Blogger's diary- The man who made me fallout of love with "The Church" | This Is Miss Petite Nigeria Blog

Monday 2 September 2013

Blogger's diary- The man who made me fallout of love with "The Church"

It's been a while since I wrote..Alot on my mind and as you all know, each time I write,it comes from my heart..It's real..It's my story....

"Emeh, I don't mean to intrude but why don't you go to church on Sundays"? A friend asked a week ago. I searched for an answer but couldn't find the words. The truth is, I couldn't tell her why.
In 2011, after the loss of my beloved dad, following his burial in Cameroon, I came back to Nigeria and something strange happened. Every-night..I mean every single night for two months,My Dad would appear in my dreams and we would talk and talk.I looked forward to sleeping at nights because those were the only times I got to feel happy.After the first month, I read somewhere about a woman who thought she had been conversing with her late husband,not knowing bad spirits had actually taken his form to gain access to her.
  I'm not superstitious but I became scared. My fear worsened when a friend told me it was very unhealthy to be doing that.She said even if he is the one, he appears to me because my heart is troubled and since he loved me so much, his spirit won't rest till he knows i'm fine.
I bought her school of thought.
So , I found myself talking at nights" Daddy please rest, don't want you to be worried. I’m fine"It didn't stop. If anything, it got worse. So I would cry myself to sleep each night  and he would still appear.

So, one faithful Sunday morning, I just walked out of my house to buy something when I saw it. It was a signboard directing people to a church around my area. It was already 10am and my mind said "Emeh, God is he only one who can make daddy go to rest" I ran home, took a bath and I headed to that Church. I hadn't been to church in about 6 months prior to that.
For someone who was born and bred a catholic, I had concerns about fitting into a Pentecostal church . I always had my reservations. I didn't understand why one has to shout out loud, or stomp one's feet during prayers..I believed in tranquility and having a silent communication with God.

On getting to the church gate, I found out it was indeed a big church and everyone was already in except the well decked ushers who were happy to see a new face
"You are welcome" A good looking usher smiled while beckoning at me..I was nervous and I told him, since it was late, I would come another time. "It is never late to find your way to the Lord" ..he replied. At that moment, I made up my mind and walked in, the doors shut behind me and I was introduced to a new world. A world I would become so passionate about, nothing else mattered.

 I fell inlove with this church at first sight. I fell at home and though I sat behind, I could see the pastors on the pulpit, i was instantly drawn to them. It was probably 3 minutes to the end of service when they called on new members to step to the pulpit and I cringed until an Usher smiled at me and said" Don't miss out on your blessings because you are shy".

I found myself walking towards the pulpit alongside scores of other new members. At that moment, i regretted wearing my new 6 inch heels. It clicked against the concrete and all eyes were on me. Click,click,click I catwalked and finally made it..Kneeling down the senior pastor prayed for us and we were advised to stay back and network which I gladly did.
During the session, we were asked to put down prayer points and I did. When the lady looked at it, she said" I think you need to see the senior pastor now". I obliged.

I wasn't able to meet the senior pastor but the 2nd in command who was so nice to me, prayed with me and told me to join a group in church. I told him my field was media and he advised I join that dept. Giving me a new bible I headed to see the pastor in-charge of that department..
Then I saw him…”Hello..I’m looking for Pastor M…” I said with a smile “Oh is he missing”” He retorted. I was caught off guard and found myself laughing “No..I was sent by pastor E to see him. I want to join the media dept and I also want to be closer to God” I saw his eyes light up and I was wondering why when he said “You are speaking to Pastor M”
To say I was taken aback was an understatement. I was stunned. He was young and there was something in his eyes which made me question if he really belonged there, that thought was put to rest when he said “I’m happy to hear that. You are in the right place. Tell me about your life..
And Lo! I found myself telling pastor M all about the loss of my father, my challenges, the dreams and all. He had a serious prayer session with me and advised I come for an evening youth program which I did. After the program, he offered we should go and see a certain church sister who he would like me to be friends with.

She didn’t live too far and we headed to her place…
Perhaps I should have noticed the signs. It was actually a family house and after greeting her folks, he introduced both of us and I could see a hint of disdain in her eyes which was cleverly masked with a plastered smile. We exchanged numbers and we headed out with her in tow .At that moment, I noticed their intense glances, his hand briefly rubbing her waist when they thought I wasn’t staring .
Anyway, though uncomfortable with their antics, I ignored it because being a man of God didn’t mean he couldn't have a girlfriend “In the Lord”.

