I have taken your virginity-Maje Ayida tells pregnant mistress(Photos) | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Monday, 15 June 2015

I have taken your virginity-Maje Ayida tells pregnant mistress(Photos)

As reports of Toke Makinwa's hubby Maje impregnating his ex has stunned many, a facebook message between them has been dug up by SDK blog..He told her,"I've taken your virginity..U are mine forever...

Maje and Anita reportedly dated for 8 years while Toke was in a relationship with him for 12 years before their wedding in 2014.


  1. Its Nothing Jari.. Rekindling an old wound..
    .NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. How old is maje and at what age did he started dating this girls or he dated them simutaneoulsy.

  2. Can this case be closed. This shit happens everyday just cos a celebrity is involved. Some people are really jobless asides trekkers. Mtschewww

  3. Can't wait to hear from Maje

    1. How old is maje and at what age did he started dating this girls or he dated them simultaneously, because 8+12 = 20years ohhhhhhh

    2. You cant wait to hear from Maje? He doesnt owe you an explanation. His life, let him live the way he wants. Busybody!

  4. Hummm. So the girl's account was apparently hacked by SDK! That's going too far..the deed has been done already..why spill the beans further? Hian! ..wellToke would get over it..thats what strong women do.

    1. How can u say SDK hacked her account??? Do u research well b4 posting

    2. Hacked account? Stop saying what u dnt know

    3. Hehehehhe c Emeh's sista oo, so SDK na yahoo girl....? Krkrkkrk Krkrkrkkrk

    4. Hacked kee?the desperate pregnant lady sent it in.

  5. Damn!! this is gonna sting a lot.

  6. Oh God! Let your spirit guide Toke thru all this.

  7. MR EDDY said this heat wan kill person o.

    Pheww! This looks ugly.

  8. u don't need to hack a facebook account to see what's on someone's wall..
    We don't know where they started. this is deeper than we probably think. Maybe they took an oath or something.. lol
    Toke should just free this man & move on.. how can u date two women for 8 & 12 yrs respectively?? He cheated on both of them. Dude wants a combination of the two.. should av married both.lol

    These men turn women to monsters, after they'll start saying babes ain't loyal.. Toke has a decision to make here.

  9. the pride we get when we dee-vee a pretty woman

    jobless youth

  10. Emeh u sha dull o
    This is her wall, not a message inbox

  11. I just feel for toke,ds pple are just trying to make her sad,all d best toke,ds too shall pass.

  12. So someone had 2 snoop as far back as 2007???? Chaii

  13. Omoooo! the MAN rat-race is real.. no dulling meehn.. May the best girl win.

    1. Ha-a...Toke is the wife here, weitin bring tht kin tok (best girl win)?..

    2. Belinda I agree with you here a 101%.
      if I were toke, I ll reach out to Anne idibia and seek for solace and solid advice.
      Yknow what I mean?

    3. na Toke be the best girl naa. Belinda wan chop me raw. No be me be babymama ooo

  14. Toke 12yrs,anita 8yrs,who was d first abeg

  15. Shit happens. She calls herself a celebrity, well this is a celebrity affair.
    This is what happens when your life is lived under the microscope, so deal with it Toke.
    Millions of other Nigerian women has gone through worst, and many are still experiencing even more horrible things from their so called husbands, yet they live.
    Your husband fuck another girl nahim person no go hear something.
    You Toke, you never sleep with another man before? Nonsense!

  16. Mixing egusi and okro soup. SMH

  17. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said..
    Dude was a young lad misbehaving then... He fucked up though no doubt...

  18. Lolzz...the babe is looking natural...Maje is the man of the year mehn!!! #internet collapse

  19. So sad that an age man will be misbehaving....The man has low mentality syndrome -Pst.Chekeleke

  20. One of them should clear the air on this issue jare

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  21. I just feel sorry for Toke,oh God will give her strength

  22. Toke is a celebrity. She enjoys the hype at least with her daily pictures. She is busy and working hard, travelling from place to place. Maje is also busy, working hard with less media attention. Somehow if a woman can date a man for good 12years and the whole world know about it and ended up with a very secret wedding. Now the man has impregnated a woman and the pregnancy is not weeks but months, is Toke telling us she is not aware about the escapades all this while? Why coming out at this time? We all don't live with the couple and so cannot be sure what they have been passing through. Is Maje the first man to impregnate a woman out of wedlock or what is new about this? I wish Toke never raise this issue. Imagine how people now turn a supposed marriage counsellor and motivational speaker to mere object of general pity? It can be painful but Toke knows her hubby too well and cannot pretend she is not aware about the extra-marital affair of her hubby. There are many women in her shoe. If she cannot take it, let her follow her contemporaries in the entertainment world. If she can take it, she better work things out and stop this media noise about somebody impregnating somebody

  23. Another story Abeg ...#ameboZone


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