Piers Morgan(Must Read)-If I can accept that the Paris murderers aren't real Muslims why won’t the MUSLIM world say so too?  | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Friday 9 January 2015

Piers Morgan(Must Read)-If I can accept that the Paris murderers aren't real Muslims why won’t the MUSLIM world say so too? 

This is war.

Let’s not pussy-foot around the terminology here when it comes to analyzing the sickening events in Paris over the last 48 hours.

But it’s not a religious war, as the cowardly, murderous thugs carrying out these atrocities would have us believe.

These terrorists are not ‘real’ Muslims. In fact, they slaughter Muslims as much if not more than they slaughter everyone else.
One of their two police officer victims in the attack on Charlie Hebdo’s offices was a Muslim.On the same day, Al Qaeda car-bombed a police college in Yemen - killing over 40 people, all believed to be Muslims, many of them students.
And lest we forget, several dozen innocent Muslims died in the twin towers on 9/11 including a pregnant woman.
So forget all the garbage about these lunatics representing Muslims. They don’t.
They represent a small faction of fanatical extremists who have hijacked Islam to justify their nefarious trade in terror, and grotesquely and deliberately distorted the meaning of the Qur’an for the same purpose.
They can chant ‘God is great’ all they like, but their currency is death and destruction not genuine religious ideology.
And their excuse for all this mayhem is predicated entirely on a pack of lies; the Prophet Mohammed never advocated killing people who blasphemed him. Nor does the Qur’an tell anyone to do that, or even mention blasphemy.

As my former CNN colleague Fareed Zakaria pointed out today, draconian punishment for blasphemy, including in many cases death, has been created in law by Muslim nations intent on suppressing their people.So when these barbaric assassins scream that they are ‘avenging the Prophet’, they’re doing nothing of the sort. They’re just using him as an excuse to commit murder.
It’s a sickening deceit.

But they don’t give a damn what I, or most of the West, think about them.

All they care about is spewing their hateful rhetoric and violence as chaotically as possible, preying on the impressionable vulnerability of many disenfranchised young Muslims who live, for the main, in poverty and hopelessness.

This is not going to be an easy war to win.
Terror groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda are a hideously difficult enemy to combat because they exist in so many varied and amorphous guises around the world, some large in number, some tiny.
Nobody really knows how many there are, or where they reside.But they’re increasing in number and as we’ve seen, they’ve growing more audacious in their attacks.
 Beheading hostages and gunning down cartoonists may seem particularly horrific to us, but to them – many of who have fought on the brutal battlefields of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan - it’s just another day at the office.They’re going to keep on committing these outrages, and the scale of them is going to get bigger.
It’s going to be the new normal. They’re going to attack us in our restaurants, churches, shopping malls and modes of transport.
It’s going to severely test our collective resolve, and we’re all going to have to face up to it with the same defiant stoicism that Britain showed when Hitler or the IRA tried to bomb us into submission, and which New Yorkers displayed after 9/11.
 As to what can be done to curb this threat, the West’s traditional response of invading and bombing the countries that harbor them – along with our arrogant attempts to force our brand of ‘freedom and democracy’ down their unwilling throats - has been a spectacularly self-defeating failure that has simply served to dramatically increase support for the terrorists.
Every Drone strike that strays and kills innocent civilians in the Middle East acts as a perfect recruiting agent for hundreds, if not thousands more vengeful members of Islamic State.
Every day that Guantanamo Bay stays open, keeping people prisoner without charge or trial for years on end, is used as a perfectly justifiable example of America acting as just the same repressive, inhumane, law-flouting regime that it professes to abhor.
We need different thinking, smart leadership, effective military action where appropriate, and a firm coalition of global intelligence to thwart the attacks.
 But there is a limit to what the West can do on its own.What’s really required right now is for the Muslim world to stand up, be counted and cry: ‘ENOUGH!
I want to hear the leaders of predominantly Muslim countries, like Pakistan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, come out and condemn these murderous bastards, without equivocation.
To denounce them as non-Muslims, to urge REAL Muslims – the vast majority who loathe these extremists as much as we do - to rise up against them, alienate and marginalize them, root them out of their society.
 In short, I want real Muslims to reclaim their Islam faith and to make it crystal clear that these terrorists don’t act in their name, nor the name of the Prophet Mohammad.
As a journalist for 30 years, and someone whose wife was born and raised in Paris, I feel particularly incensed by what’s just happened in that wonderful city to so many fellow journalists and Parisians.
I’m no great advocate for the kind of savage satirical stuff Charlie Hebdo used to pump out.Some of it was funny, some plain nasty.
 But they were a non-discriminatory offender, everyone copped it.My own faith’s leader, the Pope, was lampooned far more regularly and wickedly than the Prophet Mohammad ever was.
Yet I didn’t see Roman Catholics storming to Paris to kill everyone involved in mocking him.
Why should one religion be afforded special rights to being offended?
In the end, it comes down to this: killing someone for drawing an offensive cartoon is infinitely more offensive than any cartoon could possibly be.
And if you don’t agree with that premise, then you are as deluded as those who inflict the terror - and should have these words tattooed on your forehead: JE SUIS STUPIDE.

