"Church should not fear change"-Says Pope Francis after backlash regarding homosexuality | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Monday 20 October 2014

"Church should not fear change"-Says Pope Francis after backlash regarding homosexuality

Pope Francis hope for the Catholic church to embrace gay unions failed after the more conservatives in the Roman Catholic church refused to veto the final document that the catholic church should learn to respect the positive aspects of gay couples because,they have "Gifts and qualities" to offer the church .They however changed the initial document to accept that men and women of homosexual tendencies must be welcomed with respect and sensitivity and should not suffer from discrimination .

Proposals to allow divorced and remarried Catholics to receive communion were also defeated.

 The gay rights Catholics have expressed disappointment that  at the end of the two week assembly known as  synod,the church failed to welcome them with openness like they do to straight people...

 Three controversial articles, including the final version of one concerning gays won an absolute majority but failed to get the two-thirds vote needed for a broad consensus.

At the final closing ceremony yesterday, Pope Francis who wants a more merciful and less rigid church said in regards to the rejection of change by some bishops
"God is not afraid of new things. That is why he is continuously surprising us, opening our hearts and guiding us in unexpected ways," "the Church is called to waste no time in seeking to bind up open wounds and to rekindle hope in so many people who have lost hope.The church has to respond courageously to whatever new challenges come our way"
Liberal bishops such as Mgr Georges Pontier, President of the French Bishops’ Conference told Reuters
 “If a same-sex couple has been in a relationship for 30 years, I can’t call that nothing,” 

 Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich.said..
 “Exclusion is not the language of the Church,”“You cannot tell Catholics living in irregular family situations, ‘you are a second-rate Christians’.”


  1. This pope shuld take several seats or beta still resign before the anger of God befalls him. *vizzy*

  2. Lol @ Endtimes pope

  3. Matthew 24 is unfolding,Lord come,we r ready!

  4. Ok just for the record, I hate Gays and lesbians.As for this Man, cox he is no POPE to me, God will answer his name soon on ur case...!!!

  5. Since mejority of the people didn't like the idea......such idea should be aborted and he should carry on with his Good work!!!

  6. But as far as the change is a negative one, we should not encourage it.

  7. Thank God it was rejected.. that would have sent a wrong signal,as for the Pope I pray for God's guidance on you cuz ur decisions shouldn't be based on ur personal beliefs it should portray d image of the church..Thanks for the God fearing cardinals around u it would have been a disaster

  8. I support you papa pope

  9. May God guide the Pope to make right decisions for the church

  10. Hehehe oga pope you wan help your boys

  11. Let's be ready. End time is almost here

  12. The Pope must be Anti-christ! Let me not hear touch not my anointed whatever here o

  13. what Catholic church has become is sad
    whatever happened to portions like 1cor 6:9-11, 1timothy 1:9,10, romans 1:26,27, all these portions clearly states Gods view about homosexuality.


  14. This pope is an anti-Christ. Always playing to the gallery. He should be careful.

  15. I bet most of you don't understand

    I'm antigay in fact they irritate me but I think welcoming gays to the church can do more than we imagine. The church is meant for sinners and not for the righteous and these gays have sinned, in fact we have all sinned and that is why we go to church to hear God's words in order to amend our ways. So is it with the gays, they need to embraced, be preached and that will help them turn from their evil ways

    1. what u are saying can only be correct if the gays admit they have a problem and are coming to the church because they need help but from what it is these sick n destined for hell gays want the church to receive them by accepting their crazy attitudes.

  16. There's nothing like embracing change there has always been homosexuality and if God didn't accept it then... I don't think he'll accept it now

  17. if they didn't have anything to offer then.. what do they have to offer now

  18. I shall not judge but according to the bible, God doesn't support same sex intimacy not to talk of marriage. Only God knows best. My guess is that end time is near so my brothers and sisters, get closer to God. It is well IJN! Amen.

  19. which kind of a change is the Pope talking about ?
    why should the church even change when the Holy Bible which is the teaching document of the church has not changed for close to 2000yrs?
    i think the Pope should spend his time reading the Holy Bible rather than talking shit across the sick western medias.
    may God not permit me to live n see this accepted by the church 1 day.if it has to come any time soon then i am ready to go any time soon.
    the assurance i have of this never coming to pass comes from Christ's promise to Saint Peter when He made him the leader and head of His church
    "you are Peter n upon this rock i will build my church...not even the gate of Hades will prevail against it"
    even if the gate of Hades is being lead by a successor of Saint Peter's.


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