Donald Sterling blasts Magic Johnson "He's got AIDS after having sex with every girl in America" | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Donald Sterling blasts Magic Johnson "He's got AIDS after having sex with every girl in America"

The whole Donald Sterling racism saga happened after his girlfriend posed with Magic Johnson in an instagram snap.Now instead of just apologizing and moving on, during his interview on CNN,he blasted Magic Johnson for having AIDS.Magic Johnson was diagnosed H.I.V. positive back in 1991....
“What has he done? Can you tell me? Big Magic Johnson, what has he done? He’s got AIDS,Did he do any business? Did he help anybody in South LA? … What kind of guy goes to every city and has sex with every girl and catches AIDS?”
What kind of a guy goes to every city and has sex with every girl? Then he catches H.I.V. ... is that someone we wanna respect and tell our kids about? I think he should be ashamed of himself. I think he should go into the background."And what does he do for black people? He hasn’t done anything.
Here’s a man I don’t know if I should say this, he acts so holy. He made love with every girl in every city in America, and he had AIDS, and when he had those AIDS, I went to my synagogue and I prayed for him. I hoped he could live and be well. I didn’t criticize him. I could have. Is he an example for children? You know, because he has money, he’s able to treat himself. But Magic Johnson is irrelevant in this thing. He didn’t do anything harmful to anybody and I respect him and I admire everything that he does. I’d like to help even more if he would offer me an opportunity to help. I like to help minorities.”
If I said anything wrong, I’m sorry. He’s a good person. I mean, what am I going to say? Has he done everything he can do to help minorities? I don’t think so. But I’ll say it, he’s great. But I don’t think he’s a good example for the children of Los Angeles.”



  1. This Donald sterling is just a big fool, y make a mockery of a sick person....does he think he is better than magic johnson?..mtcheww

    1. So sick. The man is just sick inthe head

  2. Now you know that his apologies are just fake. Visit for dating tips and inspirations

  3. Very lame way of fighting back, he just got deeper. Call racially abusing blacks, u are not mocking another for having aids, which again u can get from some many ways. #howpeoplethink

  4. What is dis Goat Saying?can someone pls explain?

  5. He needs to be locked up

  6. What about him fucking that small lady

  7. Oh! Dear, let it be. This is as insensitive of him as perhaps saying that Hitler was right in exterminating Jews. Be better watch.

  8. Dis guy is sick, who's he referring as minority? Blacks, unrepentant fool, son of a gun, dick head...... N d same blacks r makin d cash for u, i hate his guts.

  9. Rantings of a sexually insure and jealous wealthy man.....Listening to the tape and now reading this confirms it 100%.

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  13. A fool at 40 is a fool forever..... somebody should just poison his food, drink or something so that he will just die....

  14. Why does he kip saying helping minorities na wa blk don suffer!!! He must have some superiority in him....I'm beginning to feel all his I'm sorry is not from his heart!!

  15. Racism is in his blood

  16. This big man Donald S has gone Karzy.

  17. pls excuse me, what is AIDS? never hrd of it bfore.


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