Toke Makinwa says she's starting over ..... | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Toke Makinwa says she's starting over .....

After reportedly moving to a new house, seems Toke Makinwa is moving on with her life ..She has been posting alot about moving on recently.Her most recent, this morning,seems to suggest she is starting over ...Probably can't live with the fact her husband was not only unfaithful,but got his mistress pregnant..

If true, can't fault her .It's not easy !


  1. Toke, God help and strengthen you. It's not easy to stay in a relationship like that but you guys are married and these are the kind of issue you face especially of you are a public figure and also your I know you have to be happy and live your life but be realistic and let not people define your marriage for you and don't be afraid to be called a fool if you want to over look things , you are not getting your and I guess your career is more important to you. Anyway who Am I to give you an advice , I wish and pray the best for you. Stay blessed. Who knows

  2. Toke love, take time off and think buh if you still love him and if he is sincerely sorry, pls give him a second chance for to err is human and to forgive is divine. Don't let pride and vengeance ruin your marriage. buh! if you are too hurt to forgive and you don't see evidence of true repentance in him, then just move on already. you are a strong woman, I trust you will be fine. No wonder they say dynamites come in SMALL packs.. haha.

  3. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Thats hw it suppose be... Life waits for no man...... #NowPlaying>> i wan marry: charlae....

  4. Good decision. The Lord is ur strength!

  5. Leaving him now will just make the mistress move in.Her secret wish is you to pack out and then she can have your place. I want to see her suffer the pain of your presence in your home and the pain of you and your hubby hanging out and going for romantic holiday. Pull yourself together and let this home breaker fail. I know its not easy I was in that situation and I was even married to a Pastor well I left and today, he changes them like underwear. I am still single and going 40 and am deeply worried too because I need to settle down

  6. She's in the best position to know what she wants. I wish her all the best things life bring. Strong independent woman.

    Love Toke Makinwa

  7. Hmmmm women, it's well wt us.

  8. Wishing you the best as you opt for the best for your life. It is not OVER until it's OVER.


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