A stunning Angelina Jolie & Kids make a surprise appearance at the Kids Choice Awards | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Sunday, 29 March 2015

A stunning Angelina Jolie & Kids make a surprise appearance at the Kids Choice Awards

 After her big reveal(removal of her ovaries),Angelina Jolie made her first surprise appearance at the Kids Choice Awards..She brought her children Siloh and Zhara..
Powerful woman!
See another below


  1. I hope her cancer stays away Atleast for the sake of the kids before she removes every last organ she has left

    No shaking

    1. Abi o. I pray so too. She has a huge heart n I love her so.

  2. Stop trying to turn wat she's going thru into a joke.this is reality not a movie...watch how u talk

  3. Replies
    1. No shaking you are always writing rubbish just to be funny which u are not, everything isnt for jokes, go to Stella dimoko blog or lib where ppl are much nd comments are plenty so they put u in ur level not in mpn where comments nd people are few,u are not funny

    2. Beautiful mum,it's well wt u

    3. Beautiful inside and out and cute children. Black beauty at Zhara.

    4. @ Anon ur an Imbecile who was born without brains.So in ur mind u have put me in my place? So u believe U've Put No shaking in her place.I Laugh in Egyptian as the only advice I can give a faceless monkey like u is DONT START WHAT U CLEARLY CANT FINISH.Just Waka pass for ur own good.As Provost I don't reply peasants like u coz I keep the cool on this blog.First get a name if u must get my attention.Feel free to go to the above mentioned blogs and ask the pple to come find me here and put me in my place coz that is so big of a job for just one lonely vulture for u to handle.If u find wat I wrote a joke then go get a gun and shot ur ugly self dead.Pig

      No shaking

    5. no shaking or whatever u call urself shut the hell up! mumu!!! bitch!!!!!!

  4. She has always been there for her kids. Good mother Jolie

  5. Powerful and respectable woman that's who she is!

  6. Replies
    1. No shaking @ No shaking,Ru using my name to sing or U've become obsessed with my name or ur calling me coz u want to pay ur dues.Ru the Anon that wrote that trash?Y have u being mentioning my name nonstop or did u see me in ur dream.Clarify

      No shaking

    2. @ no shaking......I wonder who made this razz fool a provost in this blog. Mpb better rethink before D's idiot cald no shaking ruins your blog guest. Was just passing by.

    3. faceless Anon first it's MPN and Not Mpb.Secondly it will shock u to know that ur sister,brothers and entire family voted me as Provost so deal with it.As a Waka pass,I will want u to visit more often and comment.Ur a physical prove that I'm doing a job well done as the MPN Provost.Its Sunday and one of the best days to commit suicide on my behalf so get at it immediately

      No shaking

    4. @ no shaking......I wonder who made this razz fool a provost in this blog. Mpb better rethink before D's idiot cald no shaking ruins your blog guest. Was just passing by.

  7. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    This woman is really strong..... She looks like nothing happened...... May God continue to be with her.....

  8. Her daughter is just the mirror of her mom. Angie is a stunning woman

  9. I taya 4 some ppl, @No Shaking has good wishes for Angie (her cancer to stay away), wat y'ol cryin abt?

  10. She has kept hope alive -Pst.Chekeleke

  11. Hmm, the girl looks like an albino naa

  12. Motherhood sure suits her well.


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