To cut the story short, I became a staunch churchgoer; I was so active in church, night vigils and all. I saw my life change. The dreams stopped. Everything I laid hands on was successful..Yea that was when I just started blogging.I was very active in church that I spent 90% of my time there. I would also go for weekday services. I loved my new life till that faithful day…

I was working hand in hand with him and I had noticed he was overtly friendly with females more than males. So, one night after a night vigil, he walked me home and when we got to my gate..I thanked him profusely for being a true man of God.I told him, thanks to his mentorship. When he inquired about my relationship state, I told him I had decided to stay celibate because no man can give me the peace ive gotten from God.I said I was now married to the church.

The nextday, he told me to accompany him to go and pay for Church airtime in a popular TV station..We did that and headed to lunch. During our lunch, after paying for the food, I helped him carry his tray to the table and I guess that was his weakness.He told me he had never met a beautiful girl who was humble, he told me how much that single action had affected his feelings and I presumed he meant Godly feelings..

So on this fateful day....he asked that we go to the beach ...I'm not one to lie, I was in awe of him and maybe somewhere deep in my heart I said...."it wont be a bad idea getting married to a pastor".Being with a pastor wasn't as boring as I thought. So , since I hadn't been out in a long while since the loss of my dad, I obliged.He first told me he had to pass through his house to get something..
I froze....but to my pleasure..he had me wait inthe car and rushed in to his house(I had never been to his house)
So we got to the beach where we were supposedly going to take in nature and commune with God.It was at the bar beach when we sat on the stones and my eyes were closed when i felt movement allover my body.I thought I was inthe spirit when I realized spirits don't kiss lips..I opened my eyes and there was my beloved pastor with lust in his eyes looking at me and he said "Emeh, I want to kiss you.I want to touch you. I've been wanting to ever since I set my eyes on you .I was spellbound.I couldn't believe this man who had made me believe so much in God,who made me spend sleepless nights in church trying to be close to God...i couldn't believe all he wanted to do was kiss me.He was human afterall. All his preaching about fornication were all lies...
""I'm sorry but its against the will of God" I said in amazement. I listened to him defend his lustful feelings.He didn't say he loved me...he didn't say he wanted to marry me..all he wanted was my body..
I told him I had to go home and as I got home, I tried to open my bible, but I just couldn't take my mind off that incident.
And so..I would miss mid-week service because each time I went there and saw him on that pulpit preaching,it broke my heart because I knew it was all a facade..I wondered if all of them were the same...'

He was concerned and called me so many times to find out why I was backsliding, I just gave an excuse here or there..
Then i totally cut off from Church. I stopped attending, I stopped believing real men of God exist.Even when he was transferred, I still couldn't being myself to go to church.

Eventually I did but it wasn't the same, the enthusiasm was gone, each time I saw a pastor on the pulpit, I remembered Pastor M , the man who made me fall out of love with "The Church"'


  1. Emeh this is so touching i shed a tear.Men of God these days are somethingelse.God will see you through dear

  2. Emeh. ℓ̊ S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ much L♥√ﻉ Ūя blog. Ūя write up differentiate Ūя blog from other blogs. Keep up D̶̲̥̅̊ Ģ☺☺d̶̲̥̅̊ work. Ω̴̩̩̩̥ №†̥ all pastors r fake.

  3. Rili sad! Anyway 2 divert alil,I hv dis serious prblm I tink am obsessed wit a guy. Met him a few weeks ago n there were no sparks,we exchanged nos,but I rili didn't send him. We got talkin a few days later,n not thing turns mi on like an intelligent guy,not to gloat,I like 2 tink am smart. Anyway,thing is he has a gf n I know all he wnts 2 do is slip wit mi. Am rili not d lovey dovey type. But God I like dis

    1. How does that concern this post... honestly

    2. Guy a lot,I know his nvr goin 2 leave his gf 4 mi. I wish I culd rid of these feelins,cos I know his a player. It's so bad dat his d last person tink of b4 I slip. Miss p don't mind mi,I jus needed 2 vent.he wants 2 hangout,but am scared 2,cos I don't wnt to do sometin I'll regret. I hv nvr felt so dumb, now I understnd y girls go afta oda girls' bfs. I nid 2 get rid of my feelins

    3. drop your number and i'll help you

    4. Yeah anon 00:00 drop ur number and the player would help you miraclsli...

  4. *sigh* I can relate! Men of God sha.

