This is not a hate post, it does not take away the fact that Beyonce is a legend and extraordinarily talented ..It is a fan post from a die-hard RihNavy. Read reasons below
- Rihanna is herself -Rihanna is unapologetically real. The Bajan singer has proved this time without number.She does what she wants, when she wants and how she wants .This is something Beyonce would need more effort at.Beyonce seems and acts more carefully, programmed and seems to dissect every step she takes.With Beyonce, you know what to expect. With Rihanna, you are always on the edge .
- With Rihanna, it's No New friends -Rihanna is one of the very few celebrities who has stuck to her day one friends. I mean, childhood friends like her famed bff Mellissa Forde.
Rihanna has famously said once she clinched her record deal, she took her friends to America with her .With Beyonce, well, let's just say we don't know who are childhood friends are ..Kelly Rowland doesn't qualify ...nor does Gyweneth Paltrow .
3: Rihanna replies her fans- Clap back, Dms, Rihanna has done it all ..Flash back to her recent comment on a fan's page about not getting a grammy nomination for album of the year like Beyonce,Riri entered the comment section to set the record straight ...She has replied fans bashing her, those asking her out to prom and those simply complimenting her ..
Beyonce? Waiting for a comment or acknowledgment from her is like looking for a needle in a hay stack .Beyonce never responds, reacts or comments on anything involving her .....
4: Rihanna sets trends- Do we need to emphazise this fact? Beyonce may beat Rihanna vocally but when it comes to fashion, Rihanna reigns supreme.. Evidence? Well, let;'s just say Rihann won the Fashion Icon award two years before Beyonce.
Every body is unique in their own ways
DeleteDear poster you have said it all "Beyonce may beat Rihanna vocally".. The difference is clear!.. Even Rihanna said it " My greatest Idol is BEYONCE".. LOL!.. [When your queen worships the QUEEN] Go and watch Rihanna's life... and these reasons you ave do NOT make RiRi better tah Beyonce!..
DeleteIt is very clear! >> The greatest performer alive is BEYONCE <<
I love Rihanna too
Riri for life
ReplyDeleteRihanna can and will never be even up to solange,talk less of Beyonce.Rubbish
ReplyDeleteNot a fan of Beyonce, give me some Rihanna but ALL of Mary J. Blige and Brandy, my two Queens and songstress.
ReplyDeleteAnd when it comes to dancing, Janet Jackson and NOT Beyonce is the Queen.
DeleteJanet Jackson is the female version of his late brother, Michael Jackson of blessed memory. Like bother like sister!!!
Naturally talented DANCERS!!!
....her last brother.
Deletelol! and Beyonce is artificial dancer? LMAO!..... you and i know that Beyonce is better than them all on stage
DeleteI don't like the way people constantly set these two against each other. Both of them are beautiful, strong, powerful Black women.
ReplyDeleteTo even compare the both of them is absurd! Riri better than Bey? Lol please tell me something else!
ReplyDeleteBlablablabla,, Tell em M Ima.. BeyStan ur correct.. Rih dt can smoke weed near a child.
ReplyDeleteRihanna fans always like to console themselves with this stupid assumptions.
ReplyDelete1. Bey has being in the spotlight is she like 13 years old. Rihanna fan thinks because she portrays this bad girl attitude then she is herself. Only if they knew that that is just her brand. I have a friend who everytime she tells me to video her on snapchat she does this 'free spirited cute baby ish' attitude, which she is not in Real Life. So,Please! Because Beyonce always tries to smile for the camera doesn't mean she is fake. Let Beyonce not smile for one day, the tabloids would come with the divorce shit. having a very private life doesn't make you fake.
2. Hardly,would you see Beyonce hanging out with celebrities unlike the Kardashians or Taylor Swift, excep at an event or private party.Beyonce is always hanging out with Kelly or her mum or Jay or Solange which are still DAY ONE people. Moreover, Beyonce started her career at a very young age which would not even permit her to have friends because of her busy schedule. She even said that she and Kelly missed their prom and Because she doesn't post those 'old friends' doesn't mean they don't exist. By the way, RiRi friends need to get a LIFE.
*Since she was like*
DeleteRihanna FANS CONSOLE Themselves with Fact, and Truths, While the likes of You feel that what you say just has to be the Gospel. People like you can't stand two strong Successful Women of color that is Both Good in their Own way. Being Human and being Fake are two different things. Rihanna is Human and Real, People from around the Globe, and since they say there has been Footsteps seen on the Moon, and on the Moon LOVES, THAT RIHANNA IS SO APPROACHABLE, AND REAL.
