A turn in the path (A true life experience.)-MUST READ | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Monday 30 December 2013

A turn in the path (A true life experience.)-MUST READ

Below is a lovely writeup and true life experience by a Miss Petite Nigeria reader.I know you all would enjoy it ...merci
BEEP! BEEP!! BEEP!!! Aaarrrggghhh!!!! that damned alarm clock just goes off again, sometimes I think it sounds extra loud just to rile me up,well, it has achieved its purpose already since I’m now wide awake and
irritable and the funny thing was that I wasn’t even sleeping, I was in a reverie. I was thinking about the dynamics of life, you guys know how life can really be bizarre, strange or cruel and how you have to make
proper use of the joy, love, fun that it also brings along, because in the blink of an eye, you might just be searching for it.

 I have friends and I have FRIENDS, the ones that have a way of making me feel the world isn't all that mean and tough, so when I'm not in talking terms with a FRIEND , I just try as much as I can to grovel,‘famz’ and be the 'BEGGER' so much that I think I have seriously grown alot in that area, because I love all of them and can't afford to lose any, plus you’re not sure what the next hour has to offer.

 October was a very tough one for me as I got ill and also got myself in a mess that I was trying so hard to come out of, and that was when Ireally needed my FRIENDS, as they are the people you share your  issues(good or bad) with. So I got talking on the phone with my buddy, we yarned and yarned and one gist led to another, before you know(as only good friends do) I got pissed with what he said and cut the call on
him.( I beg una, he is not my bf, so the story go sweet) Instantly it occurred to me that this person wasn’t the cause of my problems, I immediately gave him a call back.

He didn't pick, I understood so I called the 2nd, 3rd......8th that night *something I don't always do* I slept that night feeling guilty. The next morning , I was very confident that he was going to pick up after the text message I had sent the previous night, so this time I called 8times again but the niccur still didn't pick up(Na Wa O! my friend don change am for me)....
  As a proud black woman, I resolved, ‘Na God?  Is he even my husband? Which beg I go remain for my husband? And I kissed the begging issue goodbye! One more time I played the fool again, not because it's my major role but because I had missed my friend, so I called back again, 5 times this time and the block head still didn't pick up!!! Mba chinenye!!! , don't you ever beg again, If u really want to laugh, night of a thousand laugh CD dey everywhere, Bovi on you tube via my free wifi and besides I have other friends too, so I swore I was not going to call back, but that any day he called back (which I knew he was) I will so answer but when he gets bored of my mechanical convo, nobody would tell him to stop
 In November I got an ‘august visitor's call’, it was my buddy (I felt good inside, but the block head was not going to know that) “Hi, wetin dey happen? Long time” and trust me, I replied “hello dear, nuffin,
yeah" *diplomacy* it was never going to be the same and I was not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I had really missed him and I promised myself that I won’t call him again.

So, sweet November came and went, December also and then my ‘august caller’ called on the 25th and again, the convo went lifeless, pale, weak and worse than the last one and after he dropped, I didn't feel
remorseful because it was a reflex attitude, I had begged my friend for months and maybe he thought he knew me inside out/ procrastination to suffer me / LMFAOOOO!!!. It wasn't me that suffered it but our
Finally, in my quiet time, I thought 'we break up to make up, but at the same time there are some people you forgive by forgetting them and I know a lot of people are in my shoes or my buddy's, so go repair it! I
miss my FRIEND (and I know he sure well misses me too) but seriously it
just can't be the same again. Ah! Yes! That was my reverie before the ‘alarm clock from hell’ decided to snap me out of it . Happy HOLs:*
                            E. CHI


  1. Mstchewwwww!!!

    1. Emeh you have set the bar too high mehn. This is a lovely article but because we are used to yours, we just can't see it. Please claim your crown and write more

    2. This story is to boring & the writer write like a child! Mtcheew.. Nt intresting @ all.

  2. Replies
    1. Hehehe i'm still waiting for the end. I want to believe Emeh forgot to post the remaining boring half

  3. very true write up....sometimes the best way to forgive a friend is to forget them esp if youve tried to make it work alot of times.Life is too short to have crazy people as friends.....sometimes its best to forever wish them well and love them from afar.
    been there done that,miss them a lil sometimes but the bliss you feel without them in ur life is a far better feeling

  4. Wat the flip is this. Such silly story but cus I hv got time, I will reply u. The best way to be cool wif ur friend again is to iron the issues out. It will always seem ify if u dont sort it. So talk about it and hug it out.

  5. Lmao this miss petite readers are witches and wizards smh

  6. Like seriously?? Hw is dis a 'must read'??

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. LOL @ d comments.

  9. Sometimes we have to put pride aside and say sorry.

  10. There are friends and there are FRIENDS: some you hold to love, others you leave to love. Nice twist...

  11. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  12. doesn't make sense

  13. How is it nonsense? Lovely story+ good write up

  14. Am in d same situation.
    Mine is that we started off as frnds and later dated.
    Distance and we broke up.
    Now I miss my friend alot

  15. Lolllllll, I experienced something like this and my friend had to beg out her life. We back tho

  16. The writing technique is what I enjoyed

  17. Should I go and beg my friend? This story just made me feel guilty

  18. Well, I'd say it's a lovely write up, but being that I know the writer? That's not a friend but her Boyfriend. It's a cool write up but has some lies in it. Be truthful. And y'all hating on the write up should go fight the ocean waves. Bliss

    1. It's not her Boyfriend joor! There can't be a more truthful truth...

  19. mtscheeewwww. Emeh be careful pls

  20. Lmaooo. People and their pepperpainment. Who is wrong with this write up please?

  21. The year is coming to an end, I need to reconcile. Mehnnn. Before I lose everyone because of pride

  22. Rubbish,as in rubbish

    1. Peopl hating are d ones who have neva bn der! Kids wen t comes to matters of life I must say.

  23. Repent all u sinners, malice keepers, proud souls. You don't know what the next minute hold. Lool. Nice write up tho

  24. Nice nice. I likey

  25. OMG! Did I just shed tears?... Same situation nd I was humiliated, dnt think I can go bk to beg!


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