Boy caught raping a donkey claims it was 'love at first sight' | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Thursday 6 February 2014

Boy caught raping a donkey claims it was 'love at first sight'

A sex starved 16-year-old Kezi teenager has been arrested for having sex with a donkey.
The young boy was caught red-handed quenching his sexual desires by giving the hapless animal some donkey-style sex.

Villagers at Leopard Farm in Kezi were left dumbfounded when Mncedisi Nyathi (16) openly revealed that he was madly in love with the donkey that he had been caught having sex with.

"I fell in love with the donkey after I heard a voice telling me it was my lover," said Nyathi.

It is reported that Nyathi was caught by Mlungisi Ncube in the act. He had tied the donkey to a tree so that it won't even escape. In addition to that he had also tied the donkey's legs so that he can enjoy his sex without risking for heavy kicks or any unwelcome fidgeting.

Nyathi was then arrested and hauled before Kezi resident magistrate Mr Jimmy Ndoro on Monday last week.

The boy left the court in roars of laughter when he said he had love at first sight when he first met the donkey.

"It was love at first sight. I developed sexual feelings for the donkey the first time I saw it," Nyathi told the court.

Magistrate Ndoro asked the minor if he knew the crime he had committed and the boy responded: "I raped the donkey!"

For raping the donkey, Nyathi was sentenced to six months behind bars. Magistrate Ndoro suspended three month on condition of good behaviour. The other three months were also susndended on condition the boy completes 105 hours of community service at a local primary school.


  1. Lately nothing seems to be new anymore.

    1. bella nothing is new. the truth is that when we fail to keep one commandment and not repent, breaking all the commandment wunt be hard. God said dont fornicate but we dindnt listen, we claimed we have to taste before marriage, then we move to extra-marital sex and still we saw nothing wrong with it. infact we applaud the men for committing adultery by saying "all men cheat", from there we moved to homosexuality, now its bestiality...very soon men and women will marry feces and urine, then self-marriage will follow. its just a matter of time. the faster we turn to God and repent of fornication etc, the better for us. again the devil wants us to say homosexuality is better than bestiality so that he can trap us with our words. let us be wise....LETS SAY YES TO JESUS AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS.

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  3. God help us with these madness

  4. Lmaooo he is a nut case

  5. which one is donkey style?...thot i hav tried all styles...this sounds new 2 me...

  6. @ Dom Obinwanne....
    U've done all styles & must have tried goat don't bother about donkey style. Hope u were bleating like a horny he-goat wen u did ur goat style? Onuku Udeku!

  7. LOOOL, wonders shall never end.

  8. Nothing surprises me anymore - but, that boy needs help ooooo

  9. wonders! they say,shall never end!

  10. this is terrible...i tink he is mentally ill or possessed.....

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