LOL(Photo)-Police DPO jumping over fence as armed robbers attack | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Thursday 14 March 2013

LOL(Photo)-Police DPO jumping over fence as armed robbers attack

Lmaoooo ..According to someone who posted this on FB,this happened at the police station close to the Old market,Sokoto State. The policemen heard the sound of guns which sounded like bombs,thinking they were about to be attacked by Bokoharam,they took to their heels.

The DPO (in blue)flew over the fence.Turned out the scare was caused by just armed Robbers.
Did I just say just?Lol


  1. Buhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahah.......... Wait o, that's the dpo? Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahaha

  2. Metal na Metal oh, and Metal pass Metal. Hahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahhahahaha. Jump not as same as BULLeCT, ogA u sabi pass.

  3. Oooooommmmmmmgggg lol.i hf finished.

  4. Y wont he vamous when his oga at the top misfired on national tv.loll

  5. Oh my motherland!

  6. Lol, this looks funny but it isn't funny. If a whole #OgaAtTheTop would flee from armed robbers like this, then what would his subordinates, or even the masses they swore to protect do?

  7. who then will then defend the defenceless? We have got serious issues in this our country and its getting worse by the day. I am worried for my dearly beloved country. " moist eyes "

  8. Nice jump and here we are looking for people to represent nigeria at the olympics in high jump! Emeh bring better news u seem to copy all your gist from nairaland gosh! Can't u be original for once? Half of ur messages are stale and are from nairaland

    1. Lmao true though

    2. Lol Joan comment and reply your stinkingself. Yes she copies from Nairaland.She copied the Bovi's review,the daddy's boy story,and allothers from Nairaland.As a matter of fact,this blog is owned by nairaland.
      Stinking fish girl called Joan.Your surname is Okporoko(stockfish)

  9. hahahahahahahaha

  10. First tym 4 joan 2 mk sense,thugh I dnt agree wit d oda half

  11. lalalalalalalallalalololololhahahahahahahbabababbabbabasassssssssssssssss

  12. Nigeria na wah o

  13. Jackie Chan. Miss Petite If na you, you nor go fly fence?

  14. I was @ d old market last week wen dey came 2 rob, d police force faced d robbers, It was we d police faced den dat d robbers fired every1 around d market. I snap it on ma fone but refuse 2 share it on my blog ( of security reasons. If u nid dem u can mail me. Am in sokoto but dont blog abt SKT. Heard dey came 2 rob last nite toooooooooooooooo............................. Mail me if u nid any news in SKT. Am Smart Speed


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