trust we finally broke d breaking up experience was d worst eva.he beat me up for breaking up wit him(this beating was just not. In d house but also on d street)u could imagine how embarrassing dat was.

..we finally parted ways with me aving a swollen mouth and a crashed phone(cos he threw ma fone 2 d floor) it's been years and I Ave moved on...jzt saw him recently n he is now Well 2 do n his pleading 4 forgiveness which I told him I ve bt wld Neva 4get...n nw he also want us to be back again...dat he is a changed person dat he really wants me so he can repay wat I did 4 him in d so confused right now. bcos I also Ave a boifrend now bt he is not dat type dat spends on me but I luv him cz he is really caring...

Plz would want my identity not to be disclosed...would be hoping 2 here advices soon...thanks


  1. Tell him if he really wants to repay you, he should start by writing out a cheque and giving you.If he doesn't, free him.He is not serious

    1. I swr down he shld do a cheque or wire money into her account

  2. Next time u need help from us, write something we can read pls.....

    1. Its either you can't read or you have difficulty comprehending,,,poster once a beater always a beater trust me,well if u love him more dan ur present Bf u myt wanna reconsider,cus I see frm ur tone u aint over him,well u just weigh ur options.

    2. Poster when you rewrite this, tell me to give my advice.Headache

    3. I don't understand either!

  3. Wats mking u confused here? U shud mkit clear 2 him dah u already av a boyfrnd dats v.caring nd wud nevr raise his hands @ u sumtin he *ur ex* wud nevr be plus u shudnt accept d money bk cuz u didit outta luv den nt 2 b paid bk he shud tk his money nd apologies nd shovit up his ass #shameless overgrown baby beating a Lady cuz she brokeup wid him hez simply nt mature enuf 2 handle a brkup dah he had 2 beat u nd I tell u since he did it once he might do it agn. Chao!

  4. that is ojukokoro,

    1. Correct ojukokoro.
      U have a boyfriend that you were Ok with. All of a sudden, ur ex comes talking about wanting to spend money on you and you are now confused.
      If they call you gold digger now, you will cry foul.
      Abeg, face your life. Or do you want to chop ur exs money as payback?

      Omo olojukokoro. Face your boyfriend joh.

  5. please move on. he is in your past and trust me you would not like what he will do this time. first he will think you have no choice and desperate for coming back to him and then will make sure you are treated like a begger. pls move on. life in the future is always better than the past.

  6. Once beaten twice shy.Walk the hell away

  7. Since cheating,beaten,distance,inadequate- trust,since all this are a capital NO for me..

  8. What language is this? This isn't English. Behave in the manner you want to be perceived. When you write a whole epistle like a 9-year old, you'll get treated as such.

    1. Why not help her guys be claiming profeSsors/lectural's,when it's time foR you guys to write yours,that is where you will find a single bullent that can kill a giagiantic massive elephant..#olodos

    2. Desmond, it has nothing to do with claiming one is a professor or lecturer, the abbreviations are just too much for one to comprehend!!
      You guys forget that not everybody is into this 'short-hand' writing.

  9. Emeh' i love u, but lets make sense.

  10. If your life is precious to u don't go back to him. Many women that were physically abused are not alive to tell their stories. Bury whatever feelings you have for him and continue with your present relationship. Its obvious he doesn't love you but thought you are good for him to keep.


  11. Stil reading...will comment when am done...

  12. Dear poster
    I won't say I was once in ur shoes cos my ex never raised his hands on me but he cheats and calls me a was hard but I moved on
    2years after I found my now bf who is EVERYTHING I want in a man but not too rich while my Ex is doing fine & wants me back claiming I stood with him when he had nothing,at I point he sends me cash but when I saw he was tryna ask me back I ran with my legs @ d back of my head & my bf also noticed & warned me not to see him again
    Dearie for the fact ur present bf is caring trust me when he has he would take care of you...Money aint everything sometimes
    Sorry for the epistle

  13. Let your past be your past

  14. That victim is Pweetty can't u guys see?she's broke and wants to go back to her ex tatred agbero boi friend...useless pweety Yuck lol

  15. The guy isn't serious abeg

  16. I advise u pray abt dis and also follow wat ur heart tells u,how are u sure ur past bf has changed,babe for me sha just move on,if he wants to repay u,he shld do dat without telling u to come back,I knw how it is bcos am talking frm experience,I knw wat am saying,I wish u luck

  17. Stick 2 ur current boyfrnd...wateva u feel 4 ur ex now is'nt deep. U only feel dat way cos u once luved him nd now he is richer nd seems better, in d long u'll realize dis bt pls dont leave ur boyfrnd.

  18. Go back to ur ex if u still love him

  19. My name is Mr john live in Indonesia and Iā€™m happily married with a lovely wife and three children.I had a very big problem with my wife few months ago,to the extent that she even packed her things away from me and my kids for almost 5 months,and i tried all my possible best and effort to bring her back,but all to no avail.I discussed it with a very good friend of mine,and he gave me an advice concerning a spell caster,and i quote.ā€œThereā€™s someone who can handle your situation,heā€™s always ready and able to do anything related to spell casting,i will like you to contact him with his email,which is as follows.ā€Ogbapaullovespellcaster1@gmail.comI never believed in spell casting,but he convinced me and i had no choice than to follow his advice,because i never dream of loosing my lovely wife.And thatā€™s how i contacted him with his email address,and i discussed with him and so surprisingly,he told me that Iā€™ll get my wife back a day i never believed,until when i got home,the next day,my wife called me to inform me that she was coming backā€¦..So amazing!! Thatā€™s how i got my wife back through spell casting and our relationship was now stronger than how it was before.One of the price i was asked to pay was to tell it to people around me that problems like this,can always be solved by ā€œDr Ogba ShiRINEā€. So! my advice for you out there is to visit this same website,and tell him your pros too,if you are in any condition related to love issue or getting your ex back,to have a happy family.THANKSā€¦ā€¦ or +2348116144331


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