No we will never see Beyonce hanging with Ordinary people because Beyonce has been groomed to feel and think that she's better then Everybody Else.
ReplyDelete3. I remember the time that Bey liked a girl's version of her 7/11 video on instgaram and the girl just had to post. I even remember when a Beyonce fan page got into a fight with a Navy and was forced to post receipt of Beyonce liking her younger brother's picture. What if Rihanna likes just so you fans would not say that she doesn't care about you guys. That would mean she is not being herself right????. And it is very well known that Beyonce is anti-social, she does not do twitter, and her 70% of her Instagram page is not managed by her. 'BEYONCE' is not just a name, it is a brand.
4.Fashion, Fashion Fashion, If we were to ask people who dresses better between J.Lo and Rihanna, people would say J.Lo and why is that? because J.Lo has a sophisticated type of dressing and Rihanna has an edgy type of dressing but both are still cool. An hairstyle is bound to go viral, if Beyonce does it and not Rihanna, don't even argue...that is why most people are bound to dress more like Beyonce than Rihanna during Halloween because Rihanna has no personality to her dressing. they may be nice and cool but if someone on Instagram dresses like that, it hardly ever comes to peopele's mind that Rihanna dressed that particular way because anybody that wants to feel a little ghetto-ish can just wear that and it would not be a big deal.the same year Rihanna won Fashion Icon Award was the same year the top ten list of Fashion trendsetters was released and Beyonce was no. 3 on the list beneath J.Lo and Kate Middleton and Rihanna was no 7 or 8...your point is???
And about being predictable, that is something Rihanna needs to work on not Beyonce. Nobody had an idea Beyonce was going to drop her 5th studio album until it dropped. Nobody knew Lemonade was actually an album till it was premiered. Nobody was able to predict what the album was going to be all about till they watched it. Bey stepped outside her comfort zone, pushed herself over the edge with that album hoping that people would be able to get the message she is trying to pass along. When would Rihanna?. Rihanna is still that same bad sexy girl, so every time she drops her album, she still gives people that. there is never an element of surprise when it comes to a Rihanna album.
FYI, Beyhives are not complaining, you Navys always want to do the complaining for us. Bey always makes us proud and we are okay with it and Rihanna only had to defend herself from that post she liked because she was STING with a reality check by the Beyhives and put in her place which is beneath KingQueenBey. We both know that was not the first time that Riri would be throwing subtle shade at Bey. Or are you still pissed that ANTI didn't get 'best Album' nomination at the Grammys...which she would have still lost anyways.
I like both ladies but Navys always look for something to talk about. I met this guy once and he asked me who my favourite artist was, I said Bey and then he said " I prefer Rihanna" I had to tell him " I didn't ask you". If Riri was so good, the Navys won't feel so insecure. #My2Cents
Anon, please get a blog id. Love love you!
DeleteRihanna always make us proud, she's not perfect, But none of us are EXCEPT
DeleteBeyonce according, to her Fans. Beyonce fans are always trying to trash Rihanna efforts, they comb the woods looking for anything that has Ri name on it so they can try to trash and beat Ri and her Fans wheels off, and the more the Haters trash Ri, and her Fans the harder she come swinging back harder, and harder.The only reason you are here is You hate that the Writer said Five Things Rihanna is BETTER than Beyonce, and that always keep you lames Pressed all the way out, Rihanna and her Navy Fans says thanks for Your Support, U Insecure soul.Ri is Carving out her own Lane, and doing her own thing in her own Lane , AND COULD CARE LESS ABOUT BEING BETTER THAN ANYBODY, SHE IS WORKING ON BEING JUST as great as the next Entertainer/Artist.
@My Fellow anon 2:16 Lol...you really are the one who is Pressed over this issue. The writer wrote ways Ri is better than Bey without doing a proper research. I only contradicted everything that was written and with your response, I guess I am right. Yes, Beyhives are so extra, Bey can kill someone and they would give you a thousand reasons why it was the victim's fault and do you blame them?? when you are a fan of someone who can switch up the game and still kill it, you are bound to be SUPER PROUD. And as for working to be just as great as the next entertainer/artist which I am sure you meant KingQueenBey, she needs to double it up, she cannot get to Bey's age and still be doing that 'bad gal' shit. Navys think Ri is perfect in their eyes and so does Bey in our eyes. So chill, it is not that serious. i am sure happy that the writer was able to acknowledge that Bey is better vocally and Bey is so better on stage. And as for Beyhives combing through the woods look for something to say about Ri,that accusation has Navy written all over it. That is only thing you guys know how to do best. Try to shake off all that negative words, its 2017.
