Help!!! I found indecent photos of my fiancee and girl | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Friday 7 February 2014

Help!!! I found indecent photos of my fiancee and girl

Here goes my story and i want you to please air this for me, i am a regular reader of your blog. I need to seek other people opinions please.

I recently got engage to my long time boy friend of 6 years, i met the shock of my life few weeks ago when i found some indecent picture of him and a girl on his phone and laptop.

I went away with my family for christmas and New year, i returned back to Nigeria and discovered my husband to be cheated on me while i was away. I have confronted him about the allegations levied against him, at first he denied it but he later admitted it when i showed him the pictures, he was clueless how i came across the pictures.

I have since returned the engagement ring back to him and i plan to escalate the story until it gets to the media to serve as a lesson for everyone in a relationship. I work in the media and live comfortably, i don't depend on him as he's not better off than me.

My parents were against our marriage at first, they said he looks dodgy and not the best man for me but i Love Him alot and i can't imagine myself with someone else afterall, we dated for 6years before he proposed to me last year Dec just before i went away and we were in the process of planning the wedding for september (2014)
I feel relieved and happy but deep inside me i still like him and want to give him a second chance but have been advised not to, my parents were devastated upon hearing the News.

Sadly, the girl that he cheated on me with lives and schools abroad but comes to Nigeria often. I have done my own research about the girl in question and from what i gathered from reliable sources, she prostitutes herself around both home and abroad and have been seen with mostly Island boys, I live on the island myself. Luckily, my uncle is friends with her parents and i want to report her to her parents for ending my marriage and my future but have been told to overlook it that what the lord has in stock for me is better. so sad that in our generation, good girls with good parental care tends to be the bad ones.
My advise for every single lady out there is to look properly before they leap, some men are not worth it and girls comes cheap nowadays, love but above all, guard your heart.
I dare need the candid advise of fellow readers and Nigerians in General, i have called it quit with him though.
Miss M


  1. It's you need to work on your English, re-write this and send back to Emeh .Goodluck

    1. Maybe both of u should attend English lessons together

    2. Please just one error is not enough reason to go harsh on someone. Please get a life'

    3. I ve a life, u don't ve to correct the errors, she asked for ur advice and not grammatical guide.

    4. Sharap this is a public blog, she should not be throwing grammatical bombs everywhere

  2. Are you planning to escalate the story, advice us or deal with him?

  3. Good you called it quits.Gid will give you your own

  4. Orishirishi Something(s) be happening.. Young, wild and free... Relationship is stressful

    1. YOUNG WILD and FREE were you asked to come give us punch rhymes of a adays u see different type of comment...orishirishi shaa

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Desmond please.. Just hold your peace.. My comment is not ur business.. Type urs and gerrout and stop behaving/acting the small boy that you are.#Physco

    4. Aunty Maryam, it's Psycho ma. U really need to calm down. Sigh#

  5. It is well.Just know all men cheat. Just choose one you can tolerate

    1. They ALL cheat! You took the words right out of my mouth, find the one that you can tolerate. LOOOL

    2. All men cheat....did ur dad cheat?
      Learn to use the right tenses......not all men cheat

    3. All men fucking cheat

    4. I don't cheat on my wife

  6. I dnt kno if its jus me buh i tink yu were 2 forward o,and like titi and gloria rightly said jus take d 1 you can tolerate and wats d meaning of dat nonsense yu 1td 2 do(telln d'girls parents she ended yur marriage 2 b)wetin concern d wa 4 sum kind talk sha.den if nah d'real marriage nko,u 4 call d' entire umunna 4 d girl head.

  7. You shouldn't have ended things afterall you heard she is a prostitute. You would have asked your guy to go for Aids test and forgive him. Unless he asked you to go

  8. Am not saying go or stay but the next guy you date, what are the chances he won't do the same? Exposing him, reporting the girl......waste of time. A marriage is between you and a man. Ask yourself, what do you really want to do?

    1. I bet you are a big cheat from the way you write

  9. you should be thankful you caught him before you got married. there is no need to over beat it. If you cannot take him back then leave him alone and move on with your life. taking it to the media to embarrass him is cheap.

  10. You sound all confused.

    In one breathe, you ended the relationship as " you are comfortable and don't need him" and in the next breathe, you want to show him by disgracing him in the media. Do you need our advise or do you have your mind already made up about a way to deal with this issue?

    IMHO, you sound quite pained about the whole incident...and that is good and bad. Bad because the fact that you are hurting and setting a plan to teach him a lesson and reporting the other woman to her family means that you are not as over him as you think you are...which is good because it means that you probably can still salvage your relationship if you set your mind to it.

    The other woman doesn't sound like much competition since you stopped short of calling her a slut with your description of her numerous escapades with men both home and abroad. You dated this man for 6 years and that is long enough for any discerning woman to know if he is a natural which case you will do yourself a whole world of good to get over your pain and sever all connections with that man immediately.

    But if you know deep down that his tryst with the other woman was just a spur of the moment thing probably because he had a surge of hormones and you weren't available, (lol) then let go the hurt, talk about it with him and forgive him.

    Ultimately, it is your decision to make. My advise to you is that you do not make a decision now that you are hurting so much. the likelihood is for you to make a wrong one. Purge yourself of all the hurt and anger first by forgiving him either for good or for bad. Then you will be clear-headed enough to take the momentous decision.

    Good luck.

    1. Whoever this is, you are very constructive with your comments. Keep it up

    2. He is just like me!!!thumbs up

    3. Who dash you monkey Desmond

  11. Vengeance is the Lord's.

  12. You sound confused. Are u seeking for advice or giving advice to single ladies out there? Having dated him for 6 yrs, u should at least be able to know him well. If he can cheat within a short period of his proposal and your vacation and kept the picture, his escapades continues if u decide to marry him.

  13. I'm confused myself


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