Dencia speaks to TMZ,vows to crush those hating on her Whitenicious brand | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Dencia speaks to TMZ,vows to crush those hating on her Whitenicious brand

The Whitenicious CEO went on an F-worded rant as a TMZ reporter caught up with her regardingher lawsuit against actress,Lisa Raye ..The actress who is promoting a movie against skin bleaching said Dencia's Whitenicious causes cancer.

Watch Dencia speak below and read what she wrote 

I promised I wasn't gonna use the F word no more but Fuck it I'm mad.Been through life & back.Lost my brother Dec 17th,Dec 18th someone almost killed me in my house & then turned around & said I was suicidal lol ,I thought I wasn't gonna makeup even checked myself into a hospital,my brothers passing is still fresh in my heart been in my corner mourning & all then these floppers won't let me be.NOTE 2 ALL YOU LOSERS COMING FOR ME YOU ARE GETTING SUED CUZ I CAN AFFORD THE LAWSUIT & I will crush u with Facts.Stop hating go build your own shit.Like I said been in America 9yrs & never hated on people who made it I only got inspired.Don't come for me or mine unless you have hard facts.whitenicious is 3yrs deep I let lupita slide because she never said anything that was damaging to my brand even though she wanted to but don't come at my sideways or make a movie using me cuz after your shit flops I'll sue u for what u don't have.Shit even the mofos who watched the movie getting sued,Infact if u even saw the trailer you getting sued. I love an respect my clients,a lot of black people in Anerica over 50% buy Whitenicious & have amazing results but then you have these angry uglies who are just mad at life & my company pays taxes to the government that takes care of you smh man y'all ain't shit.All love to people who love and support me God will bless you all a abundantly #7AMRant #StopPhotoshoppingMypicturesToMakeMeLookBad
A video posted by Queen Of Matamba (@iamdencia) on


  1. I love confidence hershe's al standing up for Africans!

  2. Kmt. Dencia shutup there. As old as Lisa is, u dont look half as good upon all your surgery with your fake balloon butt and toothpick legs looking like a damn drumstick.

    1. U are a fool sha,am not her fan but are u God are u perfectly created u are not God so dn't insult anyone u only dislike once attitude not how he or she was created.
      tenk me later den baby

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dencia don kpara sotay she begin type America as Anerica. #anybodyphotoshopingherpictureisphotoshopinghisdestiny


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