DeleteNonsensical!! Of outmost importance is that Rihanna cannot sing or dance!! So we actually think this bad gyal act is real and thats who Rihanna is? That it isnt a gimmick to sell singles and that it is totally her idea and not the idea of people who are in charge of her brand?
ReplyDeleteThe response above is the same one I would have is someone were to say JLo is better than Mariah Carey, or Monica is better than Brandy, or that Nicki Minaj is better than Lil Kim or Foxy Brown.
ReplyDeleteYou are a darling Anon😘
DeleteRihanna has never waved a Red Flag saying she's good are better than nobody, not even Beyonce. But Beyonce Simpleton Fans has trashed Rihanna since almost day one. Rihanna is Thrilled to have her name mentioned in the same sentence as Beyonce name is. Rihanna is happy to be able to get paid for doing what she Love doing. Just think how sweet it is to be doing something you love, and all the time Getting paid for it. It's a good thing Rihanna isn't a bit concerned about being the biggest, or being perfect like Beyonce is always working overtime to be perfect, and her Fleas think Beyonce can walk on water for real, with their Silly selves. And to all you broke, busted, door matS, AND Internet Bullies, it's okay if Rihanna can't sing or dance Ri is still Smiling all the way to Her Many Banks around the Globe, Haters are always gonna Hate, and that in itself let Rihanna , and Her Navy know Rihanna is Indeed the HBIC.
ReplyDeleteNeither has Beyonce (to your first line). Beyonce has credited, MJ, Janet Jackcon, Tina Turner even MC and so on for their impact directly or indirectly in her music career but NO, Navys would still have something to say. Because Rihanna sexcapades are known or because she smokes and doesn't care if the public knows and Bey doesn't have such associated with her name doesn't mean Bey is fake or perfect, Bey was just smart. Non Beyhives are always the one coming with this 'Beyhives think Beyonce is perfect' shit. Most bad things said about Bey are based on hearsay, those people can't see her and say that SHIT to her face. Instead they would take a selfie. Bey has also been slandered and criticized but doesn't respond because she ain't got one single energy to waste on haters and that is where the Beyhives come in and that gets People MAD...it is funny though, a Navy wrote the post and yet Beyhives are being accused of looking for things to say about Rihanna. I only pointed out one or two things wrong with the post and the Navys are the one MAD...You guys are really Insecure and not able to make a constructive defense for your leader but with all the negative words that you are writing, RI needs to drop that 'O.M.G (Rihanna sang this?)' album ASAP. Beyhives don't think Bey can walk on water, we just know that she is SUPER GOOD and we are always proud to say it, which gets you guys MAD...don't be, Ri would get there someday.
DeleteYou read like you are a bit bitter over Ri success.
DeleteIt's very Rewarding to learn that the Recording Industry Association of America, States that Ri has exceeded more than 100 million Gold & Platinum song certifications, earning her a number one position on RIAA's list of artists with the most Digital Single Awards, that is a Winner right there.
DeleteYour mind can only hold one thought at a time make it a
ReplyDeletepositive and constructive one, treal talk.
I love love Rihanna
ReplyDeleteI love love Rihanna
ReplyDeleteExactly, and she show it all the time, on and off stage.
Delete5:56 You knocked the ball out of the park, and you are so right on. I agree with you all the way and thanks for telling the truth and shaming the devil.
ReplyDeleteTo me and many There is nothing more rare, OR more beautiful, than a woman like Ri being unapologetically herself and very comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty, In Rihanna.
ReplyDeleteRi keep doing you, and when you do things like this,having two songs like Work and Needed Me both go 4x platinum in the same year (2016) , that is what will always count, let the air heads talk smack all they want. Your Fans all around the World all Know You don't want to be Beyonce Ever, or anybody else for that matter , because you don't want to have to spend your entire life, and career Many who Love and supports you love your Kindred Spirit trying to troubleshoot everything the Entertainment Media, and news says about you and your Entertaining skills., trying to be perfect will drive you crazy, keep right on being the best Rihanna you can be, and always be willing to learn like you are doing so well.
ReplyDeleteRi says every Milestone, Accolade and Strike she make will always help to bring her closer to another home run.