  5. I am glad you said it yourself that your life improved for the better when you started attending church. Yes, the pastor is wrong, but like you said he is just a man and has lustful feeling like any other. That he calls himself a 'man of God' doesn't actually make him one.

    I am sorry about the experience you had but I will be honest in my opinion. Many people will end up in hell because their pastors lack of practicing what he preached let them down. If your pastor is false, bring a case with evidence against him, or simply leave and join another church. Ask God for discernment, but do not give up on your fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ because of one man. After all there are 7 billion of us in this Earth.

    1. I strongly agree with you, I rili love the fact that you were aware of the your spirItual transformation during ur time of service to God.. Your story cracked me up tho #lolz#

    2. Emeh dear,
      The bible says in Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; Note it did not say (Man, Pastor e.t.c) I'm not going to deny that things like this happen in churches but you can't let it rob you of your salvation.
      please find your way back to church.

    3. Dear Emeh,
      Sorry bout your story but please find your way back to church. The bible already said not all who called me Lord will make heaven. So dont allow the pastor who calls God name but does otherwise make you loose heaven. God bless you.

  6. Hmmmmm.....not again.....not again...pls not again....

    Check out:

  7. Ur story looks like dat of ese.

    1. I agree the only difference is it didnt happen in London and she left

  8. I had same experience but it didn,t stop from going to church,the only thing i did was to go back to my formal church,catholic.My Emeh don,t let a man,s behaviour to dictate for you after all you go to church to worship God not Man.and thanks for rejecting his advances,that is the most noble thing to do. My peeps visit for political and national issues.please drop your opinion as you do.

  9. Emeh, don't allow that singular incident deter u from attending church services. Find a bible believing church and be an active member...we love u here in Jos (M and I)

  10. Be strong dear and move on....let the past belong to the past. God will see u through.

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  11. Emeh, your story is quite sad...but you must know that you are supposed to go to church. The book of Hebrews said, we should not forget the fellowship of the brethren.

    Unfortunately, we have men of God that can make one think God does not exist. God does exist and HE loves you so much.

    Happy New month y'all. Please be kind enough to visit, it's a Christian blog written just for you. After all the drama in the world, we all need Jesus, we need some good news to keep us strong.
    You started the year with the Lord, hope you are going to end the year with HIM. Keep closer to Jesus.

  12. Only God can save us,not church or man. Emeh thanks for telling this story coz something similar happened to me this year and i stopped going to church

  13. What a touching story Emeh .I suggest you go back to the catholic church.All these pentecostal churches are evil.ALL

    1. Eme darl,please go back to churchyou are going there to serve the Lord not Humans AND WHAT THEY PREACH.We go to church to show gratitude to God for making us see each day and achieve our goals.being close to God is important and would surely make your dad be a good girl and dont let next sunday pass you by.

    2. Not to judge buh jez in reply to ur diss of the pentecostal faith, isn't d catholic church whr dose pot-bellied, secret cult worshippin Knights are found? Remuv the wax in ur eyes b4 u tink abt d ones in mine biko

  14. No one can save you except the lord. I had a similar experience, rather i suffered something similar in the hands of my pastor dating my Ex behind me and when i found out i was told i had to grow up. This really pissed me off. But i resolved to be no one's disciple except the lord i look up to God and not to any man. so Emeh take heart and be strong, men may fail you but God will not. stay blessed you're doing a good job here. cheers

  15. My dear Emeh, dnt let a person(s) action stop u frm worshipping God..mayb u shuld go bk to b a peaceful Catholic, i derive joy in being a catholic becos it's peaceful

  16. Emeh!! No need to worry, so many things go on in the church these days, but one needs Grace to be able to pull through.. It shouldn't stop you from going to church. You should just stand your ground in the face of adversary. God will continue to help you.

  17. hmmm..Emeh,ur story is sure touching..lyk everyone has commented,don't allow a person who calls himself a man of God stop u from going to church...lyk we all know,heaven is a personal race..Stay strong,the lord will see yu through.

  18. But Emeh, you know that you wouldn't have an excuse before God on that day. Would you tell Him that a pastor made you stop going to church? My dear, run your personal race with God and don't let ANYONE make you fall out of the straight and narrow 'cos you would give account of yourself alone. Go back to the Catholic Church if you want.. can even find a bible-believing church and stick to your morals and beliefs there while running your race. There are a lot of fake churches out there, but is that why we should fall out with God?
    I'm glad you rebuffed his advances.