Article published on Mailonline  


  1. He has a point there...hmm
    God have mercy on our generation!!

  2. MR EDDY said.
    These whole killing routine don tire me sef. May God help our realm IJN, Amen
    ^™THAT EDO BOY.COM~wishes u happy new year.

  3. Muslims won't denounce them because it's a terrorist religion

  4. it isnt going to happen and the reason is simple. deep down most muslims if not all have that deep seated violence brewing inside. you take the nature of whomever you call master and from the bible i have come to realize that violence is their nature. the heir of the bondswoman will forever never be at peace with other men. how do you explain reacting so violently to a cartoon character and just like u aptly pointed out piers morgan..hasnt d pope and even Jesus Christ been the object of so much more ridicule?

  5. MR EDDY said.
    These whole killing routine don tire me sef. May God help our realm IJN, Amen
    ^™THAT EDO BOY.COM~wishes u happy new year.

  6. 1 of my Anon frendz/enemies pls summarize n comment on ma behalf.

    1. Lol. So you can't Patiently read this small piece of writing

    2. No my Dear. Summarize naa

    3. Him sey mk Muslims stand up to terrorism

  7. We may not have tagged them Muslims but terrorists who are bad as rotten egg, the faithful ones must rise to denounce them.

  8. Well said...I still repeat...the day we allow God fight his wars, the better our world wud be. Religion has giving rise to a generation of ppl with twisted ideologies. Religion, truly, is the opium of the masses


  9. Who said that they are not true Muslims?
    What about the promise of 80 virgins?

  10. Why did they choose to hijack islam and not christianity.......this goes a long to explain because the religion it self is guided with too many conspiracy that his vehemently unexplainable.......if not why is taking to long for leaders of predominantly Muslim countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia to speak out and defend allah Against the injustice committed by this extremist

  11. Dis terrorist n der ideologies is way beyond our understanding or wat we can handle alone. We need God's intervention, even d Muslim communities r tired n scared of dem.

  12. I like dis Morgan nd his bluntness smtimes! Predominantly, infact every Muslim country in dis Planet {real Muslims}, if they r truly real, it should be Part of there Job to condem dis
    barberic fanatic extrem ist dem, fight em back, cos they r tarnishing destroying yall religious Image!!!#ThoughtsForYears#GodisGreat#GodShouldCome#


    1. Worsening insecurity

    a. Boko Haram
    i) Over 13,000 killed, according to BBC over 1.5 million people displaced, 276 Chibok girls yet to be rescued, 10 months and counting.
    ii) Boko Haram is spreading from Adamawa, Yobe, Borno and Abuja to Gombe, Bauchi, Kano, next state(s) could just be yours.
    iv) Loss of villages, towns, cities and territories to Boko Haram.
    b. Kidnapping has become widespread across the federation.

