Rebels who shot down Malaysian plane filmed the crash amidst laughter | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Thursday 17 July 2014

Rebels who shot down Malaysian plane filmed the crash amidst laughter

 After the ill-fated Malaysian Airlines plane was shot down today,it has emerged that the pro-Russian rebels who shot down the plane filmed it and their militia commander Igor Strelkov, tweeted after the crash" 
In the area Torez we just hit down Antonoc-26, it’s lying somewhere in the mine “Progress”.‘We warned you – do not fly in “our sky”. And here is the video confirmation of the “bird dropping”.‘Bird fell near the mine, the residential sector was not disturbed. Civilians are not injured.’
At the time, he apparently believed he had shot down an Antonov-26 military plane of the Ukrainian Air Force Plane. As soon as he must have realised the grave mistake,he deleted the tweet and video  .

According to Mailonline, the Laughing rebels filmed the plane as it crashed, bragging ‘That was a blast – look at the smoke!’
A voice believed to be that of Strelkov – dubbed ‘Igor the Terrible’ – announces:
 ‘The plane was hit‘Look at those black spots, these are the parts, flying … it was a blast … look, look, black smoke!’
Another rebel, laughs and says: 
‘It was worth bringing this thing, wasn’t it?


  1. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Simple, since they knw the people that did this they should catch them all and kill them instantly.......

  2. God help us,see how 295 people have died because of a mistake. God caught them because they just reported themselves.

  3. Just sad. What a waste

  4. I hope they kill themselves after realising what their wickedness has caused .Thay were even boasting no civilians killed

  5. Very Pathetic and Absurd.....its one thing to anonouce thE unrepairable loss of the lost souls to their loved ones and another disheartening trauma knowingfuly well the way they died.....

  6. thåt OAU Bøy

    I think it was also said that they took the black box from the plane

    osho klinsmann's blog

  7. America oya ooooo

  8. Yoruba rebels*oke*

  9. Russian rebels nt yoruba , olodo

  10. God don catch dem

  11. Blood of God,why all this.God save your people.


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