Woman recounts how Bill Cosby sexually assaulted her.....(READ) | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Saturday 8 February 2014

Woman recounts how Bill Cosby sexually assaulted her.....(READ)

Just last week, award-wining movie director Woody Allen was accused by his adoptive daughter that he molested her when she was seven .
He is not the only one who has been accused. Multiple women have accused Bill Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting them. Cosby has repeatedly denied the allegations, and settled a 2006 lawsuit that included 13 accusers.
However,Tamara Green, a former trial attorney now living in Southern California who says Cosby assaulted her in the 1970s; only came forward in 2005, after hearing about some of his other alleged victims.
In a new confession with Newswatch, Green talked candidly about how her confession was a “career-ender,” and about how difficult it can be for women who accuse powerful men of sexual assault.
Her account below

I met him when I was a 19-year-old model in the 1970s. I was really pretty and I thought the world was my oyster. I thought, “Of course people will invite me places.” I was friends with a plastic surgeon who knew [Cosby], and we would all go to the racetrack together. I was in charge of driving the limo so they could all get loaded and I’d drive them home.

He asked me to help him raise capital for a club he wanted to start. One day, I called him to cancel a meeting because I was feeling really sick, and he said, "Why don’t you come over to this restaurant I’m at, you’ll feel better if you have lunch.” I sat down, and he gave me what he said was two pills of [an over-the-counter cold medicine]. I swallowed them, and 20 minutes later I felt terrific; 30 minutes later, I was face-down in my soup. He volunteered to take me home. And then, because I was so ill, he volunteered to undress me and put me to bed. I started fighting him -- I took a lamp and broke a window. He finally left. When I woke up, I saw that he left two 100-dollar bills on the table next to my front door. I was so sincerely and deeply infuriated that, even through the drugs.... I was crazed. I wanted to rip his neck off.

The next day, I went to go visit my brother, who was in the terminal ward at a children’s hospital. Cosby, smart man that he is, had been to the hospital to give presents to the kids. By the time I got to the hospital, my brother was glowing that the great Bill Cosby had given him a portable radio.

I was sitting in my kitchen [in 2004] and saw CNN was covering the “allegation” that another girl had been drugged and assaulted by him, and I thought, surely this will all come out now, surely it’s happened all over the place. Then the district attorney issued a statement that it was still under investigation, but it seemed a “he said / she said” type of situation, as all sexual assault cases are. So I called and left a very substantial message, and I didn’t hear from them. I called the detectives, and didn’t hear from them either. All I wanted to do was back her up, so I called her lawyer, and they took my statement and listed me as a Jane Doe. Then, the media found me, and completely assaulted me.

The first thing I thought when I heard [the 2004 allegations] was, “Really, at [his] age?” I guess the drugs explain all that.

A lawyer told me I would be crazy to come out after 20 years and accuse him. But I waited and waited to see who would back this girl up, and nobody else would. The Cosby team started smearing her, making her seem petty and loose and cheap.

I saw how nobody believed her. She had trusted him, and he had drugged her and then assaulted her, just like what happened to me. I saw that nobody was going to take him on, so I felt like it was my duty to risk my neck and stand [up] for all the other women who’ve been assaulted by him.Here’s a question: that girl who he attacked in 2004, how did it work out for her? It never works out, unless you’re bleeding and there’s DNA and an eyewitness. I was 19 and he was the king of the world, so how was it going to work? I was a teenager. Nobody would’ve believed me.

It was a career-ender when I came forward. All my clients were suddenly interested in whether I was a liar or a former hooker or a philanderer. People want their lawyers to be serious-minded intellectuals, honest and honorable people. It casts a shadow on your character if you dare to attack one of these icons. The whole community -- my neighbors, my friends, people in the industry [her ex husband is an Academy Award-winning writer and producer] -- hinges your identity upon what happened. To come out and admit that you’ve had a guy’s hands all over you is disgusting to some people. People accused me of seeking my own fame, but I had a high profile of my own. I don’t need a rapist or child molester to make me famous.


  1. Wow this man who looks so innocent?

    1. Meaning you don't judge a book by it cover....little anonymous brain..#undull

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Speechless

  2. If she calls this an assault when he didn't even have sex with her, what will Naija girls say?

  3. Attempted murder

  4. Hmm this man? Never judge by the face

  5. Omo woman pack well!! Ya rite u want to now slander d name of a gud black man!! + ur timing is so write wen he now has a new tv project in d pipeline. Tink of writin novels , she has superb imaginative skills

  6. If you suspected you were drugged ...why did she go straight to the police dept....or if she was well enough to fight as soon as he left ...why didn't she call 911... I would have reported him immediately not just say nothing....allowing other women to be his next victim...This just makes no sense....and once he took her clothes off with out permission...that alone is enough to report to police and the evidence of the broken window and lamp is enough to start an ivestigation...


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