Ariel Castro sentenced to 1000years in jail for holding 3 women hostage & raping them for 10years | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Friday 2 August 2013

Ariel Castro sentenced to 1000years in jail for holding 3 women hostage & raping them for 10years

If you followed the story, 3 girls went missing 10 years ago were found locked inthe basement of this man named Ariel Castro, they were kidnapped, raped and chained to a pole for 10 years. One of them even gave birth 
Amanda Berry, 26, went missing in 2003 when she was 16
Gina DeJesus, 23,disappeared when she was aged 14 in 2004
Michelle Knight, 32, disappeared in 2000 when she was 20(If you missed it, read here)

After pleading guilty to 937 counts including kidnapping, rape and murder, Ariel Castro was today sentenced to 1,000 years in prison for holding the three Cleveland women hostage as pictures emerged of the House of Horrors where he repeatedly sexually, physically and emotionally abused them over the course of a decade.

Other horrific details of the women's ordeal had already emerged, including tales of being chained to poles in the basement or a bedroom heater or inside a van, with one woman forced to wear a motorcycle helmet while chained in the basement and, after she tried to escape, having a vacuum cord wrapped around her neck.
Castro repeatedly starved and beat one of the victims each time she was pregnant, forcing her to miscarry five times.
He forced the same woman on threat of death to safely deliver the child he fathered with another victim on Christmas Day 2006. The same day, prosecutors say, Castro raped the woman who helped deliver his daughter.
Pictures of dirty mattresses draped in chains were shown as Burke explained it was from the room Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight lived.
Authorities also found a 'significant amount' of cash in a washing machine in the basement, the same room as the pole the women were chained to while he raped them.
On occasion, Castro would throw the money at the women after sexually abusing them and require  they pay him to pick up any special items for them when he left the house, the agent said.
He would also force them to hold a gun to his head and dare them to shoot him in a sick game of Russian Roulette
  Castro shocked the packed courtroom by stating there was 'a lot of harmony' in the house and denied raping them. He claimed none of them were virgins when he abducted them.
The 53-year-old blamed his behavior on the violence he suffered as a child and his addiction to porn.
(As usual, they always blame it on something ..1000 years means even after his death, his ghosts will continue the sentence..Wow)


  1. why dem no just kill the buffoon?He no fit live up to 50 years so who go come do the remaining jail?

  2. My God, he wasted 10 years of their lives like that?SICK MOFO

  3. Lol he go continue sentence for hell fire

  4. They should ve just given him a death sentence straight up

    1. They don't give death sentence in the US

  5. His bones will serve d remainin years. Perv

  6. lol very funny sentence

    Share your US visa experiences here

  7. America has a serious mental health problem on her hands. Just too many sick minds in that country.People shooting kids, father raping daughters, e.t.c. This man has done terrible things but he is clearly not o.k upstairs. Too many mentally ill people are sent to american prisons they ought to be in mental health institutions.

    Mr anonymous

  8. this man is sick and can never be cured.He should just be killed

  9. Lol the sentence is hilarious. No chance of parole be that

  10. Some people are just devil incarnate.


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