    2. Monumental corruption and nepotism

    a. Missing $20bn from the coffers of NNPC yet to be explained.
    b. Diezani Alison-Madueke: ₦10bn Private Jet Scandal.
    c. Diezani Alison-Madueke: $25mn House acquired in Austria, Vienna.
    d. John Yusuf: ₦27bn Pension fraud.
    e. Abdulrasheed Maina: ₦21bn Pension funds embezzlement.
    f. Farouk Lawan: $500,000 bribe.
    g. Stella Oduah: ₦255mn BMW salon cars.
    h. Pardoning of ex-convicts and dropping of charges against friends – DSP Alamieyeseigha, Bode George, Femi Fani Kayode, Mohammed Abacha, Al-Mustapha.
    i. Petrol subsidy scam: Nobody has been prosecuted till date.
    j. Continuing Kerosene subsidy fraud despite the product being fully deregulated. ₦91bn included in 2015 FGN Budget proposal.
    k. Creation of emergency billionaires – Asari Dokubo, Ayiri Emami, Government Tompolo.
    l. Oritsejafor: $15mn private jet arms deal scandal.
    m. Continued environmental degradation of the Niger-Delta through oil spill.
    n. Continuing oil theft. Over 300,000 barrels of crude oil was stolen on daily basis in 2013.
    o. Militants now contracted to secure national waterways.
    p. Transparency international ranks Nigeria 136th out of 175 economies surveyed on corruption index. Put another way, Nigeria is the 39th most corrupt country in the world.
    q. US State Department Global Human Rights Report: ‘Massive, widespread, and pervasive corruption affected all levels of government and the security forces… and officials frequently engaged in corrupt practices with impunity’

    3. Financial recklessness

    a. Plundered fiscal buffers. Mid-2008, External Reserves (EXRV):$40bn Excess Crude Account (ECA):$22bn. Total buffer: $62bn.
    Fast Forward end-2014: EXRV:$32bn ECA:$1bn, SWF:$1bn New total buffer: $34bn
    b. Piled debt on the Nation with nothing to show for it. $47.4bn (214%) growth in total public debt between 2007 and 2014
    According to Debt Management Office: End-2007 Debt levels (Foreign:$3.7bn, Domestic:$18.5bn. Total:$22.2bn). As of end-Sep 2014sadForeign:$9.5bn, Domestic:$60.1bn. Total:$69.6bn)
    c. Has 10 aircrafts in the Presidential Air Fleet (PAF). An eleventh one already included in the 2015 FGN Budget Proposal. UK Prime Minister, David Cameron flies commercial on British Airways. South African President has 6. Egypt has 1. Israel has none.
    d. ₦7.5bn spent on reconstruction of Abuja city gate.

    4. Catalogue of Presidential blunders

    a. Question: Where is the missing $20bn? Jonathan: America will Know, it is their money.
    b. Question: Corruption in Nigeria. Jonathan: There is no corruption but mere stealing in Nigeria.
    c. Question: Assets declaration. Jonathan: I don’t give a damn
    d. October 2011: ‘We are responsible for Independence Day bombing’ – MEND.
    ‘MEND is not responsible for the Abuja bombing; I know my people’ – Jonathan.
    Fast-forward January 2015: ‘MEND was paid to assassinate me during Independence Day bombing’ – Jonathan.
    e. World Bank Report: Nigeria is among the 5 poorest nations in the world. Jonathan: “If you talk about ownership of private jets, Nigeria will be among the first 10 countries, yet they are saying that Nigeria is among the five poorest countries…Nigeria’s problem is not poverty but redistribution of wealth.
    f. 7-January-2015: 11 people killed in France, the whole nation is thrown into mourning. 14-April-2014: over 100 killed in Nyanya Bomb Blast. GEJ goes dancing at Kano campaign rally a day after.
    g. Presidency’s first reaction to Chibok girls’ abduction: ‘It is a propaganda’. Took the President three weeks to believe the abduction happened.



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