  19. Religion is not about church,many who go to church wont make it to heaven .So, it depends on your personal christian life with God.May God judge him

  20. @pwetty no church is scandal free show will one church dats is scandal free,lyk they said pope is in hell with micheal jackson,we believe in our heart and faith one thing I knw 4 sure is endtime they must rise false prophet must rise we only need God's grace to over come them cus he has given us the power to do us only if we are ignorant and want 2 perish 4 lack of knwoledge...and 4 u emeh pls keep going 2 the church ignore him and let his conscience fight him try it

  21. Super stowie, being ignorance or d law is not an xcuse 4u to break one, ur xprience is nt an xcuse 4u nt to serve ur maker, mind u, ur home is nt d best avenue for worship xcept u want to defeat God's plan of ordaining pastors. Christ neva told us christianity is bread and butter religion, it's d ryt way dats y u'll find so many discouraging act so 4u nt to av total trust in it. @pweety talking abt catholic i blive u dont study all u du is graze frm one blog to aoda, go and read abt spanish inquisition and dark Age u'll catholics gat alot of to repent frm cuz dey stand for no Bible truth. Anti emeh der is a God knowable to all man i pray u find Him, God bless.

  22. Emeh love, i understand ur plight and thats the major problem i have with these scandals, not everyone will experience such lustful desires from a person u reverence so much and still stand ur faith, as our faces differs so do our levels of faith. Hearing issues like this alone can make some people fall out of their faith thats why i strongly believe its a very serious sin. But the truth of the matter here is that the heavenly race is strictly personal, we will all stand individually b4 God on the last day and give accounts of what we did with our lives on earth and there'll be no excuses of pastor this and that made me loose faith. No church is holy, just 2 the church u want 2 go 2, take the word that u hear go home and apply into ur life. These problems start when u start joining groups and organisations within the church. My candid advice 2 u is to go 2 church, seek God's face and forget abt what one man or group of hooligans in the church are doing and 4 ur own good stay away from all sorts of group. Am a catholic and thats how i manage myself cos i hear stories every day so i go 2 church and walk out home immediately after mass, no familiarising. If i want prayers i put in intentions box, if i must talk 2 the priest abt any problem its strictly in d church after mass cos i don't want any problems. Bottom line Emeh dear pls go 2 church. Faith from constant hearing of the word of God.

  23. EMEH U ARE A LIAR! Idiot girl full of deceit,u had to bring in ur dead dad to get attention? Ur dad appeared to u for 2months LMAO, emeh pls stop forging stories,d dead has notin to do wth the living,I'm sure all u wrote are all lies nd pls respect ur dad even in death stop using him to lie! Even when he was alive u always insult him! Emeh u r a bastard fool! Goooosh

    1. And u are insane,wat the hell is ur problem? Can't u be normal for once? If u don't know wat to say just sharap bitch.

    2. May God punish you Joan.You are a dead bastard and im glad everyone on this blog knows you are just a sick jealous hater.Emeh keep up the good work

  24. Lmao Emeh u just cant help being a clown right..The part about spirit not kissing the lips made me roll on the floor, inc church.The pastor thought it was the annointing not knowing i was reading Miss P blog

  25. Its been a while i commented on any blog.I was born catholic and recently, I started attending a church that's been in the news for the wrong reason these past few weeks.I feel @ home in this church,I.see the need to be a better person and NO HUMAN's mistake will make me do different. Same should apply to u Emeh.

  26. I don’t just know how to start am just short of word’s Due to the help of Dr ken,This Dr ken has brought back happiness into my life that i have lacked for year,My name is David Nancy am from the United State of America,Am just so happy today and today has been the happiest day of my life and this happiness has brought me joy and am so happy,Because Dr ken brought back my lover Scot into my arms without any delay,After my lover left me for good 2years,i was in deep pain and always thinking because i truly loved Scot,Until a faithful day listen to the radio due to tiredness,Then in which i had a lady shouting in happiness about the great thing Dr ken has done how Dr ken brought back her lover back into her arms within 36hours,when i had that goodness i decided in contacting Dr ken immediately,Because i was desperate in getting in touch with him,So i got in touch with him,Which then i told him my problem and he promised in bringing back Scot back to my arms within 24hours,And then when i had that Scot would be back to my arms within 24hours i was so happy and waiting to feel Scot,And really Scot came into my arms within 24hours,Begging me for forgiveness,i was so happy when i saw Scot now my lover is fully back to my arms due to the help of this great man Dr ken who has bought back happiness into our great country(USA)Please friend in need of help you don’t need to go far all you need to do is for you to kindly contact Dr ken for help,Because he his trustworthy and straight forward,You can contact( he said he can cast the following spell , such as, to bring back your love one,lost money,get rich,get go result,get good job,get good husband,build and buy a car. etc, just contact him and tell him what you need, i am so happy to advertise for him

