Hiv+ Kenny Brandmuse reveals he's Gay(His story) | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Thursday 8 January 2015

Hiv+ Kenny Brandmuse reveals he's Gay(His story)

In December 2014, brand expert Kenny Bademosi aka Brandmuse  revealed he was Hiv positive (read here).. Today, he revealed he is gay and even got married to cover it up. To mark the one year anniversary of the Anti gay law which was passed on Jan 7th 2014,he decided to share his story..Read his Facebook post below

When I first told my ex-wife that I was gay, we were far from being married. I wanted her to find other men honorably, who had a thing for women. I never did. I ‘swear down.’ I was only obeying the popular demand of traditions. Now, this was my terrible mistake.
No one should live their life based on dogmas and other people’s expectations. As far as I could remember, even though I was always dating girls, I had always preferred being with a man. I had fought it with every fiber of spirituality in me as a Pentecostal preacher boy (find details and journeys n my book ‘THE EXODUS.’) The more I fought my sexual preference for men, the more I became more miserable. Unfortunately, as erroneously believed, sex wasn’t the problem. I had been having sex with women as far back as a twelve-year-old. Sexuality is whom we are emotionally present with, not whom we are sleeping with. And oh boy, she really tried to make me a heterosexual. But I'm still not, sadly.

One of those pre-marriage days, while we were with our marriage counseling team, I brought up the issue again – that I had always had a preference for men. I wanted the Ministers to dissuade her from the marriage. I just couldn’t put a ring on a fat big lie. My father taught me one principle: DIE FOR YOUR OWN TRUTH, EVEN IF IT'S UNPOPULAR, BUT DON'T HARM OTHERS WITH IT. She was so happy to tell the ministers, as quickly as she could, that my feelings for men would all be gone, because she believed it was a childhood disorder. I guess she meant she was going to fuck my brains into heterosexuality. This is a mistake a lot of us make. We all want to change people to conform to our preferences. We find it easier to play god in the lives of people we did not make.
After six years together, I knew I was not getting any better. I STILL LOVED MEN. And one day, because I didn’t want to cheat on her, I humbly asked her that we should go our separate ways. That was when all hell broke loose. She suddenly forgot about how it all started. In court, she told the Judge how she suddenly found out that I was gay, and how it’s against the Law of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. In other words, she wanted me sentenced to the new 14 years jail term served by the Nigerian government. Luckily, I was in a civil court.

Sadly, that day, I had to duck my face in shame as the crowd jeered at me for being whom I had always been. 'You faggot' 'Oh what a shameful man!' 'homo!' 'Na wa o ' I still don’t know how I walked out of the court premises that day. ( this case is still ongoing) What about my business.? Tell any client in Nigeria that you are gay, and you lose their business. That’s exactly what happened. I lost friends, businesses, sponsorships and family members. I had to start my life all again. Applied for a new job. Get back to school. Although my ex-wife is one of the most faithful and beautiful women in Nigeria, she is a victim of institutionalized homophobia. Just like many people who are reading this.

It will be exactly a year today, when Nigeria instituted a law to jail people like me. What’s our offense? Because we are simply wired differently. There are only about 5 to 10% of homosexuals in every population as cited by popular findings and documents. Why is a 90% dominant population afraid of its 10%? Shouldn’t you care about us? Don’t you think it’s a lot easier to be seen as part of the 90%? And before you throw those religious verses on us for being wired differently, I want to leave you with my favorite Bible verses from Romans 8:Italics mine:
That Nothing Can Separate Us from ( the universal narrative of ) God’s Love

31 What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? 32 Since he did not spare even his own Son ( in the popular narratives according to the Christian Faith ) but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else? 33 Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one—for God himself has given us right standing with himself. 34 Who then will condemn us? No one...

38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in ( in the narrative of ) Christ Jesus our Lord


  1. Endtime Gay.. I sat between two mechanics yesterday evening. I am between two hot ladies right now. Weeping may last for the nite but joy comes in the morning.. IT IS WELL

    1. Useless man,i thought he was sane b4 nt knowin dt he is insane,u ar nt even ashamed to quote d is u dt wil com out dt u ar hiv,nw gay...jst keep ur mouth shut.

  2. OMG... Dis article is sooo sad,especially d court drama? How can d woman be so mean? U outed ur man in a court knowing fully well bout d 14yr jail term? How can love turn to hate just like dat? And for his sexuality, as long as he is happy,we need to get homophobia outta Nigeria,,, happy u finally accepting d real u kenny badmus..I'm sure ur story I've inspired other gays in naija... *big hugs* #teamstraight #nohomo #ilovegirls *side eyes*

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Am Not Surprised!!! Still Wanna Know What Gays Enjoy though...
    .Disclaimer:: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

  5. So many of them in naija. Nawa oo

    1. Even d devil can quote d bible so am not surprised

  6. Well,I pray u don't quote d bible to suit u rather u pray and follow wat d bible says in a gud way. Now d consequece of being gay as finally resulted to HIV+.I pray God rily arrest u b4 its too late. Ask Truth,she's already as full blown aids from being gay

  7. The more I tried to read, the more confused I got. May God help u gay people

  8. I had the feeling that this guy is gay when his story was first published. Good to know that he has finally decided to come out from the closet. I wish him well.

  9. 90% of Nigerian guys starting from this blog are gay. They just hide it. I'm proud to be a lesbian even though I'm married.

  10. @Truth, den u re not proud to b a lesbian.y did u get .married to a man? mtchew

  11. Whatever makes him sleep at night..
    None of my business!!

  12. Now we know how he contracted the virus. Mtcheeeew. Am not ready to read that trash.

    1. Happy New Year n wel back prodigal daughter.

  13. Gay what? Abandoned your wife for the love of men? Nawa o

  14. Hmmmm nah wah shah instead of him to go and rest in one place,he is dere talking abt Gay .

  15. If that's the life he has chosen for him self.........he should be prepared to account for it on the last day

  16. dis kenny shit pusher sef n acting skils first was u got HIV to get sympathy, n u got..;" now is hey yall, hes gay oo nd if y'all dont like it, he dont give a fuck! man everybody must not like gayism! u r quoting bible, nd will not tell me u dont know were God condemmed "Homosexuality nd lesbianism??

  17. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    I dont knw him but i wish him all the best....

  18. Wait a min, a civil court can't jail a gay? Now that the guy is even saying it openly, what the fuck is he still doing in his home? jail is his home.

  19. You r HIV+ , you r gay...what's next? Mr Kenny plz keep all ur status to urself.

  20. Jst when will these faggot realise dey r possessed? #mtcheww


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