On her facebook wall,the actress wrote:
Why is it that every time an actress is about to wed, all kinds of stories start coming out from people who just don’t want them to be happy. And unfortunately,our beloved people that we entertain are quick to buy into these unfounded stories from d aggrieved ex-wives &mistresses. This is one of the reasons why I chose to keep my court wedding secret.I only want to state this once and for all, that my husband is married to only me in this whole world.When my husband arrived into Nigeria, saw an email sent to him by this white woman. In d email she was saying how much she misses him, & now realizing d true meaning of d popular saying, that,ONE DOES NOT KNOW THE VALUE OF WHAT THEY HAVE UNTILTHEY LOSE IT.Emails and text messages don’t lie.She also made other related comments.A day after my wedding,I got a call from her, saying she is Alex’s Ex-wife. I asked her how she got my two cell phone numbers. She raised her voice and was rude.
But why do most actresses prefer men who still havre unfinished biz with other women?just saying..
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I asked her what she wanted,since she & Alex are separated. She then said that the court granted Alex full access to their daughter,any time he wants to see her.She said she now wants d full custody of d child, now that Alex is married to me.And that he should come back & sign fresh custody papers.I cut off d phone,only for her to start sending text messages saying all sorts of things to create problems between Alex & I.replied that there is nothing in this world,she would say,that will make me not to stand by him.When she figured out that her plan wasn’t working, she started asking for all sorts of money & threatening to go to press & say all sorts of things to tarnish his good name. Alex asked me not to reply her messages.showed him d text message of her asking for money,he called her & d phonewas on speaker.He started asking her, what money she was being owed & who owed who. She hung up• a friend called my attention to a blog, where she was saying all sorts of nonsense about being married to Alex.Such a woman can go to any length to achieve her ulterior motives;including telling all sorts of lies that may seem to be true.What married woman wil be talking about re-drafting custody papers if she is stil married to the man Which woman would want to contest their divorce if truly,the man is such a horrible person as she has painted him to be?How can somebody who has changed her surname back to her maiden name, even changed her email address which had her husband’s name,back to her maiden name stil claim to be married to him?Alex is a reputable public figure, very calm, humble, hardworking, caring & honest artiste, loved by everybody.am d only one Alex O is married to,in this whole world; so, she can go,knock herself out on all d news media.It is such a big laugh,that someone who is 6 years older than I am,is calling me names & referring to me as ‘old.She can dent us how ever she wants, no more comments. I AM DONE AND I AM OUT.
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