    1. So how do dis comment relate to dis post?? Or are u Joan's elder sister??

    2. This one don smoke Skunk. no be only dr ken na Kenny Ogungbe mumu blind fowl

  27. Nice writeup, but please go back to church. you can start by reading your bible daily,it would help build your faith.Remember it's not man we live for but God. please I beg u, go back to God and find peace

  28. OH God,emeh I am so sorry about your experience. Unfortunately I am in this same dilemma,but my own pastor wants to marry me,he says I am different,and he says he really likes me.
    Guys I need advice,I also feel the same way,but what if all he wants is my body,cause the other day he asked if I was stil a virgin and said he wasn't interested in a virgin cos ' I do not want start lesson'(in his words)...

    Goshhh guys,I was in church today and I felt gulity for even talking or liking him,maybe that's God telling me that I need to stop before things get out of hand!

    I need help guys


    1. said he wasn't interested in a virgin cos ' I do not want start lesson'(in his words)...

  29. OH God,emeh I am so sorry about your experience. Unfortunately I am in this same dilemma,but my own pastor wants to marry me,he says I am different,and he says he really likes me.
    Guys I need advice,I also feel the same way,but what if all he wants is my body,cause the other day he asked if I was stil a virgin and said he wasn't interested in a virgin cos ' I do not want start lesson'(in his words)...

    Goshhh guys,I was in church today and I felt gulity for even talking or liking him,maybe that's God telling me that I need to stop before things get out of hand!

    I need help guys


  30. Emeh, u shudnt say a human made u fall out of love with d church...wot u shud hav done was 2 pray...u dt ur goin 2 d beach wit ur "pastor", pls doze men hav blood running tru dre systems not water, u dnt expect all his organs 2 seize bcos he has d title pastor attached 2 his name...ur goin on lunch date n beach date wit ur pastor n dnt expect him 2 feel ma opinion u led him on!!!! If u didn't want it u wud hav prevented it.... So pls find ur way bk 2 d church...God needs u n wants u...u can go tru counsellin wit female pastors if u scared of male pastors,ok...*hugs*

  31. Don't let the activities of man derail you from a relationship with your Heavenly Father. It's God you are seeking, not man so if man disappoints you, why take it out on God. See it as you not giving up on finding love with a mortal man after others have hurt you. How much more your Heavenly Father who hasn't hurt you

    1. Exactly what I thought she even said it herself that everything did take off in her life, that is just to show you how wonderful and faithful God is, and that you should put your trust in him and not in men, the person disappointing wasn't God as God would never ever disappoint you,
      You know emeh this could have just been a test you know, and I think you fell, now don't get me wrong I'm judging you because I'm myself always rediscovering and nurturing back to life the precious relationship that I had with God, please emeh reparts vers ton Dieu car il est ton salut.
      Que le Seigneur te benisse.

  32. Eme go back to church ASAP

  33. go back to the catholic church since it is what u r used to. We are supposed to be attending church more than once in a week

  34. awww, emeh u write so well...good to know u r a Cameroonian like moi! Back to ur story...donot let any human being take u away from God...imagine the bliss u experienced when u started gox to church...go back.Princess

  35. Lol @ the people who think the Catholic church is not a "bible believing church". If you look at the whole content of the Holy Mass, 80 -90 % comes from the Bible.

    Emeh, find peace within yourself. Honour the sabbath day - go to church . You said you were used to being in communion with God. Find that peace again, try to attend Mass and see if it'll make it better - or ask about and understand the doctrines of the Catholic church.

    My father (of blessed memory too) tried to dissuade me from leaving the Catholic church - I started attending a Pentecostal church and for me , it wasn't as fulfilling as the Catholic church hence, I ran back to the Catholic church.

    This is my own personal journey of faith - its different from the next person. It's a personal experience and keep exploring it till you find where you are at peace at. Ask the Holy Spirit for discernment and move pass the bitterness. That pastor M isn't worth you missing out of the blessings of attending church.

    God help you gurl!

  36. Did Ese inspire this? Any ways don't allow ur experience with one pastor who fell to affect ur decision of getting close to God!remember when u got close to God u stopped seeing ur "dad"in ur dreams!


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